What will Donald Trump do the first 100 days if he is elected as President?

Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Do you know how insurance works?
I know I got a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and without health insurance, I wouldn't have been able to pay for it.
I had surgery on my nose from a fight I won and I know without health insurance I wouldn't have been able to pay for it.
I had a hernia operation and without health insurance it would still be bulging.
I had pneumonia and without health insurance I wouldn't have been able to go into the hospital for help.

So even if I didn't know how it works, I do know what would have happened if I didn't have it.
Is there anyone who believes that a "healthcare savings account" would have paid for all that?

So you have no idea how insurance works, great, it's a teachable moment

The Medical Savings account is not in lieu of insurance, you still carry insurance for big ticket items.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

We can either allow US corporations that made profits overseas to bring that money back into the US to invest...injecting trillions of dollars into the economy and stimulating growth...or we can do what Hillary proposes and spend trillions on government programs to stimulate the economy which will have to be paid for by the taxpayer! Gee whiz...let's not do the former because it might be something good for corporations! Instead let's add trillions to the national debt which is already out of control!
Invest in what? Give some examples?

Manufacturing plants...automobile plants...housing developments...there are a myriad of things that US corporations could spend that money on...investment capital that would immediately put people to work and wouldn't increase the debt one penny. What part of that concept can't you grasp? Are you really so brainwashed that you think the only entity that can create a job is the Federal Government?
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Plus we already have health savings accounts. They are a great tax free way of saving up for covering deductibles. For the average American it's a drop in the bucket for anything more.
Yes, helping our Veterans is just soo 'insane.' He should be more 'sane' like Obama and Clinton. And completely fuck our Veterans.

Clinton Bootlickers are craaazy as all hell. :cuckoo:
Trump? Help our veterans? Like when he said he was going to give them 6 million and then had to be shamed into doing it. And he never even reached the six million dollar mark.

So after he stiffed them once, why on earth would you think he won't a second time? No one can possibly be that gullible.

How many millions has Bill and Hillary Clinton given to veterans? Have they given any? The military hates the Clinton's and they don't like the military in return. Hillary gives lip service to helping veterans but if it wasn't politically expedient she wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire!
Yes, helping our Veterans is just soo 'insane.' He should be more 'sane' like Obama and Clinton. And completely fuck our Veterans.

Clinton Bootlickers are craaazy as all hell. :cuckoo:
Trump? Help our veterans? Like when he said he was going to give them 6 million and then had to be shamed into doing it. And he never even reached the six million dollar mark.

So after he stiffed them once, why on earth would you think he won't a second time? No one can possibly be that gullible.

How many millions has Bill and Hillary Clinton given to veterans? Have they given any? The military hates the Clinton's and they don't like the military in return. Hillary gives lip service to helping veterans but if it wasn't politically expedient she wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire!

'Post of the Year' Nomination. :clap:
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Welll when you are paying over a grand a month and your policy is eighty twenty or you pay the first five grand before they pay anything it would be shorter than you think.......
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
You really are out of touch arent you
Yea, maybe I am. So out of touch, I refused to believe bullshit.

My brother for one.......his wife has lupas......funny since Ocare their rates have rocketed up and standards she has to meet to get certain treatment have been tweaked up so her suffering has increased........told him number of times to self insure.....Funny how Ocare policies have morphed into those crappy high deductible policies libs trashed
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, VA and whatever that the government has worked on to improve over time, even taking decades. In the America I used to know, it would be the same for Obamacare.

But Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. They would rather see millions of Americans go bankrupt, suffer and even die it they think it somehow hurts Obama or they are somehow "getting back at" Obama.
Welll when you are paying over a grand a month and your policy is eighty twenty or you pay the first five grand before they pay anything it would be shorter than you think.......
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
You really are out of touch arent you
Yea, maybe I am. So out of touch, I refused to believe bullshit.

My brother for one.......his wife has lupas......funny since Ocare their rates have rocketed up and standards she has to meet to get certain treatment have been tweaked up so her suffering has increased........told him number of times to self insure.....Funny how Ocare policies have morphed into those crappy high deductible policies libs trashed
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, VA and whatever that the government has worked on to improve over time, even taking decades. In the America I used to know, it would be the same for Obamacare.

But Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. They would rather see millions of Americans go bankrupt, suffer and even die it they think it somehow hurts Obama or they are somehow "getting back at" Obama.
Medicare and medicaid are disasters......which is why Ocare is too......duh
Yep. Bring in syrian isis plants give them $2300/mo while American veterans freeze outside or stand in lines at "shelters". Because "this is who we are".

