What was he thinking?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
What had to be on President Obama's mind? On September 16th, Obama visited Emory University Hospital, during the visit, he 'hugged and kissed' nurses who were involved in treating a doctor who had come down with Ebola. Yeah, that's right folks. Not a week after the man arrived at the hospital on September 9th, Obama risked becoming infected with the disease himself. I wish ill on no man, but this kind of carelessness can only bring about disaster.

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama expressed confidence Wednesday that the government's response to the Ebola epidemic will be effective after a meeting with his top cabinet secretaries at the White House.

"The key thing to understand about this disease is these protocols work," Obama said, referring to the government's strategy of identifying, isolating and then monitoring the contacts of people sick with the disease. "We know that because they've been used for decades now."

Concern about the protocols has mounted since two nurses in Dallas became sick after caring for the late Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to be diagnosed with the disease in the United States. Earlier on Wednesday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the second nurse who became infected had violated protocol by traveling aboard a commercial flight the day before she started having symptoms.

Obama said he had no fear of catching Ebola last month when he visited Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where doctors successfully treated three Americans who'd been infected in Africa.

"I shook hands with, hugged, and kissed, not the doctors, but a couple of the nurses at Emory because of the valiant work that they did," Obama said. "In treating one of the patients, they followed the protocols, they knew what they were doing, and I felt perfectly safe doing so."

Obama: I 'Hugged And Kissed' Nurses Treating Ebola Patients In Atlanta
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