What to expect if Dementia Joe wins

Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
And if all of that happens, Republicans will have no one to blame but themselves, for that state of affairs...

Why will Republicans be at-fault over this?

Because you fielded and enabled an arrogant, ignorant, lying, amoral, greedy, grasping, unethical, amoral and incompetent POS as your standard-bearer...

And that's a damned shame, too, because in several ways, it's a case of "Right message, wrong messenger"...

Unfortunately, your Orange Baboon-God is an autocratic existential danger to the Republic and the Rule of Law and the Constitution itself...

You've forced the hand of America with your POS... he's just too high a price to pay... economy or no... illegals or no... China or no...

He's got to go... even if it means that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has to step-up as a Placeholder President until someone better can be brought to the forefront...

He's got to go... at virtually any political cost... he's that bad... sorriest excuse for a US President we've seen in... well... maybe forever...

And it's not his track record... that's something you clowns just don't get... it's his self-centered, self-serving, corrupt, amoral, shameful personality...

Americans deserve better and, on November 3rd, they're going to make those arrangements... :p
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
Senile Joe is going to lose i have no doubt about that :smoke:

I refuse to believe that the Good Lord vanquished Hillary, only to allow the country to be turned over to genuine godless Marxists
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
The list of actual conservatives coming out against Trump continues to grow.

This one is actually a little scary: ‘He’s Destroyed Conservatism’: The Republican Case Against Trump’s GOP
I read some of the dribble till I got to the part about Trump being Hitler and a terrorist.

Really? This is pretty low, even for you.

Interesting fact: Trump is the first President I think since Carter not to start a war. Is this what makes him Hitler I wonder? And who has Trump murdered? What makes him a terrorist? This is pure BS.

Another interesting fact, Trump was never called a racist UNTIL he decided to run for President. Then all of sudden he was labeled a racist like all other Republicans running for President since Eike by the DNC media.

As for the GOP running on the lie of conservatism, there is a lot of truth to this, and this guy admits to his lies. So he expects us to believe him now? LOL.

Tell us, how has the GOP been conservative before Trump? Was it the $30 trillion debt they helped run up? Was it the drugs for seniors entitlement that "W" passed that rivaled the LBJ entitlement policies in cost and scope? Was it the endless wars the US has been around the world? Or was it justices "W" appointed like Roberts who keep voting with the Leftists? What EXACTLY was conservative about the GOP at the national level before Trump dolt?
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
You mean like the National Socialists of Germany?

No thanks.

Naturally, people like you will object to being called a Nazi because you are a socialist. Yep, you will sit there and say that Germany was not really a socialist nation because government did not run industry directly, and that is about the only distinction between socialism/communism and Nazi Germany. But as Hitler said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?"

Hitler knew that leaving the experts to run industry made his a superior model over Stalinist Russia where Stalin had murdered all of his generals before the war because Stalin murdered millions more than Hitler.

These are all facts that you will REFUSE to concede, but the truth nonetheless.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.

Neither Marxists or Nazis are welcome here... but Marxists even more so.

To be frank I have never met a Nazi, but communists are everywhere. Maybe if I could check under the beds, and in the closets of the far leftists...
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.
And Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in South America until Chavez took over. Now they are the poorest.

But when talk about socialism, like Bernie Sanders does, it is really hard to know what the hell he is talking about because he praises socialist Venezuela, where there is no privatized industry and the government has death squads roaming around killing perceived political opponents, to Europe where they still allow private industry to continue. In fact, today some parts of Europe are less socialist than the US today. Take Switzerland, for example. Here you have a country with the most stringent immigration policies in the world, and all of their citizens are trained to use and own automatic weapons to defend their state because they have NO military.

BECAUSE Bernie thinks that both Europe and hell holes like Venezuela and the former USSR and Cub a are superior models to the US is what makes him a danger to us all. And his vacuous followers like AOC make it worse.

ONLY those that love America can see the difference between a place like Cuba, where people jump on inner tubes hoping that the current takes them to Florida, for freedom, and the US.
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Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.

Neither Marxists or Nazis are welcome here... but Marxists even more so.

To be frank I have never met a Nazi, but communists are everywhere. Maybe if I could check under the beds, and in the closets of the far leftists...

And why is it that being a Marxist is PC? A large part is the fact that the world fought the Nazi regime, along with their death camps which has made it a universal symbol of evil. But being national socialists, the Left did a clever thing. Through academia they created a political spectrum with communism on the left and Nazism on the right. Well great, but what is the scale measuring exactly, especially since the Nazi regime self identified as socialists? LOL. Also, victors in war write the history, so since Stalin helped vanquish the Nazi regime, he and his thugs helped with propaganda, not just in their country, but around the world as well and have not stopped since.

