What the Left Really Wants


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A socialist has been declared the future of the Dem party, according to the DNC Chairperson. Yup, that's what they want.

Following the Cloward-Piven strategy means creating chaos in America. Part of that was overwhelming us with high taxes to take care of people because they are entitled to the fruits of our labor. Now, they want millions to flood through our borders to add to the financial burden and to ensure crime goes way up. Only when people fear for their safety and can't afford the basic necessities are they willing to cede rights in order to be taken care of by government. It's all part of the plan, which the left has been following to the letter for decades.

They want to break us. They want us weak. It hasn't been as easy as Alinsky and Cloward-Piven thought it would be. They underestimated the true American spirit, the likes of which had never been seen in the world before. While other countries were easily taken over, America has been a huge challenge for the left. Even with the indoctrination in our schools, the number of people lured onto the plantation, and tens of millions of people coming from third world shitholes, the left still hasn't yet found enough support to fundamentally transform America. In fact, as they let their true radical selves be known, more and more people are standing up to them. This includes former Democrats, who sound a lot like Ronald Reagan when he said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me."

Liberals of yesterday bucked authority. They were anti-establishment. They wanted government out of our lives.

Today, they see government as their master and are willing to obey the leaders without question.

Liberals used to be about freedom. Today, they are willing to cede rights and liberty so that government can fulfill it's promise to the entitlement crowd. Where did this mentality come from? For decades, our "educators" have taught our youth that they are entitled to things by virtue of being born. If you are a minority, you are more entitled because you had the misfortune of not being born white. They teach that only liberals care about others. They teach that true benevolence is giving people things. The right knows that true fulfillment comes from living up to one's full potential, not having big brother pulls strings and grant you things you did not earn. But, expecting people to take personal responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof, is now considered mean-spirited and grossly unfair. They base this on the false premise that minorities simply aren't capable of achieving success without someone doing the hard work for them. They define success as government redistributing wealth so that people are more equal. How can they consider this outcome as equality when one side does nothing while the other carries the burden? They can't dole out self-respect and pride in a job well done.

The left refuses to discuss the fact that our constitution grants us all equal opportunity. It's our own ability to take responsibility for our lives that determines the outcomes. Instead of acknowledging that some will go farther than others, based solely on effort, they believe that those who failed to launch should end up with the same comforts as those who made great sacrifices to increase their standard of living.

Unfortunately for the left, too many understand how unfair this is. No matter how entitled a person feels, the constitution does not allow government to steal on their behalf.

The only way the left will win is if they convince enough people to give up the fight and surrender to nanny government. And the only way to do that is to make sure that no matter what we do, we cannot succeed. Oppressive laws and over-burdening us with high taxes ensures that we lose what we have worked all these years to acquire. Allowing criminals to infiltrate the country while making hard for us to defend ourselves encourages people to give in to government out of fear.

Government cannot and will not protect us. The 2nd amendment was created so the people could ensure that government stuck to it's role. We are the power, not them.

Government cannot and will not take care of everyone. Our country was designed so that we could take care of ourselves. The left is making that more difficult for the workers and have made it easier for the non-workers to survive. If the left has their way, no one will be elevated. They will bring everyone (but themselves and their cronies) down to the same low level. And there are those at the bottom who find that fair. It will make them happy if all those who have it better than they do are forced down to their miserable level.

When the left can't get their way through elections, they turn to the courts. Many election results have been overturned by activist judges. The same people who pretend to be about democracy are quick to ignore what the majority want and force their will upon them.

The left has control of schools to indoctrinate. They have most of the media and Hollywood to help shape public opinion rather than inform.

They need the courts because the people will not hand them what they want. They must get it by manipulating or outright ignoring laws.

What they want is total control of the country. Our constitution and Bill of Rights are in their way.

"Of course, many of you, myself included, looked upon these different irrational outbursts singularly. Then I asked myself: What is it that the left really wants?

Let’s begin with this over the top hyperbolic reaction to the knowledge about illegal immigrant separations. I seem to not recall such mania when during the Obama administration cages and foil blankets were being used. This situation has been noted and is being rectified by the Trump administration, which issued an Executive Order. However, as one Rahm Emanuel stated, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” The left has become like an overly exuberant doggie that cannot let go of the bone. So now we have what was once considered a “fringe” position being touted by many leftist political leaders – “Abolish ICE” (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). As well, this past weekend, the left did what they do best: emotional ranting and protests for no real or apparent reason. Someone on the leftist side blew the metaphysical doggie whistle, and they all started barking and howling at the moon.

