What was that again about a hearing?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Once again the old adage of follow the money holds true. These clowns are going to lose in the end because of this horribly unethical behavior. Just like BP got slammed (rightfully so) for their unethical behavior so too will these idiots.

It allways amazes me that they think the General Public is so stupid. Other than a few cultists the majority now know that they have been lied to, and they are pissed!
Get over it, Walleyes. Your boys lied, the people they lied about were investigated, and found to be innocent of everything but hard feelings about your crop of liars.
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So, the politicians in Great Britain also take petro company money. Amazing, eh?

They scream and holler themselves into a lather, the exoneration stands, and, like Inhofe here, they just paint themselves as tools and fools.
Get over it, Walleyes. Your boys lied, the people they lied about were investigated, and found to be innocent of everything but hard feelings about your crop of liars.


There's MUCH more to come bucko!

Parliament misled over Climategate report, says MP ? The Register

Lawrence Solomon: Reopen Climategate hearings, says UK parliamentarian

'Climategate' shows the need for openness by scientists | Environment | The Observer

Climategate is nothing more than a made up controversy perpretrated by those who've lost the scientific battle, but carry on because they are really fighting a political battle and don't really care what the truth is, one way or the other.
Get over it, Walleyes. Your boys lied, the people they lied about were investigated, and found to be innocent of everything but hard feelings about your crop of liars.


There's MUCH more to come bucko!

Parliament misled over Climategate report, says MP ? The Register

Lawrence Solomon: Reopen Climategate hearings, says UK parliamentarian

'Climategate' shows the need for openness by scientists | Environment | The Observer

Climategate is nothing more than a made up controversy perpretrated by those who've lost the scientific battle, but carry on because they are really fighting a political battle and don't really care what the truth is, one way or the other.

Yeah right konrad,

If what you say is true why are the governments of the world abandoning their programs to combat "climate change" as you cultists had to rebrand it after the warming failed to materialize.
Like your claims about the scientists, your claims concerning the lack of present warming is just as bogus.



Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

And Anthony has a very good analysis of the whole issue. Not that you'll ever read it becaue that would make your brain hurt.

And following that is an interesting little tid bit where GISS admits to "extrapolating" data where none exists. Real scientific there.

Greenland Hype Meltdown | Watts Up With That?

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