But for the record, Stalin made a peace pact with Hitler to divide Poland when Hitler invaded Poland, but the Allies only declared war on Hitler and not Stalin. Both Hitler and Stalin were really two peas in the same pod, but being murderous Marxist-like monsters, it was only a matter of time before they started killing each other.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.
And Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in South America until Chavez took over.

But when talk about socialism, like Bernie Sanders does, it is really hard to know what the hell he is talking about because he praises socialist Venezuela, where there is no privatized industry and the government has death squads roaming around killing perceived political opponents, to Europe where they still allow private industry to continue. In fact, today some parts of Europe are less socialist than the US today. Take Switzerland, for example. Here you have a country with the most stringent immigration policies in the world, and all of their citizens are trained to use and own automatic weapons to defend their state because they have NO military.

BECAUSE Bernie thinks that both Europe and hell holes like Venezuela and the former USSR and Cub a are superior models to the US is what makes him a danger to us all. And his vacuous followers like AOC make it worse.

ONLY those that love America can see the difference between a place like Cuba, where people jump on inner tubes hoping that the current takes them to Florida, for freedom, and the US.

No privatized industry in Venezuela? What?? The Venezuelan government spends less than the US government relative to economy, they make very stupid socialist decisions getting in everyone's faces who is productive. Socialists can destroy even without nationalizing everything.

With regards to Switzerland I wonder if their success to resist free shit has something to do with rejection of the similar democratic system to other countries. The system has failed everywhere and should be especially revamped here given that it can't guarantee the freedoms the country was built upon.

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Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.
And Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in South America until Chavez took over.

But when talk about socialism, like Bernie Sanders does, it is really hard to know what the hell he is talking about because he praises socialist Venezuela, where there is no privatized industry and the government has death squads roaming around killing perceived political opponents, to Europe where they still allow private industry to continue. In fact, today some parts of Europe are less socialist than the US today. Take Switzerland, for example. Here you have a country with the most stringent immigration policies in the world, and all of their citizens are trained to use and own automatic weapons to defend their state because they have NO military.

BECAUSE Bernie thinks that both Europe and hell holes like Venezuela and the former USSR and Cub a are superior models to the US is what makes him a danger to us all. And his vacuous followers like AOC make it worse.

ONLY those that love America can see the difference between a place like Cuba, where people jump on inner tubes hoping that the current takes them to Florida, for freedom, and the US.

No privatized industry in Venezuela? What?? The Venezuelan government spends less than the US government relative to economy, they make very stupid socialist decisions getting in everyone's faces who is productive. Socialists can destroy even without nationalizing everything.

With regards to Switzerland I wonder if their success to resist free shit has something to do with rejection of the similar democratic system to other countries. The system has failed anywhere and should be especially revamped here given that it can't guarantee the freedoms the country was built upon.
The fact that literal Marxist reject capitalism makes them less of a threat than the Nazi/China model where they embrace it just enough to create economic super powers to destroy the world much easier.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.

Neither Marxists or Nazis are welcome here... but Marxists even more so.

To be frank I have never met a Nazi, but communists are everywhere. Maybe if I could check under the beds, and in the closets of the far leftists...

And why is it that being a Marxist is PC? A large part is the fact that the world fought the Nazi regime, along with their death camps which has made it a universal symbol of evil. But being national socialists, the Left did a clever thing. Through academia they created a political spectrum with communism on the left and Nazism on the right. Well great, but what is the scale measuring exactly, especially since the Nazi regime self identified as socialists? LOL. Also, victors in war write the history, so since Stalin helped vanquish the Nazi regime, he and his thugs helped with propaganda, not just in their country, but around the world as well and have not stopped since.

But for the record, Stalin made a peace pact with Hitler to divide Poland when Hitler invaded Poland, but the Allies only declared war on Hitler and not Stalin. Both Hitler and Stalin were really two peas in the same pod, but being murderous Marxist-like monsters, it was only a matter of time before they started killing each other.

Again, being Marxist here is not acceptable.

But I can tell you why everyone bashes Nazis - that is because they lost the war and no longer exist in any meaningful quantity. Thus an easy target to bash that can not bite back. And of course, as socialists... because they should be...
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.

Neither Marxists or Nazis are welcome here... but Marxists even more so.

To be frank I have never met a Nazi, but communists are everywhere. Maybe if I could check under the beds, and in the closets of the far leftists...

