What we can learn from Fred Korematsu, 75 years after the Supreme Court ruled against him


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
These are some of those adverse court rulings that set precedence against the rights of people of color in the U.S. to which I oftentimes refer

b. 17, 2019, 3:10 AM PST
By Charles Lam

“This was a case that involved a massive travesty of justice to a minority group … who were denied basic due process, the right to a trial, the right to a notice of the charges, the right to attorneys even."

Legal scholars have long considered Korematsu v. United States as a part of the “anticanon” — a collection of high-profile Supreme Court cases that were wrongly decided — alongside Plessy v. Ferguson and Dred Scott v. Sandford.

The Korematsu ruling 75 years ago held that the executive order authorizing World War II-era Japanese-American incarceration was constitutional. Plessy upheld the constitutionality of segregation and Dred Scott held that people of African descent could not be U.S. citizens.


When Japanese Americans were caged: 75 years after Executive Order 9066

The Korematsu case has a conflicted legacy: While Fred Korematsu’s conviction was eventually overturned and the decision has been repudiated by numerous scholars, judicial nominees, and the Supreme Court itself, some argue that the principles at the foundation of the decision are still prevalent today. And while some lessons have been learned, there is more work to be done.

"The first executive order that President [Donald] Trump issued Jan. 27, 2017 was about the Muslim [travel] ban and it immediately raised the alarming parallels to the forefront of my father’s fight for justice and the racial profiling of the Japanese American community in 1942,” his daughter Karen Korematsu, executive director of the Korematsu Institute, said.

What we can learn from Fred Korematsu, 75 years after the Supreme Court ruled against him
lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?
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lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Yews, I realize a bunch of left wingers got appointed as Federal Judges and went about rewriting and revising history to fit their political agendas and those who appointed them. so what? what 'damage' occurred? The Japanese here in the U.S. were fanatical fans of their home country's conquests and butchery, and almost none of them ever reported Japanese agents trying to recruit spies among American Japanese, and a third of resident Japanese weren't citizens at all, and would never be citizens, and then only the West Coast Japanese were interned, none from the Midwest or east coasts were interned. What a bunch of left wing commies did in the 80's up to now means nothing at all, just posturing and grandstanding shallowness; none of those 'reparations' came out of the pockets of those who stumped for them, just those 'reparations' black people hope to use the Japanese example for will not come from the pockets of rich white people.

Yeah, we know your interest in this fake ' empathy' is peddling the 'reparations' angle. The idea that blacks care about other races is laughable; black people have never freed anybody. In fact, when they were freed and sent back to the homeland, they immediately set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Liberia. lol
That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

No,it means a bunch of racist traitors and left wing America haters got appointed to judgeships.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Ever wonder why that is a stupid argument, since none of them operated their terrorist cells from Saudi? Where was Bin Laden when we got him?
lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Yews, I realize a bunch of left wingers got appointed as Federal Judges and went about rewriting and revising history to fit their political agendas and those who appointed them. so what? what 'damage' occurred? The Japanese here in the U.S. were fanatical fans of their home country's conquests and butchery, and almost none of them ever reported Japanese agents trying to recruit spies among American Japanese, and a third of resident Japanese weren't citizens at all, and would never be citizens, and then only the West Coast Japanese were interned, none from the Midwest or east coasts were interned. What a bunch of left wing commies did in the 80's up to now means nothing at all, just posturing and grandstanding shallowness; none of those 'reparations' came out of the pockets of those who stumped for them, just those 'reparations' black people hope to use the Japanese example for will not come from the pockets of rich white people.

Yeah, we know your interest in this fake ' empathy' is peddling the 'reparations' angle. The idea that blacks care about other races is laughable; black people have never freed anybody. In fact, when they were freed and sent back to the homeland, they immediately set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Liberia. lol

We freed ourselves dumb ass.. And we are owed reparations.

Housing discrimination as a basis for Black reparations
Ever wonder why that is a stupid argument, since none of them operated their terrorist cells from Saudi? Where was Bin Laden when we got him?
It's not an argument it was a question. And Bin Laden is one person, I was asking about the hijackers who were all allegedly Saudi nationals.

