What questions should Congress ask before deciding to attack Syria ?


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
I can come up with a few for starters:
Is our ultimate goal to depose Syria ?

Why are we helping Al Qaeda destabilize Syria ?

Who will take over in Syria if we severely weaken Assad with missile attacks ?

Are other countries going to reimburse America for being the ones who do the "punishing" ?

Do we intend to depose other leaders who are cruel to their people ?
I think the first one should be "Do they actually have WMD's?" Seems like they do.

It's nice having a thoughtful president who will "go slow" in a thoughtful manner. There was an 8 year period we didn't see that. We saw, "You are with us or with the terrorists". What a way to "gin up" support.
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I think the first one should be "Do they actually have WMD's?" Seems like they do.

It's nice having a thoughtful president who will "go slow" in a thoughtful manner. There was an 8 year period we didn't see that. We saw, "You are with us or with the terrorists". What a way to "gin up" support.

Certainly a question that is worth asking---I think the bigger one is If so, who used them ?

and also if they do, Who will secure them if Assad is deposed ?

How much of the cost will be returned to me in the form of campaign contributions?

no no--how much will this little spanking cost the American people ?


Read the question in the OP.

The LAST thing the US congress gives a flying fuck about is how much anything costs the American People.

But we should demand that our Congress ask these questions----I wrote the OP.
Question numero uno: As a gay man Mr. President, how does it feel to have the boot of world negative opinion stuffed firmly in your rectum?
Numero dos: When Putin man handles you at the G20 do you expect he'll give you a reach around.

These are important questions.
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Other questions:

1. Barry, where were you born, be honest this time?
2. Barry, who got you into Colombia University?
3. Barry, what were your grades and SAT, LSAT scores...Were they typical of Harvard Law students?
4. Barry, who is your daddy?
5. Barry, is your bombing of middle east countries solely the result of being told to by AIPAC?
6. Barry, if you were heterosexual, would you cheat on that creature that resides in the White House?
I think the first one should be "Do they actually have WMD's?" Seems like they do.

It's nice having a thoughtful president who will "go slow" in a thoughtful manner. There was an 8 year period we didn't see that. We saw, "You are with us or with the terrorists". What a way to "gin up" support.

Oh please. Until he saw the polls, he was preparing to act on his own, with the consultation and approval of no one.

Your blind devotion to this man is just that, blind...
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I can come up with a few for starters:
Is our ultimate goal to depose Syria ?

Why are we helping Al Qaeda destabilize Syria ?

Who will take over in Syria if we severely weaken Assad with missile attacks ?

Are other countries going to reimburse America for being the ones who do the "punishing" ?

Do we intend to depose other leaders who are cruel to their people ?
Some good questions Dillo, too bad some of your fellow republicans have made your thread nothing but a joke.

This is serious business and I expect my representatives to be asking some of the same questions you proposed along with some others...

I'd like them to ask for the evidence that Assad used the chemical weapons, and review this evidence to know what was actually done and by whom.

I'd like them to find out what the next step entails....who will be their new leader....will this person actually be better or worse for all of the syrians 5-10 years from now, or will a regime change actually make it worse than the chemical weapons used?

Is there an ''oil'' connection? Will an attack prevent some oil embargo etc that actually could and would hurt the USA or will it entice one?

Will attacking Syria automatically make oil prices go through the roof on the international market, as it did with the Iraq war? How will that affect the already hurting economy at the small business level, who employs more than 70% of Americans?
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What I want them to ask:


1. Do we have definitive proof that chemical weapons have been used? (The U.N. doesn't seem to know for sure and we need more than John Kerry's opinion as definitive proof.)

2. Do we have definitive proof of which side used them? As of today the U.N. was still investigating complaints by the Syrian military that the rebels have used chemical weapons on them.

3. If it turns out BOTH sides have used chemical weapons, what then? Who do we punish? How?

4. What is the risk to our blood and treasure invested in a punative strike on Syria and the the probable outcome worth that risk?

5. Does international condemnation require that we kill somebody or destroy something there to make a point? What will a military strike accomplish that a verbal dressing down by the U.N. would not?

6. What determines that our objective has been met?


1. What will this cost us monetarily?

2. Is it important enough to jeopardize good will with other nations?

3. Why is the use of chemical weapons somehow more worthy of military action than is bombing or slaughtering civilians some other way whether in Lybia or Somalia or Egypt or Benghazi? The latest count I've seen is 110,300 people killed in the current conflict including 40,146 civilians among which were nearly 4,000 women and more than 5,800 children.
get real ,

republicans never met a war they were not in favor of

And yet, not considering the quick hit and run things, it was Democrats who ordered the military into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Haiti, and Kosovo. Republicans get the rap for Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

So how about we don't play the 'whose is blackest' game on DD's thread and take the point of the thread seriously please?
Question #1: What do we do if Syria responds to our attacks with attacks upon our ships and troops?

Question #2: What do we do if Iran & Syria uses this as an excuse to attack Israel?

Question #3: What do we do if this starts a regional war?

Question #4: What do we do if Russia or China files a complaint against us in the UN and seeks to bring us to The Hague?

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