What Will It Take For McCarthy To Take The Hint?

Power-hungry politicians who can't let go, who will do anything to hold onto power, should not be in politics / power to begin with .

Yet you would vote for those doing just that.
What a fucking failure Joe Biden is. He's got to be the the first modern US "president" that doesn't even have a Congress.

:laughing0301: :lmao::21::auiqs.jpg:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #CLASSIC #LoserBiden
Yet you would vote for those doing just that.

Wow, snowflakes engaging in false accusations, attempting to speak for others, is in the rise this afternoon...

Thank you for that 'reading', Miss Cleo


I hear they will try to compromise with democrats just to get McCarthy in. Doesn't something look fishy about that?

I heard the opposite - that the dissenters refused to bargain with the Nazi democrats.

Bloomberg created a rumor that McCarthy was lobbying the squad to leave, so that he wouldn't need as many votes - but utterly nothing supports the claim.
McCarthy groveled and gave away whatever the opposition wanted

It got him zero additional votes

Time to start dealing with the Democrats
Democrats keep their word
No one loses until someone gets 218 - that's just a fact.

No reason to be hostile to me.

Once again - what is the outcome that you would like to see?

No one loses until someone gets 218 - that's just a fact.

No reason to be hostile to me.

Once again - what is the outcome that you would like to see?

So, one of the consistently best posters in the group is reduced to emoji's and smiley faces when asked a simple straightforward question.

McCarthy groveled and gave away whatever the opposition wanted

It got him zero additional votes

Time to start dealing with the Democrats
Democrats keep their word

Why bother? Joe Biden's presidency is over. He's dead in the water and doesn't have a paddle. He might as well pack his shit and go back to Scrotum, PA.

:laughing0301: :21::lmao::auiqs.jpg:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #LoserBiden #NoCongressForJoe
Why bother? Joe Biden's presidency is over. He's dead in the water and doesn't have a paddle. He might as well pack his shit and go back to Scrotum, PA.

:laughing0301: :21::lmao::auiqs.jpg:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #LoserBiden #NoCongressForJoe

Scrotum makes sense.
View attachment 745019

If you haven't succeeded after the 7th time, failure is obviously your thing.

If you are forced to make concession, agree to surrender to every demand made of you to get what you want...you really didn't 'win'.
- That isn't earning / winning people's votes, its buying the electuon.
Look, this group of 20 is a bunch of damn morons. Most of them haven't served a full two terms yet. I mean I know the making of sausage that is government is not pretty, but damn, at least I know what goes in the sausage, these yahoos don't even know that. I watched the Hannity clip, and I can't stand the guy. But damn he had the patience of Job while dealing with that ditzy bitch Boebert.

And I don't like McCarthy either, he has his finger in the wind and goes wherever the wind blows. But damn, he gave in on the biggest thing the group of 20 wanted, the motion to vacate, and that took some huge ass balls. If anyone is negotiating under false pretenses it is the group of 20, because as Boebert said, he granted the motion to vacate and yet she claims he has not completely obligated to it. Bullshit. And the motion to vacate is stupid. It has been used once in American history. The result, a failed motion but in the end, possibly the most powerful speaker of the house in American history was removed from office because his party, the Republican party, lost their majority come the next election.

And that is just it. This group of 20, they are stupid. Hell, I bet they don't know the history of the motion to vacate. I bet they couldn't name more than ten signors of the Declaration of Independence. I bet every damn one of them would say that George Washington signed it. And I know for a fact not a damn one of them knows what the Boston Tea Party was all about. It is insulting that they are in Congress. It is insulting that they are paid six figures. I mean Boebert, for real, high school dropout, teen mom, McDonald's cashier, are you flippin kidding me. Is that the direction the Republican party wants to take?

Let's be honest, this whole thing is a shit show, and a preview of precisely what the Congress of 2022 will be like, a clusterfuck. For thirty years the Republican party has continually shifted to the right, but 2022 will go down as the year they pushed it too far. It will be their downfall, and their path to the scrap heap of history.
Why bother? Joe Biden's presidency is over. He's dead in the water and doesn't have a paddle. He might as well pack his shit and go back to Scrotum, PA.

:laughing0301: :21::lmao::auiqs.jpg:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #LoserBiden #NoCongressForJoe
Good thing he got so much done before the Crazy took over the House.

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