What is the republican health care plan?

How about this for a New Rule: Not everything in America has to make a profit. It used to be that there were some services and institutions so vital to our nation that they were exempt from market pressures. Some things we just didn't do for money. The United States always defined capitalism, but it didn't used to define us. But now it's becoming all that we are.

Did you know, for example, that there was a time when being called a "war profiteer" was a bad thing? But now our war zones are dominated by private contractors and mercenaries who work for corporations. There are more private contractors in Iraq than American troops, and we pay them generous salaries to do jobs the troops used to do for themselves *-- like laundry. War is not supposed to turn a profit, but our wars have become boondoggles for weapons manufacturers and connected civilian contractors.

Prisons used to be a non-profit business, too. And for good reason --* who the hell wants to own a prison? By definition you're going to have trouble with the tenants. But now prisons are big business. A company called the Corrections Corporation of America is on the New York Stock Exchange, which is convenient since that's where all the real crime is happening anyway. The CCA and similar corporations actually lobby Congress for stiffer sentencing laws so they can lock more people up and make more money. That's why America has the world;s largest prison population *-- because actually rehabilitating people would have a negative impact on the bottom line.

Television news is another area that used to be roped off from the profit motive. When Walter Cronkite died last week, it was odd to see news anchor after news anchor talking about how much better the news coverage was back in Cronkite's day. I thought, "Gee, if only you were in a position to do something about it."

But maybe they aren't. Because unlike in Cronkite's day, today's news has to make a profit like all the other divisions in a media conglomerate. That's why it wasn't surprising to see the CBS Evening News broadcast live from the Staples Center for two nights this month, just in case Michael Jackson came back to life and sold Iran nuclear weapons. In Uncle Walter's time, the news division was a loss leader. Making money was the job of The Beverly Hillbillies. And now that we have reporters moving to Alaska to hang out with the Palin family, the news is The Beverly Hillbillies.

And finally, there's health care. It wasn't that long ago that when a kid broke his leg playing stickball, his parents took him to the local Catholic hospital, the nun put a thermometer in his mouth, the doctor slapped some plaster on his ankle and you were done. The bill was $1.50, plus you got to keep the thermometer.

But like everything else that's good and noble in life, some Wall Street wizard decided that hospitals could be big business, so now they're run by some bean counters in a corporate plaza in Charlotte. In the U.S. today, three giant for-profit conglomerates own close to 600 hospitals and other health care facilities. They're not hospitals anymore; they're Jiffy Lubes with bedpans. America's largest hospital chain, HCA, was founded by the family of Bill Frist, who perfectly represents the Republican attitude toward health care: it's not a right, it's a racket. The more people who get sick and need medicine, the higher their profit margins. Which is why they're always pushing the Jell-O.

Because medicine is now for-profit we have things like "recision," where insurance companies hire people to figure out ways to deny you coverage when you get sick, even though you've been paying into your plan for years.

When did the profit motive become the only reason to do anything? When did that become the new patriotism? Ask not what you could do for your country, ask what's in it for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

If conservatives get to call universal health care "socialized medicine," I get to call private health care "soulless vampires making money off human pain." The problem with President Obama's health care plan isn't socialism, it's capitalism.

And if medicine is for profit, and war, and the news, and the penal system, my question is: what's wrong with firemen? Why don't they charge? They must be commies. Oh my God! That explains the red trucks!

- Bill Maher

Bill Maher is a moron. Obama's plan, would put more money in the Insurance giants, Big Pharm and Hospital conglomerates's pockets. Of course you and Bill Maher would know that if you didn't have your heads up your own asses.

More at....http://baltimorechronicle.com/2009/072009Lendman.shtml
The administration and lawmakers have been unresponsive in moving ahead with House and Senate legislation to enrich health insurers, Big Pharma, and large hospital chains. It will ration care, curb expensive treatments and surgeries for those who can't afford them, leave millions in the country uncovered, deny it altogether to undocumented immigrants even though they pay income, payroll and other taxes, and claim it's real reform like they always do.
On May 20, S. 1099: Patients' Choice Act was introduced "to provide comprehensive solutions for the health care system of the United States, and for other purposes." It was referred to the Senate Finance and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committees (HELP) for consideration.

