What old movies are you watching.

Just watched this on DVD. Nearly all the main characters were nominated for Oscars and Leroy should have been and should have won.

I love the part where Leroy tells her they have a little electric chair just for children
Citizen Kane
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it but it's a great movie, not one that everyone will enjoy. However, the last 10 minutes of the movie are among the best.

The Magnificent Ambersons is a 1942 American period drama, the second feature film produced and directed by Orson Welles. Welles adapted Booth Tarkington's Pulitzer Prize-winning 1918 novel, about the declining fortunes of a proud Midwestern family and the social changes brought by the automobile age.

Welles lost control of the editing of The Magnificent Ambersons to RKO, and the final version released to audiences differed significantly from his rough cut of the film. More than an hour of footage was cut by the studio, which also shot and substituted a happier ending. We will never see the movie that Well's intended but it's worth watching just for the unique camera work that's one of Well's trademarks in setting mood.
Welles lost control of the editing of The Magnificent Ambersons to RKO, and the final version released to audiences differed significantly from his rough cut of the film. More than an hour of footage was cut by the studio, which also shot and substituted a happier ending.

The Secret Garden (1949)


  • The Secret Garden is a 1949 US drama film. It is the second screen adaptation of the classic 1911 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The screenplay by Robert Ardrey was directed by Fred M. Wilcox. It centers on a young orphan who is thrust into the dark and mysterious lives of her widowed uncle and his crippled son when she comes to live …
Margret O'Brien was a talented child actress and one of my fav's. This movie also features a very young Dean Stockwell.

This is a lovely movie - the cast is wonderful.
A few favorites I don't see mentioned in this thread:

All About Eve - Bette Davis' best film

The Douglas Sirk chick flicks:
- All That Heaven Allows
- Magnificent Obsession
- Imitation of Life
- Written on the Wind


A few favorites I don't see mentioned in this thread:

All About Eve - Bette Davis' best film

The Douglas Sirk chick flicks:
- All That Heaven Allows
- Magnificent Obsession
- Imitation of Life
- Written on the Wind



Just watched "Laura" again.
Now that Christmas is over, I probably won't watch anymore old movies until next year at this time. I just like the holiday ones.

I tried to watch the Wizard of Oz again but didn't get far, I think I watched it too much growing up. Have fun and I'll check in every so often to see if anything looks good.
A few favorites I don't see mentioned in this thread:

All About Eve - Bette Davis' best film

The Douglas Sirk chick flicks:
- All That Heaven Allows
- Magnificent Obsession
- Imitation of Life
- Written on the Wind



Just watched "Laura" again.
Laura for some reason always reminds me of "Portrait of Jennie", a romantic eerie fantasy that won Jennifer Jones and Academy Award..

I saw Oliver Twist before too! That is a REALLY old one I think.

The Great Gatsby, saw the movie/read the book.
Liked the book better than the movie

Me too. The book was way better, but that's usually how it goes for me. If I've read the book, I'm usually disappointed in the movie with very few exceptions.
If it's a decent movie, I like to see the movie first. Of course, not many books are made into movies. I actually saw the Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mocking Bird, and War and Peace before reading the books.
It's hard to beat A Night at the Opera. The Marx Brothers are just as sharp and funny now as the must have been back in 1935.

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