What will people be saying about Trump when he is near death?

What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
The good people of the world will praise his accomplishments and express their sorrow that he is dying, but Democrats will still be talking about his sex life.

Shakespere knew what we would say
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare so let it be with Dump
Read more at: William Shakespeare Quotes
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
The good people of the world will praise his accomplishments and express their sorrow that he is dying, but Democrats will still be talking about his sex life.

Shakespere knew what we would say
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare so let it be with Dump
Read more at: William Shakespeare Quotes
That's what I said, the Democrats will still only be interested in his sex life.
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
The good people of the world will praise his accomplishments and express their sorrow that he is dying, but Democrats will still be talking about his sex life.

Shakespere knew what we would say
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare so let it be with Dump
Read more at: William Shakespeare Quotes
That's what I said, the Democrats will still only be interested in his sex life.
Yeah we'll cut off his penis and put it in the republican hall of shame
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
The good people of the world will praise his accomplishments and express their sorrow that he is dying, but Democrats will still be talking about his sex life.

Shakespere knew what we would say
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare so let it be with Dump
Read more at: William Shakespeare Quotes
That's what I said, the Democrats will still only be interested in his sex life.
Yeah we'll cut off his penis and put it in the republican hall of shame
It wouldn't be surprising if that were a plank in the next Democratic platform.
President Donald J. Trump will go down

in history as one of the Greatest Presidents

ever, make way on Mount Rushmore.......

History will not be kind to you liberal anarchist

who did your best to try and destroy Trump and America

with your lying media and all your bull shit....

Trump will be remembered for Making America Great Again...

You liberals will be remembered for the POS's you are.
Doubtful, since the people that do the ratings are mostly historians and political scientists, not reactionaries, racists, bigots, and isolationists. They have Obama ranked at number 8 between Reagan and Eisenhower. Right now Trump sits at number 44, the worst president ever.

You nut jobs are funny and sad all at the same time....

It has got to suck to be you...

What in the hell did obama ever do that was worth while?
If you really have to ask that question you don't deserve an answer You're one of the trump swine followers who believe every lie he spouts

The fact is you and all your leftie ilk are full of shit...
President Donald J. Trump will go down

in history as one of the Greatest Presidents

ever, make way on Mount Rushmore.......

History will not be kind to you liberal anarchist

who did your best to try and destroy Trump and America

with your lying media and all your bull shit....

Trump will be remembered for Making America Great Again...

You liberals will be remembered for the POS's you are.
Doubtful, since the people that do the ratings are mostly historians and political scientists, not reactionaries, racists, bigots, and isolationists. They have Obama ranked at number 8 between Reagan and Eisenhower. Right now Trump sits at number 44, the worst president ever.

You nut jobs are funny and sad all at the same time....

It has got to suck to be you...

What in the hell did obama ever do that was worth while?
If you really have to ask that question you don't deserve an answer You're one of the trump swine followers who believe every lie he spouts

The fact is you and all your leftie ilk are full of shit...
And your 300LB bag of dung in the WH isn't?? Gonna be surrounded by the brightest and the best?? He's up to his eyeballs in it and you, a follower of this vile liar ,are close to him
President Donald J. Trump will go down

in history as one of the Greatest Presidents

ever, make way on Mount Rushmore.......

History will not be kind to you liberal anarchist

who did your best to try and destroy Trump and America

with your lying media and all your bull shit....

Trump will be remembered for Making America Great Again...

You liberals will be remembered for the POS's you are.
Doubtful, since the people that do the ratings are mostly historians and political scientists, not reactionaries, racists, bigots, and isolationists. They have Obama ranked at number 8 between Reagan and Eisenhower. Right now Trump sits at number 44, the worst president ever.

You nut jobs are funny and sad all at the same time....

It has got to suck to be you...

What in the hell did obama ever do that was worth while?
If you really have to ask that question you don't deserve an answer You're one of the trump swine followers who believe every lie he spouts

The fact is you and all your leftie ilk are full of shit...
And your 300LB bag of dung in the WH isn't?? Gonna be surrounded by the brightest and the best?? He's up to his eyeballs in it and you, a follower of this vile liar ,are close to him

Rave on you idiot...………..
What will people be saying when Trump is in the same circumstance as John McCain is currently.
The good people of the world will praise his accomplishments and express their sorrow that he is dying, but Democrats will still be talking about his sex life.

Shakespere knew what we would say
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare so let it be with Dump
Read more at: William Shakespeare Quotes
That's what I said, the Democrats will still only be interested in his sex life.

too bad nobody on the right will remember Bills blow job

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