The Senate Finance Committee may craft its own version. On July 15 along party lines, HELP voted 13 - 10 to approve a $615 billion Democrat-sponsored bill that's substantially similar to House legislation with provisions that Obama wants.

On July 14, HR 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 was introduced "To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes." It was referred to the following House committees for consideration: Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, Oversight and Government Reform, and Budget.

House and Senate bills stress cost-containing "evidence-based" solutions with Obama appearing on a June 24 ABC News "Questions for the President: Prescription for America" infomercial touting his plan to carefully selected reporters and others invited to the White House East Room for a scripted Q & A.

Cutting costs and free-market solutions were emphasized, not real reform stressing human need with Obama saying "If we don't drive down costs, then we're not going to be able to achieve all of those other things." Which ones he didn't say before stressing the need for "evidence-based care," meaning less is better for those unable to pay so that millions will be sacrificed on the alter of cost containment while enriching private insurers, Big Pharma, and large hospital chains that will flourish as community and public ones shut down for lack of enough resources.

Obama was callous in saying "Loading up on additional tests or additional drugs" must be curbed. "Maybe (some would be) better off not having....surgery, but taking (a) painkiller" instead. He showed disdain and indifference in stating that "the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of the total health care bill out there" - the inference being ration their care and let 'em die to cut costs.

At the same time, he favored big insurers by saying that "One of the incentives for (them) to get involved in this process is that potentially they're going to have a whole bunch of new customers, paying customers....insurance companies will thrive" under this plan.

As for a "public option" to fill holes, Obama was receptive to alternatives but adamantly against universal single-payer coverage in saying: "For us to completely change our system, root and branch, would be hugely disruptive." Only market-based solutions will be considered along with huge cost-containment measures, mostly affecting millions of working Americans, the poor, elderly, and chronically ill.

Over the next decade, Medicare and Medicaid may lose over $600 billion in funding with recipients, of course, making up the difference or foregoing care. About $317 billion is proposed for "efficiencies" with another $313 billion in cuts for hospitals that treat the poor and uninsured. Many of them are already severely strapped as unemployment soars, charitable donations are down, expenses rise, vital services and staffs have to be cut to stay afloat, and growing numbers won't make it as economic conditions worsen.

Instead of helping to fill budget gaps, Obama plans less aid to shut them down. It will leave some areas dependent on more distant ones for treatment, and let large chains consolidate for greater dominance. Accessible quality care will be less available and affordable so, of course, patients will lose out - mostly the elderly, chronically ill, those on society's lower rungs, and all working Americans because an uncaring administration and Congress threw them overboard for profit and "efficiencies."

If "Obamacare" passes, most working people, the disadvantaged, and those singled out as less important will experience large rollbacks in quality, readily accessible coverage. For them, future health problems will be more hazardous than ever because a callous nation doesn't care.
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Their argument for their "plan" goes something like this:


The car in number 5 reminds me of GOP water boy MessiahRushie's CON$ervative health care plan:

Go to the ER at $1,000 a pop and they get your car. :cuckoo:

April 20,2009
RUSH: The dirty little secret is -- we've mentioned this I don't know how many damn times, every time this discussion comes up -- if you have an emergency, federal law requires an emergency room treat you. Nobody in this country misses emergency medical care if they want access to it. Nobody misses it.

July 24, 2009
RUSH: I think there is a myth in this country about all the people who don't get medical treatment. I think that's part of the sales pitch here. I've talked to a number of doctors, surgeons, ER, intensive care, patient comes in, they get treated, whether they can pay or not, and they're sent a bill if they don't have insurance. And they make arrangements with the hospital to pay it off over time, and if they don't, then the car repossessors head out to take the car, what have you.
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Beats a 1 trillion dollar red hot poker up my ass.

Sure, one trillion is a horrible price to pay to see that Americans have health care equal to what the rest of the industrialized nations do. Much better to spend 3 trillion to bomb the bejesus out of a nation of 25 million on the basis of lies.
I would very much like to go to a real Health Care System in one step. It would be less costly, and better for all. But those in power, economic, not political, will not allow that. So we will have to take half a loaf, and incrementaly set up a reasonable system.
Beats a 1 trillion dollar red hot poker up my ass.

Sure, one trillion is a horrible price to pay to see that Americans have health care equal to what the rest of the industrialized nations do. Much better to spend 3 trillion to bomb the bejesus out of a nation of 25 million on the basis of lies.

