What if there had been no slaves in America?

If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
That is utter nonsense.
. No European/Americans ever "went to the continent of Africa" to acquire slaves.

That is utter nonsense.

First of all- Europeans started slavery in the New World when Columbus enslaved natives.

Then of course- Europeans of course had slaving stations on the coast of Africa- specifically to buy slaves from Africans.

The first African slaves taken from Africa were from Spanish and Portuguese raiding parties.

And Americans were involved in the trade too.

Illegal slaving went on for about 50 years. In 1860, Nathaniel Gordon, one of the last American slave ship captains, made a voyage to West Africa and loaded his ship, the Erie, with 900 Africans, 600 of whom were children. As the Erie left Africa to begin its long homeward trek, an American warship intercepted it about 50 miles from the African coast. Captain Gordon was arrested and taken to New York for trial. The court found Gordon guilty of breaking the U.S. anti-slave trading law and sentenced him to hang. The infamous Captain Gordon remains the only American slave trader ever to be executed by the United States.

Captain Gordon clearly went to the continent of Africa to acquire slaves.

Yes- Africans were complicit in the complex trade that resulted in African Americans slaves in America. That doesn't diminish our own complicity in slavery in America.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there hadd been no slaves in America...

America would have had a far more peaceful past, and present. Saved a mountain of money. And our neighborhoods, schools and colleges would be in far better shape. Riots, looting, and whining would be virtually non-existent. Our streets would be safer and crimes of every sort, especially rape and murder, would be far lower. All in all America would be far better off if slaves had never been brought into this country. It was the biggest, most damaging, and tragic mistake in our history.

And if slaves had never been brought here, we wouldn't have to even hear about a whining, sniveling, prick named kaeperdick. That, alone, would be a huge blessing. Think how great it would be — no more whines about white privilege, white supremacy, or white racism. No more crying about building's names or freaking banana peels in trees. No need for those fucking "safe spaces" and no microaggressions, whatever the hell those are. Lol...

In a word, America would be light years ahead, and far, far, better off.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?

Considering America's history, had there not been Black slaves, it is likely that native Indians would have been enslaved instead of being driven to the brink of extinction.

And yes, there would have still been race and ethnic baiters. The country has a dubious history with ALL non whites. Not just Black people.
The biggest mistake this country ever made was bringing in slaves. Second biggest mistake was not sending them all back to Africa when they were freed.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
Blacks would all still be in Africa trying to get here... or scam us.
The biggest mistake this country ever made was bringing in slaves. Second biggest mistake was not sending them all back to Africa when they were freed.

Historically slaves were already here and long established long before there was a country, when it was British and Spanish and French colonies. The Founders inherited all that but failed to deal with it.

So the country didn't "bring in" slaves ---- that importation happened to be at its peak at the same time the country was founded. Within 25 years the importation was illegalized but the peculiar institution was not, except piecemeal and selectively. For the usual reason for any such monstrosity ---- greed.
By "America" you mean North and South? Because slavery was of course used throughout both.

Again you're bending the facts to conform with the White-haters' and race-pimps' version of history.

The vast majority of slaves in America were concentrated in the Southern states. The comparative number of slaves distributed in other states was miniscule. In fact the majority of Northern and Eastern states were free states wherein it was unlawful to own slaves.

Slave and free states - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apparently your reading comprehension is on the way out too.

"North" and "South" above refer to "North America" and "South America". Far more slaves went to Brazil, the Caribbean and central America than were brought here. And it might be noticed, without the degree of racial tension we have. There is, for example, no KKK in Brazil.

We tend to tune out in our little USian bubble but we received just a small portion of the total African slave trade here in North America. So I'm asking the OP how he intends his title when he says "America".
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?

We would still have racist assholes such as yourself starting baiting threads
And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
Who told you that? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Obama?

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

PS: The word, contemporary, means now, today, presently. And based on recent news reports there is a mob of armed Nigerian marauders, called Boko Haram, who kidnapped twenty young girls and offered them for sale as slaves. I was expecting that some Black American organizations might collect money and attempt to buy the girls' freedom -- but I haven't heard anything yet.

Have you?

Once again, reading comprehension --- there is no country in the world, Africa or elsewhere, in which slavery is legal. Human trafficking sadly occurs everywhere but nowhere is it legally sanctioned.

Prove me wrong.
If there were no slaves in the US we wouldn't have places like McDonald's...
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
Without the tens of millions of dollars that Southern slave labor introduced to the American economy America would look nothing like it does today.

That fact is not debatable...
Negros would still be snacking on each other in mud huts

Whites should have picked their own cotton. Now we are stuck with obsolete farm implements
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
That is utter nonsense.

Slaves were not introduced into America until the practice became profitable for Arab, Dutch, and Portuguese slave traders who purchased them from Black African tribesmen to deliver and re-sell them in America where eventually they were employed mainly on Southern plantations. The Northern, Western, and Eastern sectors of developing America did not utilize slave labor to any significant degree. No European/Americans ever "went to the continent of Africa" to acquire slaves. The slaves were brought here and sold at auction -- during a time when slavery was an acceptable and rather common practice in most of the developed and developing world and it bore no substantial stigma. It should be noted that Africa was the birthplace of slavery, where the practice continues to this day. Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

America would have grown economically without slaves. Perhaps not as quickly, but the absence of slave labor would not have annulled its economic viability and massive potential.
Please continue to introduce us to your disneyland version of slavery...lol.