But what is it that the left really wants? Are we to believe now the left wants no enforcement of our immigration laws? Can it be that they truly do not embrace the ideal of America as a sovereign nation with borders to protect? Does the progressive, socialist left in America now “feel” that America is just an open store, and anyone can enter and shop, while others pay the bill?

I found it rather perplexing to listen to interviews on various news stations where it seems that these protesters just think that if you do not like your own country, just come here. This is a dangerous concept. The left is saying they are not for open borders, but the abolishment of said borders. If they indeed want to abolish ICE, they seek to abolish our borders. By suggesting that they don’t want enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, the left is signaling what they really want – the end of America as a nation."

Allen West: What Is It That the Progressive, Socialist Left Really Wants?

Capitalism builds character. Socialism creates greedy people.

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I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.

Actions speak louder than words. The actions of the left speak volumes.
A socialist has been declared the future of the Dem party, according to the DNC Chairperson. Yup, that's what they want.

Following the Cloward-Piven strategy means creating chaos in America. Part of that was overwhelming us with high taxes to take care of people because they are entitled to the fruits of our labor. Now, they want millions to flood through our borders to add to the financial burden and to ensure crime goes way up. Only when people fear for their safety and can't afford the basic necessities are they willing to cede rights in order to be taken care of by government. It's all part of the plan, which the left has been following to the letter for decades.

They want to break us. They want us weak. It hasn't been as easy as Alinsky and Cloward-Piven thought it would be. They underestimated the true American spirit, the likes of which had never been seen in the world before. While other countries were easily taken over, America has been a huge challenge for the left. Even with the indoctrination in our schools, the number of people lured onto the plantation, and tens of millions of people coming from third world shitholes, the left still hasn't yet found enough support to fundamentally transform America. In fact, as they let their true radical selves be known, more and more people are standing up to them. This includes former Democrats, who sound a lot like Ronald Reagan when he said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me."

Liberals of yesterday bucked authority. They were anti-establishment. They wanted government out of our lives.

Today, they see government as their master and are willing to obey the leaders without question.

Liberals used to be about freedom. Today, they are willing to cede rights and liberty so that government can fulfill it's promise to the entitlement crowd. Where did this mentality come from? For decades, our "educators" have taught our youth that they are entitled to things by virtue of being born. If you are a minority, you are more entitled because you had the misfortune of not being born white. They teach that only liberals care about others. They teach that true benevolence is giving people things. The right knows that true fulfillment comes from living up to one's full potential, not having big brother pulls strings and grant you things you did not earn. But, expecting people to take personal responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof, is now considered mean-spirited and grossly unfair. They base this on the false premise that minorities simply aren't capable of achieving success without someone doing the hard work for them. They define success as government redistributing wealth so that people are more equal. How can they consider this outcome as equality when one side does nothing while the other carries the burden? They can't dole out self-respect and pride in a job well done.

The left refuses to discuss the fact that our constitution grants us all equal opportunity. It's our own ability to take responsibility for our lives that determines the outcomes. Instead of acknowledging that some will go farther than others, based solely on effort, they believe that those who failed to launch should end up with the same comforts as those who made great sacrifices to increase their standard of living.

Unfortunately for the left, too many understand how unfair this is. No matter how entitled a person feels, the constitution does not allow government to steal on their behalf.

The only way the left will win is if they convince enough people to give up the fight and surrender to nanny government. And the only way to do that is to make sure that no matter what we do, we cannot succeed. Oppressive laws and over-burdening us with high taxes ensures that we lose what we have worked all these years to acquire. Allowing criminals to infiltrate the country while making hard for us to defend ourselves encourages people to give in to government out of fear.

Government cannot and will not protect us. The 2nd amendment was created so the people could ensure that government stuck to it's role. We are the power, not them.

Government cannot and will not take care of everyone. Our country was designed so that we could take care of ourselves. The left is making that more difficult for the workers and have made it easier for the non-workers to survive. If the left has their way, no one will be elevated. They will bring everyone (but themselves and their cronies) down to the same low level. And there are those at the bottom who find that fair. It will make them happy if all those who have it better than they do are forced down to their miserable level.

When the left can't get their way through elections, they turn to the courts. Many election results have been overturned by activist judges. The same people who pretend to be about democracy are quick to ignore what the majority want and force their will upon them.

The left has control of schools to indoctrinate. They have most of the media and Hollywood to help shape public opinion rather than inform.

They need the courts because the people will not hand them what they want. They must get it by manipulating or outright ignoring laws.

What they want is total control of the country. Our constitution and Bill of Rights are in their way.