I was against that non sense too unlike Hillary Clinton and others and you know what,if a gun was pointed to my head and I HAD to choose between healthcare here or blowing trillions abroad, I'd choose the money to be spent here and I'm convinced that's why the Democrats are in office now, a shitty choice between blowing trillions overseas or here and we STILL got the same thing as Bush, he blew in both areas too. Congratulations on winning but I doubt very seriously healthcare is the reason Obama,Reid and Pelosi are calling the shots.
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What is the Republican Health Care Plan?
Derek, since you are determined to not inform yourself, and reject reality, here is a link in which I posted the entire plan the Republicans have put up. It's an old ploy to say the Rs are against something and have no ideas, but the Ds can get away with that with the help of some like you because of a derelict media.


I read you link. Somehow I was not surprised when the fifth word in the first sentence was "taxes." I notice money seems to be a theme in many of your posts.

What I would like to do is lock you in a nursing home for a month. Let you experience the terror in the faces of those who are about to die. Then I'd like to take you to some of the 46,000,000 who have no health coverage, and show you how some those people are dying. Your greed will turn to stark fear. You won't give a damn how much it costs. Get off your ass, Pencilneck, crunch some numbers and make ObamaCare a happen.

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More at....Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hospital Chains
The administration and lawmakers have been unresponsive in moving ahead with House and Senate legislation to enrich health insurers, Big Pharma, and large hospital chains. It will ration care, curb expensive treatments and surgeries for those who can't afford them, leave millions in the country uncovered, deny it altogether to undocumented immigrants even though they pay income, payroll and other taxes, and claim it's real reform like they always do.

On May 20, S. 1099: Patients' Choice Act was introduced "to provide comprehensive solutions for the health care system of the United States, and for other purposes." It was referred to the Senate Finance and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committees (HELP) for consideration.

The Senate Finance Committee may craft its own version. On July 15 along party lines, HELP voted 13 - 10 to approve a $615 billion Democrat-sponsored bill that's substantially similar to House legislation with provisions that Obama wants.

On July 14, HR 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 was introduced "To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes." It was referred to the following House committees for consideration: Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, Oversight and Government Reform, and Budget.

House and Senate bills stress cost-containing "evidence-based" solutions with Obama appearing on a June 24 ABC News "Questions for the President: Prescription for America" infomercial touting his plan to carefully selected reporters and others invited to the White House East Room for a scripted Q & A.

Cutting costs and free-market solutions were emphasized, not real reform stressing human need with Obama saying "If we don't drive down costs, then we're not going to be able to achieve all of those other things." Which ones he didn't say before stressing the need for "evidence-based care," meaning less is better for those unable to pay so that millions will be sacrificed on the alter of cost containment while enriching private insurers, Big Pharma, and large hospital chains that will flourish as community and public ones shut down for lack of enough resources.

Obama was callous in saying "Loading up on additional tests or additional drugs" must be curbed. "Maybe (some would be) better off not having....surgery, but taking (a) painkiller" instead. He showed disdain and indifference in stating that "the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of the total health care bill out there" - the inference being ration their care and let 'em die to cut costs.

At the same time, he favored big insurers by saying that "One of the incentives for (them) to get involved in this process is that potentially they're going to have a whole bunch of new customers, paying customers....insurance companies will thrive" under this plan.

As for a "public option" to fill holes, Obama was receptive to alternatives but adamantly against universal single-payer coverage in saying: "For us to completely change our system, root and branch, would be hugely disruptive." Only market-based solutions will be considered along with huge cost-containment measures, mostly affecting millions of working Americans, the poor, elderly, and chronically ill.

Over the next decade, Medicare and Medicaid may lose over $600 billion in funding with recipients, of course, making up the difference or foregoing care. About $317 billion is proposed for "efficiencies" with another $313 billion in cuts for hospitals that treat the poor and uninsured. Many of them are already severely strapped as unemployment soars, charitable donations are down, expenses rise, vital services and staffs have to be cut to stay afloat, and growing numbers won't make it as economic conditions worsen.

