What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, ,so THAT'S what they mean by american exceptionalism.
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

Thanks for expounding the virtues of Capitalism and a government based on the free will and autonomy of the people.
Look, start a thread for the first time

Boy, you sure ain't very bright. I think I started at least 2 or 3 threads just over the weekend! How many 4 U?

Which one on the topics you promised?

Man, this jackass is even more lame than first thought. Tell us, Drippy, show us a quality thread above the sixth grade you ever started since you are unable to debate me and publicly test how "educated" you really are! :lmao:
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.
Which one on the topics you promised?

I don't see any promises by me to start anything, Drip. Can you point it out? You said I couldn't comprehend poverty or animal communication or some such idiot claim, that it was above my comprehension, yet you never reveal any comprehension on anything yourself much less the ability to gauge anyone else's, the Leftard's Favorite Bullshit Excuse Cop-out--- so I offered you to pick a high-level topic to discuss to test that theory! People in glass houses should not throw stones. Still waiting for you to put up or shut up.

Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at 10.11.03 PM.png

If none of those meet your needs, I'll even offer you a forth topic, the effects of magnets on audio signals. First of all, what is your theoretical analysis of the moving magnet and conductor problem as it relates to the transparency of vestigial soundstage and background signals in a sub-line level audio input and what is your solution? Here's a couple of links to help you out:

Moving magnet and conductor problem - Wikipedia
Mastering Physics Solutions: A Conductor Moving in a Magnetic Field | Mastering Physics Solutions

Mind you, the current best case solution by the industry is to reduce the mass of the conductor, but this further drops signal pressure even if it aids transient response time! But it is still ultimately a kludge (a nice kludge) which fails to ideally address the problem. What is it?

Here's more to help you out:

Magnetic core - Wikipedia
Transformer Losses - Types of Energy Losses in a Transformer
Electrical: Energy Efficiency - Introduction to Transformer Losses

And of course, this all relates back to the RIAA EQ problem and the additional circuitry needed to compensate for the fact that a magnet's output is frequency dependent (higher amplitude/longer wavelength = greater output voltage) as magnets are inherently low-pass filters (the inductor choke problem).

Well, there you go, Drippy, I've practically laid the solution in your lap. I've bent over backwards for you. Show us how smart you are now. I know at least one person on this forum that would probably get the solution. This is all very basic physics, not hard stuff at all. There is your topic, unless you prefer one of the others, I think one was about quantum quark confinement and the third about solar evolution in the main sequence of stars? Nope, it was about maksutov optics. All stuff I was wrestling with in high school.

What line of bullshit will you dance around now? If magnets don't interest you, we can do quark theory or solar physics. Once again, assbag, IT IS YOUR CALL.
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More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.

What the hell are you talking about?
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

Thanks for expounding the virtues of Capitalism and a government based on the free will and autonomy of the people.

I don't expect you to really understand it.
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.

What the hell are you talking about?

Due diligence might help.

Here's the deal with predatory capitalism in america, the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class does not "give" the unsubstantial people jobs. The unsubstantial people give the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class the surplus wealth generated from their labor, above and beyond what the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class pays them for their labor. Then a portion of the surplus is fed back into the system/power structure to insure that the predation is enforced.

Coal jobs "coming back"? Review the coal wars in america, the surplus wealth generated by labor was used to pay the very goon squads who the corporatists hired to attack and murder workers with.

Too dated?

Google just won a court case such that you do not own your own data, face recognition, bio-metric or otherwise, you are an economic unit others control.

The US has made a fetish of the illusion it is a democracy, there is no democracy without democracy in the workplace. The capitalist produces nothing, he's/she's a parasite on society.
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.

What the hell are you talking about?

Due diligence might help.

Here's the deal with predatory capitalism in america, the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class does not "give" the unsubstantial people jobs. The unsubstantial people give the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class the surplus wealth generated from their labor, above and beyond what the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class pays them for their labor. Then a portion of the surplus is fed back into the system/power structure to insure that the predation is enforced.

Coal jobs "coming back"? Review the coal wars in america, the surplus wealth generated by labor was used to pay the very goon squads who the corporatists hired to attack and murder workers with.

Too dated?

