What percentage of Murders would not be committed if AR-15s were banned?

The best weapon for home defense is the one you have or the one with which you are most comfortable
what these control freaks don't understand is that there is no right or wrong when it comes to defense the only thing that matter is your safety
When I think about these communist assholes trying to limit the defense weapons my wife or daughter can use to fight off a would-be rapist, it seriously galvanizes my resolve. We should not rest until all gun laws are repealed or civil war breaks out. The bullshit is over.

You have to wonder why they want the weakest among us subjugated to the will of the strongest.

Those that profess to be the protectors of Women, Gays and the Elderly, want them unable to provide for their own protection in a way THEY choose.
You have to wonder why they want the weakest among us subjugated to the will of the strongest.
Because they want power and don't care how many people have to die so they can get it.

We should execute these people before they kill another 100+million people with their communist bullshit.

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