What is your most memorable location that you have visited?

Really though, I went here in 1991 and loved it, didn't get to spend enough time there and have wanted to go back there for at least a week~maybe someday! :eusa_pray:

50 Reasons

I met a REALLY Friendly Girl in Savannah.......all I recall about the city was that the headboards in the hotel rooms are too close to the walls.

Did she take you to a VIP room, or were you scared of her?
Park Avenue, Arches National Park:


Driving through the paddocks at the San Deigo Zoo's Wild Animal Park, a gift to my wife in celebration of the 50th anniversary of her birth:



The Hana Highway:


The Misty Fjords near Ketchikan, Alaska:


And the sunsets that happen around midnight in Alaska:



Screw it, all of Alaska.
I think the coolest place I have been at one moment was in the middle of no where Wyomning, we had driven probably 45 minutes out on the ranch my brother lives on fourwheelers and you could probably see for a 100 miles. Watching the sun go down out there was awesome.
I have been very lucky to visit many wonderful places. Because this is a US site may I say the following:

DC - yes, DC as in Washington. A remarkable capital city with splendid buildings and museums. I know it can be a bit dangerous but damnit it's a fantastic place to visit.

Bryce Canyon, UT.

Monument Valley, AZ.

Mt Hood, OR.

Crater Lake, OR.

Spirit Lake, WA.

Many more, will shut up, don't want to be a bore.
Grand Canyon

Niagra Falls

Funny you should say that, I travel some and I really loved Niagra Falls. Something in the air there, the ions from the Falls or something.. It's really romantic and beautiful.
I have been very lucky to visit many wonderful places. Because this is a US site may I say the following:

DC - yes, DC as in Washington. A remarkable capital city with splendid buildings and museums. I know it can be a bit dangerous but damnit it's a fantastic place to visit.

Bryce Canyon, UT.

Monument Valley, AZ.

Mt Hood, OR.

Crater Lake, OR.

Spirit Lake, WA.

Many more, will shut up, don't want to be a bore.

I also love DC. I used to live near there in the state of Delaware, I've been there many times.
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Wow, so many have been to gorgeous places, I've really enjoyed all the pictures. I'm not as well traveled as many of you, though I've been to Indiana, EZ. ;) Nice place to visit, might want to live there.

Natural beauty visits: Canadian waters for canoeing. Gorgeous. LA, sunsets over the hills were just beautiful. Vero Beach for sunrises.

Favorite cities/activities: Washington DC, agree with the Australian on that. So many museums, monuments, I love that. NYC, can't beat it for sheer massiveness of everything. Chicago, much prettier and less crowded than NYC.
You should not die until you have visited Alaska, The Greek Isles, and the Sequoia National Forest. and then there is Zion National Park..
I totally love Bryce Canyon. Beats the Grand Canyon hands down....

also, I live not too far from Stonehenge in the UK.... amazing place - when you consider the effort it took to build it and the date of its origin...

Check it out:

I totally love Bryce Canyon. Beats the Grand Canyon hands down....

also, I live not too far from Stonehenge in the UK.... amazing place - when you consider the effort it took to build it and the date of its origin...

Check it out:


There have been a variety of experiments to see how the stones were brought to the site... pretty impressive since it is not local stone. It actually comes from some part of Wales which is hundreds of miles away from the site. The whole thing is very, very cool. I drive past it a lot and often pull over and wander up to the stones. These days, they don't let you go up to them - vandals have damaged some (idiots) and the road is quite close so they are looking at possibly moving the road to stop further damage but it's a cool place to watch the sunrise.
I totally love Bryce Canyon. Beats the Grand Canyon hands down....

also, I live not too far from Stonehenge in the UK.... amazing place - when you consider the effort it took to build it and the date of its origin...

Check it out:


There have been a variety of experiments to see how the stones were brought to the site... pretty impressive since it is not local stone. It actually comes from some part of Wales which is hundreds of miles away from the site. The whole thing is very, very cool. I drive past it a lot and often pull over and wander up to the stones. These days, they don't let you go up to them - vandals have damaged some (idiots) and the road is quite close so they are looking at possibly moving the road to stop further damage but it's a cool place to watch the sunrise.
Carnac in Bretagne is pretty cool, too.

Love that stuff.
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There are two other places that I visited, that left me with an almost mystical feeling of "connectedness" to the world and to the past. After I graduated highschool, I spent some time in Europe with my mother. We went to England, Wales and France and visited a number of places there by train. One of the trips took us past the White Horse between Oxford and Cotswolds - a figure of unimaginable magnitude and age, roughly a three thousand years old carved by a people we no longer know for a reason, we don't understand. Yet, it still has the power to humble.


G. K. Chesterton, The Ballad of the White Horse
Before the gods that made the gods
Had seen their sunrise pass,
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was cut out of the grass.

Before the gods that made the gods
Had drunk at dawn their fill,
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was hoary on the hill.

Age beyond age on British land,
Aeons on aeons gone,
Was peace and war in western hills,
And the White Horse looked on.

For the White Horse knew England
When there was none to know;
He saw the first oar break or bend,
He saw heaven fall and the world end,
O God, how long ago.

The other place, evokes a similar imagery of age and wonder, but in a different way and it was Westminster Abbey. Here are the shadows of men and women who shaped the world and culture we now live in. Who left behind words, art, philosophies and political landscapes still in effect today. Kind, cruel, indifferent, powerful, ambitous, visionary, eloquent, petty, magnimous...there was set a of stairs so worn each step had a deep groove. How many feet trod them? Walk inside and you are walking over the dead and brushing shoulders with history. It sent a chill through my spine.


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