And why is it that being a Marxist is PC? A large part is the fact that the world fought the Nazi regime, along with their death camps which has made it a universal symbol of evil. But being national socialists, the Left did a clever thing. Through academia they created a political spectrum with communism on the left and Nazism on the right. Well great, but what is the scale measuring exactly, especially since the Nazi regime self identified as socialists? LOL. Also, victors in war write the history, so since Stalin helped vanquish the Nazi regime, he and his thugs helped with propaganda, not just in their country, but around the world as well and have not stopped since.

But for the record, Stalin made a peace pact with Hitler to divide Poland when Hitler invaded Poland, but the Allies only declared war on Hitler and not Stalin. Both Hitler and Stalin were really two peas in the same pod, but being murderous Marxist-like monsters, it was only a matter of time before they started killing each other.

Again, being Marxist here is not acceptable.

But I can tell you why everyone bashes Nazis - that is because they lost the war and no longer exist in any meaningful quantity. Thus an easy target to bash that can not bite back.
The sad part is, even after the history and mass destruction and horrific outcomes, there are those who still embrace Nazism.

In fact, as those in Venezuela are eating out of garbage cans I would bet that they are all still sold on Marxism.

I recently read up on Jim Jones, the man who started off as a Methodist minister, but then started down the road of Marxism and "racial equality". Suffice it to say, the church was not Left wing enough so he goes to South America where they are more Left wing. He then has his followers go with him and they all drink the cool aid and commit mass suicide.

There is something about these ideologies that causes this cult like fanaticism, and it is pretty scary. Once you drink the cool aid, there is no going back.
The list of actual conservatives coming out against Trump continues to grow.

This one is actually a little scary: ‘He’s Destroyed Conservatism’: The Republican Case Against Trump’s GOP
I read some of the dribble till I got to the part about Trump being Hitler and a terrorist.

Really? This is pretty low, even for you.

Interesting fact: Trump is the first President I think since Carter not to start a war. Is this what makes him Hitler I wonder? And who has Trump murdered? What makes him a terrorist? This is pure BS.

Another interesting fact, Trump was never called a racist UNTIL he decided to run for President. Then all of sudden he was labeled a racist like all other Republicans running for President since Eike by the DNC media.

As for the GOP running on the lie of conservatism, there is a lot of truth to this, and this guy admits to his lies. So he expects us to believe him now? LOL.

Tell us, how has the GOP been conservative before Trump? Was it the $30 trillion debt they helped run up? Was it the drugs for seniors entitlement that "W" passed that rivaled the LBJ entitlement policies in cost and scope? Was it the endless wars the US has been around the world? Or was it justices "W" appointed like Roberts who keep voting with the Leftists? What EXACTLY was conservative about the GOP at the national level before Trump dolt?
You're a good Trumpster.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Who cares? They are still totalitarian
It amazes me that it is PC to call yourself a Marxist today but not a Nazi, considering Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people.

In fact, it is down right scary because these people are on the verge of taking over yet the press is obsessed with small KKK or neo-Nazi rallies, as if they are really a threat.

Neither Marxists or Nazis are welcome here... but Marxists even more so.

To be frank I have never met a Nazi, but communists are everywhere. Maybe if I could check under the beds, and in the closets of the far leftists...

.…as Martin Amis put it, 'Bolshevism was exportable and produced near-identical results elsewhere. Nazism could not be duplicated. Compared to it, the other fascist states were simply amateurish' (Amis, 'Koba The Dread,'2002, p. 91).

This makes communism more dangerous than Nazism.

Nazism was based on blood and nationalism, so, could not be duplicated in nations like America, which is made up of so very many nations.
1. Return to the Paris Accord.

Controlling carbon emissions is bad. Let's set fire to piles of tires to prove that.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles.

Convert them to burn coal. It'll help the poor Appalachian states.

3. End cash bail.

Bail should only be for the wealthy. Buying freedom is what this country stands for.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color.

An 8 year old pushed my kid in the playground I want him to be arrested for assault and battery but the cops refused.

5. Repeal the right to work laws.

Repeal right to be paid for work too. Wages are too socialist.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it.

Unless it's a police union.

7. Oppose school vouchers.

I want to spend my school voucher on Fortnite lessons for my kid. It's a good career path. It's called vocational training.

8. Universal health care.

End healthcare all together. That's how you find cases of China Virus. We don't need that.

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen.

If they can make it past the alligator moat and electrified spiked fence, then they deserve it.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide.

My V8 Hemi's natural carbon dioxide emissions are mine. You can't touch them.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.

We should ignore Iran all together. Most people can't find it on a globe anyway so who cares what they do?
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.


Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
.....yep---exactly what Mr Trump was fighting against--the US getting fked by other countries
..this is plain and simple--these treaties are not good for the US