Instead of helping to fill budget gaps, Obama plans less aid to shut them down. It will leave some areas dependent on more distant ones for treatment, and let large chains consolidate for greater dominance. Accessible quality care will be less available and affordable so, of course, patients will lose out - mostly the elderly, chronically ill, those on society's lower rungs, and all working Americans because an uncaring administration and Congress threw them overboard for profit and "efficiencies."

If "Obamacare" passes, most working people, the disadvantaged, and those singled out as less important will experience large rollbacks in quality, readily accessible coverage. For them, future health problems will be more hazardous than ever because a callous nation doesn't care.

Reading the whole article at the link, it looks like it's bashing "Obamacare" for not being enough like single-payer, which would be even more socialistic.

and this part...

The administration and lawmakers have been unresponsive in moving ahead with House and Senate legislation to enrich health insurers, Big Pharma, and large hospital chains. It will ration care, curb expensive treatments and surgeries for those who can't afford them, leave millions in the country uncovered, deny it altogether to undocumented immigrants even though they pay income, payroll and other taxes, and claim it's real reform like they always do.

...seems to suggest that these things aren't already going on with the insurance-, Big Pharma- and large hospital chain-dominated system we have now.
Oh boy, more use of cartoons instead of thinking for oneself.
Good thing you have cartoons to think for you, otherwise you might be lost.


And when a con can't come up with a good response to a posted cartoon it looks kind of like that.
Political cartoons have been and always will be snippets of hyperbole, invective, and gross deletions, distortions, and over generalizations.

What do you want in response, a master's thesis??

No, but bashing the poster of said cartoon just because he posted a cartoon isn't much of an argument, either.
Beats a 1 trillion dollar red hot poker up my ass.

Sure, one trillion is a horrible price to pay to see that Americans have health care equal to what the rest of the industrialized nations do. Much better to spend 3 trillion to bomb the bejesus out of a nation of 25 million on the basis of lies.

I was against that non sense too unlike Hillary Clinton and others and you know what,if a gun was pointed to my head and I HAD to choose between healthcare here or blowing trillions abroad, I'd choose the money to be spent here and I'm convinced that's why the Democrats are in office now, a shitty choice between blowing trillions overseas or here and we STILL got the same thing as Bush, he blew in both areas too. Congratulations on winning but I doubt very seriously healthcare is the reason Obama,Reid and Pelosi are calling the shots.

John, we both know the reason is that the damn media pulled a fast one on the country.

Boy I can't wait until the shit hits the fan on that one. They are going to destroy n00bama in order to save themselves. I'm already stocking up on popcorn.
So when we can no longer afford healthcare, who goes to the death chambers first? Granpa? Granny?

Take a fucking number?
Beats a 1 trillion dollar red hot poker up my ass.

Sure, one trillion is a horrible price to pay to see that Americans have health care equal to what the rest of the industrialized nations do. Much better to spend 3 trillion to bomb the bejesus out of a nation of 25 million on the basis of lies.

I was against that non sense too unlike Hillary Clinton and others and you know what,if a gun was pointed to my head and I HAD to choose between healthcare here or blowing trillions abroad, I'd choose the money to be spent here and I'm convinced that's why the Democrats are in office now, a shitty choice between blowing trillions overseas or here and we STILL got the same thing as Bush, he blew in both areas too. Congratulations on winning but I doubt very seriously healthcare is the reason Obama,Reid and Pelosi are calling the shots.
That's where you are ignorant about federal budgets. The federal budget is sliced into sections of the pie, and the military/overseas budget is one part of that slice that doesn't get spent on anything but the military. So, saying you would rather spend the money here instead of through the military or overseas is not an option. Nobody guarantees you care of any kind. You even have to pay to have you buried. The Naive attitude that government is supposed to take care of you is ludicrous, false and unfounded. You are guaranteed one entity in this world and that is a sure and certain death. All else is generated and earned by you.
Sure, one trillion is a horrible price to pay to see that Americans have health care equal to what the rest of the industrialized nations do. Much better to spend 3 trillion to bomb the bejesus out of a nation of 25 million on the basis of lies.

