What percentage of Palestinians are terrorists?

RE: What percentage of Palestinians are terrorists?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are kidding --- right?

There was no military invasion. The Jews were not part of some foreign imperial expansion policy.
Ha, look at the facts. When Britain changed from the occupying power to a Mandate in Jordan they pulled out their troops and left behind a handful of advisors. Under the Mandate they were supposed to render administrative assistance and advise until the people could stand alone.

In Palestine, however, Britain kept its military presence. They knew they were going to pull some shit and needed to keep its guns at hand. This was all premeditated.

On 15 May 1923, Britain formally reconized the "Emirate" of Trans-Jordan under the leadership of Emir Abdullah [brother of Faisal ibn Hussein (who became Faisal I of Iraq)]. The British still maintained oversight of finances, military operations, and foreign affairs. This would not change until 22 March 1946, with the Treaty of Alliance between HM in Respect of the United Kingdom and His Highness the Emir of Jordan. In this Treaty, the UK states:

Article !
"His Majesty the King recognizes Trans-Jordan as a fully independent State and His Highness the Emir as the sovereign thereof."​

From the Jordanian point of view (thumbnail), is expressed as follows:

The Making of Transjordan said:
Between 1928 and 1946, a series of Anglo-Transjordanian treaties led to almost full independence for Transjordan. While Britain retained a degree of control over foreign affairs, armed forces, communications and state finances, Emir Abdullah commanded the administrative and military machinery of the regular government. On March 22, 1946, Abdullah negotiated a new Anglo-Transjordanian treaty, ending the British mandate and gaining full independence for Transjordan. In exchange for providing military facilities within Transjordan, Britain continued to pay a financial subsidy and supported the Arab Legion. Two months later, on May 25, 1946, the Transjordanian parliament proclaimed Abdullah king, while officially changing the name of the country from the Emirate of Transjordan to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Official Jordanian History Site

There was still a small military presence, and as was (and still is) a customary practice, there was a stay-behind contingent:

Trained [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emirate_of_Transjordan']Transjordan[/URL]'s [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Legion']Arab Legion[/URL] between 1939 and 1956 said:
Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb, KCB, CMG, DSO, OBE, MC, KStJ, KPM, known as Glubb Pasha, was a British soldier, scholar and author, who led and trained Transjordan's Arab Legion between 1939 and 1956 as its commanding general. During the First World War, he served in France.
• From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I said, this was customary practice of the Allied Powrs, in those days.

You are drawing the wrong inference.

Most Respectfully,
This doesn't refute anything I posted.

It refuted everything you posted.
Or, just maybe...


Islamics abusing female children. Some things never change.
Or, just maybe...


Islamics abusing female children. Some things never change.
The only abuse she gets is from Israel.

Actually, no. Islamist ideology has a 1400 year history of abuse aimed at female children and women. The misogynistic attitudes of Moslem men is what needs to change. Scared women, forced into "Shame Sacks" to appease emotionally crippled and sexually frustrated Moslem men is the problem that needs a cure
Or, just maybe...


Islamics abusing female children. Some things never change.
The only abuse she gets is from Israel.

Actually, no. Islamist ideology has a 1400 year history of abuse aimed at female children and women. The misogynistic attitudes of Moslem men is what needs to change. Scared women, forced into "Shame Sacks" to appease emotionally crippled and sexually frustrated Moslem men is the problem that needs a cure

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