It is truly shameful how Obama and Clinton have treated our Vets. They've treated Illegals and 'Refugees' far better. What a mess.
That is so ridiculous. The Republican congress funds the VA. And how do Republicans truly screw over Veterans? Let me count the ways.

In fact, there are so many ways, I could write about it from now until the election:


Obama and Clinton's VA is a tragic nightmare. You can spin it all you like, but Veterans know the truth. They are not supporting Hillary Clinton.
Actually, many don't know the truth:

Why Do Veterans Support Donald Trump? - BillMoyers.com

Even so, the support for Trump does seem hard to fathom. This is, after all, a man whose only experience of the military came in a New York military academy where his father hoped he’d learn to control his bad behavior. Trump avoided service in the Vietnam war with four student deferments and during the campaign mocked the nation’s most celebrated POW, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

As veterans who have been told we served to protect the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, we are outraged at the targeting of people because of their religious affiliation and we call on all political leaders to disavow all forms of hate speech and bigoted public-policy proposals. Further, as has been said by many security experts, anti-Muslim rhetoric and polices like banning Muslims from entering the US will give ISIL a recruiting tool. Calling the attacks “radical Islamism” are not helpful in confronting hate and creating an atmosphere of unity.

Asking why veterans support Trump is a legitimate question.

Obama and Clinton should be held accountable for their VA nightmare. It's happened on their watch. They are responsible. And most Veterans understand that. They'll hold her accountable at the Ballot Box. Period, end of story.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. It was under Bill Clinton that the VA was overhauled. It's because of Bill Clinton the VA is considered the best medical care in the world.
The military isn't complaining the VA is no good. They are complaining about the slow response time.

When the Republicans went to war under Bush, they did NOTHING to improve the VA knowing it would soon be filled with injured. You know what Republicans think of veterans. Once they fulfilled their job, fuck 'em. They shouldn't have gotten injured. That's what Republicans think of veterans.

Obama Stands Up For Veterans By Vowing To Veto GOP Bill That Cut Benefits For 70,000 Vets
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
You really are out of touch arent you
Yea, maybe I am. So out of touch, I refused to believe bullshit.

My brother for one.......his wife has lupas......funny since Ocare their rates have rocketed up and standards she has to meet to get certain treatment have been tweaked up so her suffering has increased........told him number of times to self insure.....Funny how Ocare policies have morphed into those crappy high deductible policies libs trashed
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, VA and whatever that the government has worked on to improve over time, even taking decades. In the America I used to know, it would be the same for Obamacare.

But Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. They would rather see millions of Americans go bankrupt, suffer and even die it they think it somehow hurts Obama or they are somehow "getting back at" Obama.
Medicare and medicaid are disasters......which is why Ocare is too......duh
Medicare and medicaid are disasters????

Oh, you like old people to suffer. Well, that's your kind. It's not my kind.
You really are out of touch arent you
Yea, maybe I am. So out of touch, I refused to believe bullshit.

My brother for one.......his wife has lupas......funny since Ocare their rates have rocketed up and standards she has to meet to get certain treatment have been tweaked up so her suffering has increased........told him number of times to self insure.....Funny how Ocare policies have morphed into those crappy high deductible policies libs trashed
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, VA and whatever that the government has worked on to improve over time, even taking decades. In the America I used to know, it would be the same for Obamacare.

But Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. They would rather see millions of Americans go bankrupt, suffer and even die it they think it somehow hurts Obama or they are somehow "getting back at" Obama.
Medicare and medicaid are disasters......which is why Ocare is too......duh
Medicare and medicaid are disasters????

Oh, you like old people to suffer. Well, that's your kind. It's not my kind.
Which of course I didnt say....just another lie
BTW its not a big secret Ocare was designed to fail so idiots like you would clamor for another govt solution.....GRUBERFOOL
Yea, because under Bush and the GOP, the cost of medical bills because the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans call that a job well done. Just like what they did in the Middle East and what they did with the economy. Is there anything the GOP touched that didn't turn to shit?
Yea, maybe I am. So out of touch, I refused to believe bullshit.

My brother for one.......his wife has lupas......funny since Ocare their rates have rocketed up and standards she has to meet to get certain treatment have been tweaked up so her suffering has increased........told him number of times to self insure.....Funny how Ocare policies have morphed into those crappy high deductible policies libs trashed
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, VA and whatever that the government has worked on to improve over time, even taking decades. In the America I used to know, it would be the same for Obamacare.

But Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. They would rather see millions of Americans go bankrupt, suffer and even die it they think it somehow hurts Obama or they are somehow "getting back at" Obama.
Medicare and medicaid are disasters......which is why Ocare is too......duh
Medicare and medicaid are disasters????

