What the hell takes $18 MILLION to build and maintain a website?

There is probably advertising involved as well. We're not getting any info from this blog other than some random number so the outrage is faux. I'm sure this is all over the internet by now, it will likely be addressed.

Obama does answer some of these questions but only once.
I'm surprised at you too Sarah, I assure, my 'outrage' taint 'faux' I really am mad this imbecile is pissing our money away like this.

And you should be too, every penny throw away by this kind of stupid waste could have went to something worthwhile.

You're 100% correct of course, and when the Obamabots like Sarah are to the point where all they can come up with to defend this crap is " oh look at this guy's faux outrage ", ALL the wheels have officially come off.
There is probably advertising involved as well. We're not getting any info from this blog other than some random number so the outrage is faux. I'm sure this is all over the internet by now, it will likely be addressed.

Obama does answer some of these questions but only once.
I'm surprised at you too Sarah, I assure, my 'outrage' taint 'faux' I really am mad this imbecile is pissing our money away like this.

And you should be too, every penny throw away by this kind of stupid waste could have went to something worthwhile.

You're 100% correct of course, and when the Obamabots like Sarah are to the point where all they can come up with to defend this crap is " oh look at this guy's faux outrage ", ALL the wheels have officially come off.
Standard Obamaphile response to stuff like this:

"We know we cannot intelligently defend this, so first we will believe you're making it all up. When you show us you are not, then we will pretend you didn't show us. After that embarrassment, then we will still attempt to defend this nonsense because we are hopelessly devoted to Obama and are mindless little cult followers. We will do anything other than address the topic, and will instead dissemble, deflect, blame Booooosh and otherwise simply troll. Because we have learned from The Obama that since we cannot dazzle with brilliance, we will try to baffle with bullshit."
There is probably advertising involved as well. We're not getting any info from this blog other than some random number so the outrage is faux. I'm sure this is all over the internet by now, it will likely be addressed.

Obama does answer some of these questions but only once.
I'm surprised at you too Sarah, I assure, my 'outrage' taint 'faux' I really am mad this imbecile is pissing our money away like this.

And you should be too, every penny throw away by this kind of stupid waste could have went to something worthwhile.

Well I think that arguing every penny is counterproductive. He's combating Republican obstruction to every policy and that is not serving the people well. He has to keep his policies in front of the American people because he hasn't gotten anywhere extending his hand to the Right in congress. Every single one of them votes no on every issue.

I'm mad at them number one because they allowed us to get into such a mess by neglecting America in favor of foreign policiy that I didn't believe in anyway.

It's going to take some time and money to get America moving forward again.

WOW ...

He has to get his policies accepted though beyond just Democratic votes
No he does not. He needs only the Dems. He doesn't need the Republicans support, or votes at all.

That's a republican mindset. I don't expect you to understand or agree with my theories regarding Democratic policies. They want Republican support as well although they will force them through with the votes if they need to.
I'd be really happy if you folks did not attack my friends Sarah and Jillian.

I don't agree with them, but I do not enjoy seeing people make fun of them, so please don't, at least not in my thread.
Obama promised to end the influence and corruption in Washington, campaigning on Hope and Change. His plan to reverse the economic decline was supposed to be a model of this new culture of openness and transparency, with the new Recovery.gov website as its crown jewel. David Freddoso reports exclusively at the Washington Examiner that the new crown jewel will get polished by the politically connected:

ABC reports this morning that the Maryland firm Smartronix has won what seems like an enormous $18 million contract to re-design the Recovery.gov website. Approximately $9.5 million would be spent by January in order to make “Recovery 2.0″ out of the site that is at least supposed track the spending of federal stimulus funds in detail.

Smartronix, a medium-sized Maryland-based firm (over 500 employees) founded in 1995, boasts a large number of government clients, mostly military. The company appears to have just one important political connection: according to FEC records, Smartronix president, Mohammed Javaid, vice president Alan Parris, and partner John Parris have together given $19,000 to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D) since 1999.
One hand still washing the other, where's the change?
Fedspending.org, the project from OMB Watch, does exactly what Recovery.gov promises for a fraction of that cost — and Fedspending covers the entire federal budget, not just Porkulus.

Fedspending provides a look at Smartronix’ interactions with the government. In FY2007, for instance, Smartronix got $47 million in federal contracts. Of that revenue, only $132,000 came in the form of fully open, multi-bid competition. Its other contracts either came as the result of a single-bid competition ($25 million) or competition with other sources excluded ($20 million).
Fedspending.org, the project from OMB Watch, does exactly what Recovery.gov promises for a fraction of that cost — and Fedspending covers the entire federal budget, not just Porkulus.

Fedspending provides a look at Smartronix’ interactions with the government. In FY2007, for instance, Smartronix got $47 million in federal contracts. Of that revenue, only $132,000 came in the form of fully open, multi-bid competition. Its other contracts either came as the result of a single-bid competition ($25 million) or competition with other sources excluded ($20 million).
No bid contracts are really bad.
Fedspending.org, the project from OMB Watch, does exactly what Recovery.gov promises for a fraction of that cost — and Fedspending covers the entire federal budget, not just Porkulus.

Fedspending provides a look at Smartronix’ interactions with the government. In FY2007, for instance, Smartronix got $47 million in federal contracts. Of that revenue, only $132,000 came in the form of fully open, multi-bid competition. Its other contracts either came as the result of a single-bid competition ($25 million) or competition with other sources excluded ($20 million).
No bid contracts are really bad.
This is exactly the cronyism Bush was criticized for. If it was fair then it's fair now.
didnt republicans vote for the stimulus...not all of them but a few of them?
3 are as I recall, Snowe & Collins from maine and the now democrat arlen spector.

The Maine 2 are well known Rinos who rarely vote against democrats on anything.

its now irrelievent, with the seating of Al Franken there are now 60 dems, 38 GoP and 2 independents (that ALWAYS vote with Democrats)
Fedspending.org, the project from OMB Watch, does exactly what Recovery.gov promises for a fraction of that cost — and Fedspending covers the entire federal budget, not just Porkulus.

Fedspending provides a look at Smartronix’ interactions with the government. In FY2007, for instance, Smartronix got $47 million in federal contracts. Of that revenue, only $132,000 came in the form of fully open, multi-bid competition. Its other contracts either came as the result of a single-bid competition ($25 million) or competition with other sources excluded ($20 million).
No bid contracts are really bad.

yes they are..we found that out under bush....i am sure clinton had them too....but as long as you have uneducated voters...parrotting the party line....the conflict over gop vs. democrat will keep people from focusing on what is going on in reality...people we are getting screwed here...18 million for a website...and this web site is to explain how they are spending our money? or china's money in reality.
$18 mil for a website and in a total coincidence the contract goes to a company run by people who have given tens of thousands of dollars to house majority leader Steny Hoyer (D)

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