Google just won a court case such that you do not own your own data, face recognition, bio-metric or otherwise, you are an economic unit others control.

The US has made a fetish of the illusion it is a democracy, there is no democracy without democracy in the workplace. The capitalist produces nothing, he's/she's a parasite on society.

Meaningless, self-indulgent nonsense. Just another wannabe marxist chasing his own tail.
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.

What the hell are you talking about?

Due diligence might help.

Here's the deal with predatory capitalism in america, the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class does not "give" the unsubstantial people jobs. The unsubstantial people give the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class the surplus wealth generated from their labor, above and beyond what the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class pays them for their labor. Then a portion of the surplus is fed back into the system/power structure to insure that the predation is enforced.

Coal jobs "coming back"? Review the coal wars in america, the surplus wealth generated by labor was used to pay the very goon squads who the corporatists hired to attack and murder workers with.

Too dated?

Google just won a court case such that you do not own your own data, face recognition, bio-metric or otherwise, you are an economic unit others control.

The US has made a fetish of the illusion it is a democracy, there is no democracy without democracy in the workplace. The capitalist produces nothing, he's/she's a parasite on society.

Meaningless, self-indulgent nonsense. Just another wannabe marxist chasing his own tail.

Labeling is not a cogent argument darling, nite.
Propagandachic didn’t you know that we have a 33% poverty rate in California...
More people live in extreme poverty around the world than over double the entire population of the United States. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. You can beg that much at a stop light in the United States in about 10 minutes.

More and more are.

We should all start living on $2.50 per day in america while we subsidize the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class with socialism, it's the patriotic thing to do.

What an empty fuckwit argument. We're such an exceptional people and society.

What the hell are you talking about?

Due diligence might help.

Here's the deal with predatory capitalism in america, the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class does not "give" the unsubstantial people jobs. The unsubstantial people give the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class the surplus wealth generated from their labor, above and beyond what the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class pays them for their labor. Then a portion of the surplus is fed back into the system/power structure to insure that the predation is enforced.

Coal jobs "coming back"? Review the coal wars in america, the surplus wealth generated by labor was used to pay the very goon squads who the corporatists hired to attack and murder workers with.

Too dated?

Google just won a court case such that you do not own your own data, face recognition, bio-metric or otherwise, you are an economic unit others control.

The US has made a fetish of the illusion it is a democracy, there is no democracy without democracy in the workplace. The capitalist produces nothing, he's/she's a parasite on society.

Meaningless, self-indulgent nonsense. Just another wannabe marxist chasing his own tail.

Labeling is not a cogent argument darling, nite.

Neither is pointless, empty blather. It’s like teaching a parrot to ‘talk.’
Meaningless, self-indulgent nonsense.
Just another wannabe marxist chasing his own tail.
I don't expect you to really understand it.
Neither is pointless, empty blather. It’s like teaching a parrot to ‘talk.’
Labeling is not a cogent argument darling, nite.

Labels are all the Leftard assholes have. Labels and put-downs. That is how you know they ain't got nothin'. You know you have a real typical leftard coward when their every attack of an argument is to try to discredit the person rather than the topic, forever talking about how unworthy the other person is of even debate much less refutation because they know anything they actually might say would just reveal their own lack of any knowledge.

Now even Wiki is an unworthy source of info to this dribble-brain despite the fact that the articles are more than good, accurate and thorough. Not that this ass-sucker even looked at them. He couldn't make sense of them if I set his pants on fire. Just another feeble excuse to run, hide and evade actually standing behind his words. He won't address the topics here, much less on any new thread elsewhere. It is all just a game pathetic people play to get attention.

You'll note that even when he actually sticks to the topic of poverty, poor, animals, etc., he doesn't actually SAY anything. Just how stupid YOU are.

Used to be another screwball here from Russia always putting down everyone else and ranting on the superiority of Russia until I ran him off. I'll give this shit-sniffer one last chance to prove he has even a high school education by answering two simple mathematical questions:

A). Why is a vinculum a sign of grouping?

B). Give us the solution for X.


Or do you need me to start a thread somewhere to answer, jerk?
Solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States is market friendly and as free market as we can get in modern times; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor may benefit.

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