I was against that non sense too unlike Hillary Clinton and others and you know what,if a gun was pointed to my head and I HAD to choose between healthcare here or blowing trillions abroad, I'd choose the money to be spent here and I'm convinced that's why the Democrats are in office now, a shitty choice between blowing trillions overseas or here and we STILL got the same thing as Bush, he blew in both areas too. Congratulations on winning but I doubt very seriously healthcare is the reason Obama,Reid and Pelosi are calling the shots.
That's where you are ignorant about federal budgets. The federal budget is sliced into sections of the pie, and the military/overseas budget is one part of that slice that doesn't get spent on anything but the military. So, saying you would rather spend the money here instead of through the military or overseas is not an option. If that amount of money gets put into the budget earmarked for the military and overseas spending, then it stays there until the next budget is set.
The Republican Health Care Plan

To obstruct, complain, whine, and lie until nothing is done...again. The End

Senator Kyl, the #2 Republican in the Senate, appeared on Fox News Sunday, July 26, 2009 and was asked for the Republican suggestions for healthcare reform. He listed the following, explaining that the Democrats would not accept any to be included in the bill.

1. 91% have healthcare, and 84% scored their satisfaction with them as either good or extremely good. Based on this level of response, the healthcare system should not be scrapped, but rather corrected where fixing is necessary.

2. Democrats will not allow Tort Reform, as trial lawyers are one of their biggest contributors. But the need is there, as the Republicans claim that there is an annual cost of over $100 billion in excess costs to healthcare in both defensive and lawsuit costs. Further, he stated that there is between $60 billion and $120 billion in fraud.

3. Small businesses are at a disadvantage relative to big corporations in dealing with the insurance companies, he encourages reform of laws that do not allow the small businesses to form associations to level the playing field.

4. Insurance companies should be allowed to sell healthcare policies across state lines, as auto insurance companies do. Currently, the risk pools within some states is too small to limit the costs.

5. Health Savings Accounts should be expanded so that individuals can pay for same with pre-tax dollars, and accumulate interest on these accounts.

6. Reform the tax code so that individuals can take a tax deduction for the cost of healthcare, as businesses do today.

I challenge our liberal colleagues to mount an attack that covers all of the above, and to answer this question:

If the above are legitimate responses to your healthcare concerns, how do you explain the liberal Democrats , clearly the Blue Dogs are not included, clinging to the Obamacare concepts like a dog with a bone?
I was against that non sense too unlike Hillary Clinton and others and you know what,if a gun was pointed to my head and I HAD to choose between healthcare here or blowing trillions abroad, I'd choose the money to be spent here and I'm convinced that's why the Democrats are in office now, a shitty choice between blowing trillions overseas or here and we STILL got the same thing as Bush, he blew in both areas too. Congratulations on winning but I doubt very seriously healthcare is the reason Obama,Reid and Pelosi are calling the shots.
That's where you are ignorant about federal budgets. The federal budget is sliced into sections of the pie, and the military/overseas budget is one part of that slice that doesn't get spent on anything but the military. So, saying you would rather spend the money here instead of through the military or overseas is not an option. If that amount of money gets put into the budget earmarked for the military and overseas spending, then it stays there until the next budget is set.

I don't consider myself an expert on anything anymore than you probably are, the difference is,I'm not going to call you ignorant just because we have a difference of opinion. I do have an option as a voter though, I don't have to choose either,what I consider to be ignorant options and you assumed wrong, I do know that it is appropriated for military, what I was trying to state is, if I HAD to make the choice,I'd choose here instead of abroad.
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So lets me see if I have this straight.

We already have the best healthcare in the world. The envy of the world actually.

Liberals have decided that they want to completely destroy this and break the bank in the process. And now this moronic op actually wants to see the republican plan to also destroy our healthcare?

I for one, hope repubs don't have a plan for this. We can improve upon the current healthcare but we can do this without bankrupting us in the process.

Liberals don't care about that obviously as ling as it gets people to vote for them.


well the big point is...ACCESS to that best healthcare....if you cant get access it doesnt matter to you how good it is....but that being said,i feel the govt should tell the ins. co. to fix what is wrong with the industry.....let them do it,its their industry,and if they dont ,then let them know someone else may have too....and they sure as hell wont like who that someone will be....
I would very much like to go to a real Health Care System in one step. It would be less costly, and better for all. But those in power, economic, not political, will not allow that. So we will have to take half a loaf, and incrementaly set up a reasonable system.

one step.....its that easy to move 300 million people into it....sign a paper and tomorrow its done....you been in the home to long ....

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