What is Hillary Clinton thinking?


Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.

False premise. The real question is, is she thinking at all?

She would call males "deplorable", unless black.
Hey raise your hand you think it's truly possible Hillary is an alien Grey in human form here to cause human extinction by preventing reproduction and eating our children.

She's washed up, the clinton strangle hold is done. She needs to just go away and be a granmaw.

Not so fast. Her daughter could run for mayor of New York and probably get 80% of votes from some drones without even doing a speech. The Clintons will be part of the U.S political landscapes for decades to come.
She's washed up, the clinton strangle hold is done. She needs to just go away and be a granmaw.

I agree, what Hillary needs to come to terms with, despite the emails, the Bengazi shit, etc....she lost first time out to an unknown black guy, she almost lost to a 90 year old progressive jew...what more proof does she need to realize, people just don't like her? I know I don't, never have and never will. She needs to just go away and get off the blame game shit. Just another example of why I can't wait for old white people to get out of politics and go away...and take Pelosi, Perez and that sorry ass negro Keith with you!!



. She's thinking alright, but it ain't the kind of thought process of a normal granny... She thinks she's a Betty White in the energy dept. but sadly an evil liberal Demon-crat Betty White if such a person were to exist. She is the ultimate deplorable. Does the woman have any self respect for herself left ?



. She's thinking alright, but it ain't the kind of thought process of a normal granny... She thinks she's a Betty White in the energy dept. but sadly an evil liberal Demon-crat Betty White if such a person were to exist. She is the ultimate deplorable. Does the woman have any self respect for herself left ?

What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.

What is she thinking? A better question is why should anybody care.
Really looking forward to her next public appearance where she gives us new insights on how she lost to a businessman with no political campaign experience.
Exactly, at some point, one must find a mirror and come to terms with the reflection.
Hey raise your hand you think it's truly possible Hillary is an alien Grey in human form here to cause human extinction by preventing reproduction and eating our children.

I got a better proposal, raise you hand if you believe deepthunk has a working brain cell in that air bubble he calls a head?
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
Shes thinking about running again! Are we lucky or is she stupid?
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
Shes thinking about running again! Are we lucky or is she stupid?
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
Shes thinking about running again! Are we lucky or is she stupid?

False dichotomy. she will run, lose the nomination and force the Ds further left in the general election. That will hand Trump a much larger victory in the general election.
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
Shes thinking about running again! Are we lucky or is she stupid?
What is Hillary Clinton thinking? - CNNPolitics.com

What is Hillary Clinton thinking?

I can sum the answer up in quick jiffy, she trying to figure out how to A. convince male voters doesn't hate and desperately want to torture them all and B. convince female voters she doesn't want to torturer murder and eat their children.

So far she isn't doing well on either front.
Shes thinking about running again! Are we lucky or is she stupid?

False dichotomy. she will run, lose the nomination and force the Ds further left in the general election. That will hand Trump a much larger victory in the general election.
But she is self centered and stupid and will do it.

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