Oh, you like old people to suffer. Well, that's your kind. It's not my kind.
Which of course I didnt say....just another lie
So without Medicare and Medicaid, who suffers? Old people. You know that. Don't pretend you didn't.
Cliff, meet grandma. Popular GOP expression.
BTW its not a big secret Ocare was designed to fail so idiots like you would clamor for another govt solution.....GRUBERFOOL
Yea, because under Bush and the GOP, the cost of medical bills because the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans call that a job well done. Just like what they did in the Middle East and what they did with the economy. Is there anything the GOP touched that didn't turn to shit?
See you didnt deny your grubiness
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Welll when you are paying over a grand a month and your policy is eighty twenty or you pay the first five grand before they pay anything it would be shorter than you think.......
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

How is he going to do that? He says he's going to do things but doesn't say how it will get done.

The republicans have been using that issue for years. Mostly to say taxes on business is too high so it should be lowered to bring that money back.

Which is so stupid.

Cutting taxes only puts more money in the hands of the rich who don't spend it nor use it to create jobs. Tax cuts also creates more deficits and debt.

We tried cutting taxes in the reagan years. All it did was send our economy into a horrible tailspin and the worst recession since the republican great depression in the 1930s.

We tried cutting taxes in the bush boy years. That and deregulation collapsed our economy.

Tax cuts, the bush boy's wars and unfunded give away to the drug companies with expanding medicare to include drugs, reversed the balanced budget back to deficits and exploded the debt.

There was no deficit when the bush boy took office. When he left office it was 1.4 trillion dollars. Obama has slashed it in half so far.
We're 20 trillion in debt in this reality. Put the bong down. Cutting taxes stimulates business and the economy, it's been proven and that's how Trump proposes to increase GDP. He has said so many times, you are a liar.

Its been proven the opposite happens, the rich just get richer.
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Welll when you are paying over a grand a month and your policy is eighty twenty or you pay the first five grand before they pay anything it would be shorter than you think.......
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

How is he going to do that? He says he's going to do things but doesn't say how it will get done.

The republicans have been using that issue for years. Mostly to say taxes on business is too high so it should be lowered to bring that money back.

Which is so stupid.

Cutting taxes only puts more money in the hands of the rich who don't spend it nor use it to create jobs. Tax cuts also creates more deficits and debt.

We tried cutting taxes in the reagan years. All it did was send our economy into a horrible tailspin and the worst recession since the republican great depression in the 1930s.

We tried cutting taxes in the bush boy years. That and deregulation collapsed our economy.

Tax cuts, the bush boy's wars and unfunded give away to the drug companies with expanding medicare to include drugs, reversed the balanced budget back to deficits and exploded the debt.

There was no deficit when the bush boy took office. When he left office it was 1.4 trillion dollars. Obama has slashed it in half so far.
We're 20 trillion in debt in this reality. Put the bong down. Cutting taxes stimulates business and the economy, it's been proven and that's how Trump proposes to increase GDP. He has said so many times, you are a liar.

Its been proven the opposite happens, the rich just get richer.

Do explain the explosion of income inequality under Obama......
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.

Welll when you are paying over a grand a month and your policy is eighty twenty or you pay the first five grand before they pay anything it would be shorter than you think.......
Who is paying over a grand a month? I never heard that before.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

How is he going to do that? He says he's going to do things but doesn't say how it will get done.

The republicans have been using that issue for years. Mostly to say taxes on business is too high so it should be lowered to bring that money back.

Which is so stupid.

Cutting taxes only puts more money in the hands of the rich who don't spend it nor use it to create jobs. Tax cuts also creates more deficits and debt.

We tried cutting taxes in the reagan years. All it did was send our economy into a horrible tailspin and the worst recession since the republican great depression in the 1930s.

We tried cutting taxes in the bush boy years. That and deregulation collapsed our economy.

Tax cuts, the bush boy's wars and unfunded give away to the drug companies with expanding medicare to include drugs, reversed the balanced budget back to deficits and exploded the debt.

There was no deficit when the bush boy took office. When he left office it was 1.4 trillion dollars. Obama has slashed it in half so far.
We're 20 trillion in debt in this reality. Put the bong down. Cutting taxes stimulates business and the economy, it's been proven and that's how Trump proposes to increase GDP. He has said so many times, you are a liar.

Its been proven the opposite happens, the rich just get richer.
Nope. GDP went way up with Reagan's tax cuts. Libs know so much that isn't true.

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