What is the difference between Birthers and Russiagate?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

There’s zero proof that Obama was born out of the US .

Ok, disprove this sign

And its always striking that cons use the specific language of “trump colluded”. Never “trump administration colluded “.

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

There’s zero proof that Obama was born out of the US .


Sure. It’s a fake .

Prove it.

Then there is this.


In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:
Again, evidence does not equal proof, does it?

Now where is the proof Trump colluded with Russia again?
Jim Carrey painted this picture of Trump and Putin. I reckon this counts as evidence for people like Timmy.

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

None. Except there actually IS several items to make us believe Obama WAS born in Kenya, no less him and his wife's own words, themselves! People didn't just pull this stuff out of their hats!
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

There’s zero proof that Obama was born out of the US .


Sure. It’s a fake .

Prove it.

Then there is this.


In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:

Because a promotional booklet is proof of nothing vs a government issued certified birth record.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Obama said recently he was born in Kenya, on his latest trip there, truth has a way of coming out.

  2. See this video he says it himself, why do you protest?
  3. He was indeed born in Kenya, he is Kenyan, that is Barack Obama.

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
ummm, because the boychikins and Manafort met with the Russian spy in the Trump Towers?

I once had a Russian dentist.

I had to sign loyalty papers to Putin before he would touch my mouth.

Very odd.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
Hmmm...Hillary is a member of both groups, so she can't be part of the answer regarding what the difference between the 2 is.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
There's an actual investigation into Russian interference not a fake one.

Trump sends investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama

An investigation based upon documents Hillary paid for?

Then they create a FISA warrant to go after Carter Page, but then end up attacking everyone around Trump instead?

Then the lead investigator tweets that he will stop Trump before the investigation begins?

That investigation?

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