First...your ignorance of the various forms of slavery is ultimately what makes your post so stupid.

In Africa enslaved people were only enslaved for a given period of time.
After that time they were considered members of that tribe with full rights and citizenship to that tribe.

Slavery in Africa
Slavery existed in Africa, but it was not the same type of slavery that the Europeans introduced. The European form was called chattel slavery. A chattel slave is a piece of property, with no rights. Slavery within Africa was different. A slave might be enslaved in order to pay off a debt or pay for a crime. Slaves in Africa lost the protection of their family and their place in society through enslavement. But eventually they or their children might become part of their master’s family and become free. This was unlike chattel slavery, in which enslaved Africans were slaves for life, as were their children and grandchildren.

The treatment of slaves in Africa varied widely. Ottobah Cuguano, a former slave, remembered slaves as being ‘well fed … and treated well’. Olaudah Equiano, another former slave who wrote an account of his life, noted that slaves might even own slaves themselves. In larger states some slaves worked in government administration, and might become an important state or royal official with wide ranging powers.
Slavery in Africa | Enslaved Africans | Enslaved People | The People Involved | Bristol and Transatlantic Slavery | PortCities Bristol

The overwhelming majority of chattel slavery was practiced by whites in the Americas and Europe.

1: African Slaves could never gain freedom, they were slaves for life.
2: African Slave's children were born as automatic, lifelong slaves.
3: African Slaves were routinely subjected to rape, torture, mutilation and torture.
4: African Slaves had no rights of person hood.
5: African Slaves could not vote, own property or testify against whites for crimes.
6:African Slaves could not learn to read or write.

There were many other restrictions on African chattel slavery that was never practiced against indentured white servants.

Africans sold African slaves to white believing that their tribal form of slavery would become the existence of those sold slaves. Africans had no idea of the concept of white chattel slavery and were ignorant of their part in the treatment of slaves imported to the Americas and Britain.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there hadd been no slaves in America...

America would have had a far more peaceful past, and present. Saved a mountain of money. And our neighborhoods, schools and colleges would be in far better shape. Riots, looting, and whining would be virtually non-existent. Our streets would be safer and crimes of every sort, especially rape and murder, would be far lower. All in all America would be far better off if slaves had never been brought into this country. It was the biggest, most damaging, and tragic mistake in our history.

And if slaves had never been brought here, we wouldn't have to even hear about a whining, sniveling, prick named kaeperdick. That, alone, would be a huge blessing. Think how great it would be — no more whines about white privilege, white supremacy, or white racism. No more crying about building's names or freaking banana peels in trees. No need for those fucking "safe spaces" and no microaggressions, whatever the hell those are. Lol...

In a word, America would be light years ahead, and far, far, better off.
Too bad that the history of Europe makes your post an exercise in wishful , ignorant bullshit.
Whites in Europe murdered one another to the brink of extinction.
Murder, rape, theft and savagery were common. The first historic record of cannibalism came from Europe.
90% of Europe was illiterate for much of it's history and there were very few periods of it's history free from war.

Now your post would be true save for one glaring omission...white racists.
What was new about the slave trade to the Americas was the concept of transporting a people from one continent to a totally different world,


The Vikings plundered countries all the way to Italy and North Africa bringing slaves back to Norway. I'm not sure if my ancestors were slave owners or slaves. They established colonies in Greenland where they raised crops and animals to replenish their ships on the way to North America where they may have taken slaves as well.
Negros would still be snacking on each other in mud huts

Whites should have picked their own cotton. Now we are stuck with obsolete farm implements
Sorry there you inbred ignorant hick but whites are the original cannibals...
But please continue to provide me with the ammunition needed to make you look extremely stupid.
Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism
From prehistory to the present with many episodes in between, the region has a surprisingly meaty history of humans eating humans

It is perhaps fitting that the conference should take place in Europe because the region has a long chronicle of cannibalism, from prehistory through the Renaissance, right up to the 21st-century Meiwes case.
Europe boasts the oldest fossil evidence of cannibalism. In a 1999 Science article, French paleontologists reported that 100,000-year-old bones from six Neanderthal victims found in a French cave called Moula-Guercy had been broken by other Neanderthals in such a way as to extract marrow and brains. In addition, tool marks on the mandible and femur suggested that tongue and thigh meat had been cut off for consumption.
Even if Europe’s Homo sapiens didn’t consume each other in prehistory, they certainly did in more modern times. References to acts of cannibalism are sprinkled throughout many religious and historical documents, such as the reports that cooked human flesh was being sold in 11th-century English markets during times of famine, says Jay Rubenstein, a historian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Read more: Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian
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Read more: Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian
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Read more: Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian
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What if blacks had been given the same options as Europeans on whether they wanted to come to America?

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