So tell us the last year Bun Laden was resident in Saudi Arabia, and then tell us the last Saudi who committed a terrorist act and his last year of residency in Saudi Arabia, then tell us the date Trump want is embargo, and see if the dates match anything. You won't do this of course, since the agenda is just to lie and make up fake news.
lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Yews, I realize a bunch of left wingers got appointed as Federal Judges and went about rewriting and revising history to fit their political agendas and those who appointed them. so what? what 'damage' occurred? The Japanese here in the U.S. were fanatical fans of their home country's conquests and butchery, and almost none of them ever reported Japanese agents trying to recruit spies among American Japanese, and a third of resident Japanese weren't citizens at all, and would never be citizens, and then only the West Coast Japanese were interned, none from the Midwest or east coasts were interned. What a bunch of left wing commies did in the 80's up to now means nothing at all, just posturing and grandstanding shallowness; none of those 'reparations' came out of the pockets of those who stumped for them, just those 'reparations' black people hope to use the Japanese example for will not come from the pockets of rich white people.

Yeah, we know your interest in this fake ' empathy' is peddling the 'reparations' angle. The idea that blacks care about other races is laughable; black people have never freed anybody. In fact, when they were freed and sent back to the homeland, they immediately set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Liberia. lol

We freed ourselves dumb ass.. And we are owed reparations.

Housing discrimination as a basis for Black reparations

lol no you didn't, and not only that, most African nations whined and objected to having to sign an anti-slavery pledge for membership in the League Of Nations in 1927. Black people loved slavery, still do, as long as they're not personally slaves. And you already got your reparations during Reconstruction; too bad your own politicians sold you out then, just as they sell you out every day now.

All you 'reparations' rubbish is just you drying out for Whitey to take of you again, since you know you can't do anything yourselves.
So tell us the last year Bun Laden was resident in Saudi Arabia, and then tell us the last Saudi who committed a terrorist act and his last year of residency in Saudi Arabia, then tell us the date Trump want is embargo, and see if the dates match anything. You won't do this of course, since the agenda is just to lie and make up fake news.
Of course I'm not going to answer "when" because I have no first hand knowledge of those dates but more importantly, again I'm not talking about Bin Laden. He's one person. I'm talking about the 19 individuals who were alledged to have been Saudi national and were living right here in the good ole U.S. of A while supposedly training in preparation for the 9/11 attacks. I thought Trump stated that the purpose of the Muslim ban was to prevent terrorists from entering our country and committing additional acts like those that occured on 9/11 yet there was no attempt to ban Saudis from entering the country when according to our government, they were the country who produced the only group of terrorists to carry out the most deadly attack ever committed on American soil.

So where's the lie and what is the agenda? I'm not making up anything I'm bringing up statements that our own government has made. Why's that got you so twisted?
lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Yews, I realize a bunch of left wingers got appointed as Federal Judges and went about rewriting and revising history to fit their political agendas and those who appointed them. so what? what 'damage' occurred? The Japanese here in the U.S. were fanatical fans of their home country's conquests and butchery, and almost none of them ever reported Japanese agents trying to recruit spies among American Japanese, and a third of resident Japanese weren't citizens at all, and would never be citizens, and then only the West Coast Japanese were interned, none from the Midwest or east coasts were interned. What a bunch of left wing commies did in the 80's up to now means nothing at all, just posturing and grandstanding shallowness; none of those 'reparations' came out of the pockets of those who stumped for them, just those 'reparations' black people hope to use the Japanese example for will not come from the pockets of rich white people.

Yeah, we know your interest in this fake ' empathy' is peddling the 'reparations' angle. The idea that blacks care about other races is laughable; black people have never freed anybody. In fact, when they were freed and sent back to the homeland, they immediately set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Liberia. lol

We freed ourselves dumb ass.. And we are owed reparations.

Housing discrimination as a basis for Black reparations

lol no you didn't, and not only that, most African nations whined and objected to having to sign an anti-slavery pledge for membership in the League Of Nations in 1927. Black people loved slavery, still do, as long as they're not personally slaves. And you already got your reparations during Reconstruction; too bad your own politicians sold you out then, just as they sell you out every day now.

All you 'reparations' rubbish is just you drying out for Whitey to take of you again, since you know you can't do anything yourselves.