"Of course, many of you, myself included, looked upon these different irrational outbursts singularly. Then I asked myself: What is it that the left really wants?

Let’s begin with this over the top hyperbolic reaction to the knowledge about illegal immigrant separations. I seem to not recall such mania when during the Obama administration cages and foil blankets were being used. This situation has been noted and is being rectified by the Trump administration, which issued an Executive Order. However, as one Rahm Emanuel stated, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” The left has become like an overly exuberant doggie that cannot let go of the bone. So now we have what was once considered a “fringe” position being touted by many leftist political leaders – “Abolish ICE” (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). As well, this past weekend, the left did what they do best: emotional ranting and protests for no real or apparent reason. Someone on the leftist side blew the metaphysical doggie whistle, and they all started barking and howling at the moon.

But what is it that the left really wants? Are we to believe now the left wants no enforcement of our immigration laws? Can it be that they truly do not embrace the ideal of America as a sovereign nation with borders to protect? Does the progressive, socialist left in America now “feel” that America is just an open store, and anyone can enter and shop, while others pay the bill?

I found it rather perplexing to listen to interviews on various news stations where it seems that these protesters just think that if you do not like your own country, just come here. This is a dangerous concept. The left is saying they are not for open borders, but the abolishment of said borders. If they indeed want to abolish ICE, they seek to abolish our borders. By suggesting that they don’t want enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, the left is signaling what they really want – the end of America as a nation."

Allen West: What Is It That the Progressive, Socialist Left Really Wants?

Capitalism builds character. Socialism creates greedy people.

Our politics is not separated by conservative and liberal, it is seperated by pro-Trump and anti-Trump.
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.
You're agenda is government rule and men in women's bathrooms.
A socialist has been declared the future of the Dem party, according to the DNC Chairperson. Yup, that's what they want.

Following the Cloward-Piven strategy means creating chaos in America. Part of that was overwhelming us with high taxes to take care of people because they are entitled to the fruits of our labor. Now, they want millions to flood through our borders to add to the financial burden and to ensure crime goes way up. Only when people fear for their safety and can't afford the basic necessities are they willing to cede rights in order to be taken care of by government. It's all part of the plan, which the left has been following to the letter for decades.

They want to break us. They want us weak. It hasn't been as easy as Alinsky and Cloward-Piven thought it would be. They underestimated the true American spirit, the likes of which had never been seen in the world before. While other countries were easily taken over, America has been a huge challenge for the left. Even with the indoctrination in our schools, the number of people lured onto the plantation, and tens of millions of people coming from third world shitholes, the left still hasn't yet found enough support to fundamentally transform America. In fact, as they let their true radical selves be known, more and more people are standing up to them. This includes former Democrats, who sound a lot like Ronald Reagan when he said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me."

Liberals of yesterday bucked authority. They were anti-establishment. They wanted government out of our lives.

Today, they see government as their master and are willing to obey the leaders without question.

Liberals used to be about freedom. Today, they are willing to cede rights and liberty so that government can fulfill it's promise to the entitlement crowd. Where did this mentality come from? For decades, our "educators" have taught our youth that they are entitled to things by virtue of being born. If you are a minority, you are more entitled because you had the misfortune of not being born white. They teach that only liberals care about others. They teach that true benevolence is giving people things. The right knows that true fulfillment comes from living up to one's full potential, not having big brother pulls strings and grant you things you did not earn. But, expecting people to take personal responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof, is now considered mean-spirited and grossly unfair. They base this on the false premise that minorities simply aren't capable of achieving success without someone doing the hard work for them. They define success as government redistributing wealth so that people are more equal. How can they consider this outcome as equality when one side does nothing while the other carries the burden? They can't dole out self-respect and pride in a job well done.

The left refuses to discuss the fact that our constitution grants us all equal opportunity. It's our own ability to take responsibility for our lives that determines the outcomes. Instead of acknowledging that some will go farther than others, based solely on effort, they believe that those who failed to launch should end up with the same comforts as those who made great sacrifices to increase their standard of living.

Unfortunately for the left, too many understand how unfair this is. No matter how entitled a person feels, the constitution does not allow government to steal on their behalf.

The only way the left will win is if they convince enough people to give up the fight and surrender to nanny government. And the only way to do that is to make sure that no matter what we do, we cannot succeed. Oppressive laws and over-burdening us with high taxes ensures that we lose what we have worked all these years to acquire. Allowing criminals to infiltrate the country while making hard for us to defend ourselves encourages people to give in to government out of fear.

Government cannot and will not protect us. The 2nd amendment was created so the people could ensure that government stuck to it's role. We are the power, not them.

Government cannot and will not take care of everyone. Our country was designed so that we could take care of ourselves. The left is making that more difficult for the workers and have made it easier for the non-workers to survive. If the left has their way, no one will be elevated. They will bring everyone (but themselves and their cronies) down to the same low level. And there are those at the bottom who find that fair. It will make them happy if all those who have it better than they do are forced down to their miserable level.

When the left can't get their way through elections, they turn to the courts. Many election results have been overturned by activist judges. The same people who pretend to be about democracy are quick to ignore what the majority want and force their will upon them.

The left has control of schools to indoctrinate. They have most of the media and Hollywood to help shape public opinion rather than inform.

They need the courts because the people will not hand them what they want. They must get it by manipulating or outright ignoring laws.

What they want is total control of the country. Our constitution and Bill of Rights are in their way.

"Of course, many of you, myself included, looked upon these different irrational outbursts singularly. Then I asked myself: What is it that the left really wants?

Let’s begin with this over the top hyperbolic reaction to the knowledge about illegal immigrant separations. I seem to not recall such mania when during the Obama administration cages and foil blankets were being used. This situation has been noted and is being rectified by the Trump administration, which issued an Executive Order. However, as one Rahm Emanuel stated, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” The left has become like an overly exuberant doggie that cannot let go of the bone. So now we have what was once considered a “fringe” position being touted by many leftist political leaders – “Abolish ICE” (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). As well, this past weekend, the left did what they do best: emotional ranting and protests for no real or apparent reason. Someone on the leftist side blew the metaphysical doggie whistle, and they all started barking and howling at the moon.

But what is it that the left really wants? Are we to believe now the left wants no enforcement of our immigration laws? Can it be that they truly do not embrace the ideal of America as a sovereign nation with borders to protect? Does the progressive, socialist left in America now “feel” that America is just an open store, and anyone can enter and shop, while others pay the bill?

I found it rather perplexing to listen to interviews on various news stations where it seems that these protesters just think that if you do not like your own country, just come here. This is a dangerous concept. The left is saying they are not for open borders, but the abolishment of said borders. If they indeed want to abolish ICE, they seek to abolish our borders. By suggesting that they don’t want enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, the left is signaling what they really want – the end of America as a nation."

Allen West: What Is It That the Progressive, Socialist Left Really Wants?

Capitalism builds character. Socialism creates greedy people.

Great post. The frustration and concern many Americans currently face when looking Left begins with increasingly radicalized democrats' historically unrivaled devaluing of fundamental American political infrastructure, moral facts, traditions and identity. Democrat leadership is playing with fire in aligning itself with off the reservation ideas of democratic socialist, and by proxy of crowd cheers, fringe neo-communist angry youth movements.

Most Americans have reached their limit of accepting the Left's all out assault on their religion, family structure, marriage, borders, education, freedom of speech on campus, and so much more. We've had it and a great and terrible backlash is incoming. However, I still believe most Americans do not want to see such a backlash happen within their own government, citizenry and borders. Not quite yet. If the Left settles down the rhetoric and a more balanced leadership can come to the negotiating table it might not be too late to figure it all out.

Nevertheless, times are a sea changing.
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.

Actions speak louder than words. The actions of the left speak volumes.
Lol, if that's the case then the republicans want people to have no healthcare, trading partnerships with Russia and no one else, no allies, dirty water and air, you get the picture?
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.

What you individual leftists might want is of no importance. Not to anyone else, not even to yourself. You're allowed only to "think" that which your masters tell you to accept and to parrot. Your agenda is not "yours". It is that of your masters.

Which is why you will flail in protest, destroy property, assault the innocent and, ultimately, nominate Hillary to run yet again in 2020.

Resistance is futile and you accept that.
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.

What you individual leftists might want is of no importance. Not to anyone else, not even to yourself. You're allowed only to "think" that which your masters tell you to accept and to parrot. Your agenda is not "yours". It is that of your masters.

Which is why you will flail in protest, destroy property, assault the innocent and, ultimately, nominate Hillary to run yet again in 2020.

Resistance is futile and you accept that.
Lol, just because your party is like that don't assume the rest of us are. You know what "ass-u-me" ing does right?
I just love how all you morons know "what leftists really want" and how we think and what our agenda really is.

Didja ever think about asking a Democrat? Most if us would be happy to talk about it. You really should think about it 'cause even though I didn't read your wall-o-text I can tell you it's wrong.
The nutters only parrot what right wing radio and TV fills their heads with.

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