Unfortunately for you, I know more about this than you and you are simply incorrect.

For example, most of Africa was colonized and under white rule in 1927.
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lol another snivel re the wise WW II internment of Japanese, and some lame inane attempt at comparing it to the Trump travel ban from known terrorist countries.

What you mean to say is that as long as they don't blow up black buildings you're just fine with terrorists operating in the U.S.. Well, unless a Democrat does it, in which case you'll be all about 'safety' then, of course. FDR didn't have the time to run around hearing thousands of individual cases, we found ourselves in a war, not a UN debating club. Trump did the right thing, and so did FDR. You should concern yourself about the stupidity of black people becoming Muslims, which is severely retarded when one notes that Arab countries had an active African slave trade for many centuries, and yet there are hardly any blacks in the ME population east of Egypt. Not curious about why that is, while 'Evul Racist White Amerika' has millions upon millions of blacks and other minorities?

Of course, 'racism' is only of interest to blacks as a scam to get lots of bling out the government, not any genuine empathy for their own people. Cop baiting is a big industry now.
You do realize that all of those rulings were eventually rectified through consitutional amendment or other legal constructs but not before a lot of damage occurred. In fact, the Japanese Americans were eventually paid reparations for the violations of their rights and received a formal apology.

That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

As far as Trump, have you ever even wondered why Saudi Arabia was not on the "Muslim ban" list if the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks were all from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't logic dictate that they top the list?

Yews, I realize a bunch of left wingers got appointed as Federal Judges and went about rewriting and revising history to fit their political agendas and those who appointed them. so what? what 'damage' occurred? The Japanese here in the U.S. were fanatical fans of their home country's conquests and butchery, and almost none of them ever reported Japanese agents trying to recruit spies among American Japanese, and a third of resident Japanese weren't citizens at all, and would never be citizens, and then only the West Coast Japanese were interned, none from the Midwest or east coasts were interned. What a bunch of left wing commies did in the 80's up to now means nothing at all, just posturing and grandstanding shallowness; none of those 'reparations' came out of the pockets of those who stumped for them, just those 'reparations' black people hope to use the Japanese example for will not come from the pockets of rich white people.

Yeah, we know your interest in this fake ' empathy' is peddling the 'reparations' angle. The idea that blacks care about other races is laughable; black people have never freed anybody. In fact, when they were freed and sent back to the homeland, they immediately set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Liberia. lol

We freed ourselves dumb ass.. And we are owed reparations.

Housing discrimination as a basis for Black reparations

lol no you didn't, and not only that, most African nations whined and objected to having to sign an anti-slavery pledge for membership in the League Of Nations in 1927. Black people loved slavery, still do, as long as they're not personally slaves. And you already got your reparations during Reconstruction; too bad your own politicians sold you out then, just as they sell you out every day now.

All you 'reparations' rubbish is just you drying out for Whitey to take of you again, since you know you can't do anything yourselves.

Unfortunately for you, I know more about this than you and you are simply incorrect.

For example, most of Africa was colonized and under white rule in 1927.

Lol now you're trying to hop around and hope to hide the facts, as is typical of liars and propagandists. the anti-slavery movement in Africa was begun by British Christian activists in the 19th Century. No African government supported them then, and no African govt. supported them through most of the 20th Century, either. Unfortunately for you, you don't know squat about any of it, just parroting some silly black racist propaganda. Black people never freed anybody, from anything, and wouldn't dream of doing so today either. You turn your own housing projects into complete graffitti and garbage covered shitholes, complete with crack heads and thugs on every corner almost overnight when they opened, so pspare us your stupid 'reparations' claims; you've already got far more that you're worth, and pissed it all away and crying for more. You love wallowing in your own shit and sewage.

Colonization is the only thing good that happened to Africa. with it came commercial farming, railroads, medical clinics, literacy for some who wanted it, protection from each other, mostly. When Whitey leaves, you revert back to tribal atavism and looting.
That means not only what our government did was wrong, but the Supreme Court rulings upholding the government's actions were wrong as well.

No,it means a bunch of racist traitors and left wing America haters got appointed to judgeships.


Now you’re calling Ronald Reagan a “left wing America hating race traitor? Who the fuck still says “race traitor” anymore? You’re a cartoon character.

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