What If the U.S. Had Sweden's COVID-19 Crude Death Rate?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
For the sake of perspective, let us assume that Sweden’s COVID-19 crude death rate as of this morning were to occur for 12 months in the U.S. I am using Sweden’s numbers because Sweden has taken a moderate approach to COVID-19, and as a result most businesses and schools in Sweden have remained open, and Sweden has suffered considerably less economic damage than we have suffered.

Sweden had its first confirmed COVID-19 case on February 1, 96 days from yesterday. In 96 days, COVID-19 has killed 0.02875% of Sweden’s population (2,941 deaths out of 10.23 million people). If this crude death rate had occurred in the U.S. over the last 96 days, it would equal 983 deaths per day. If we had 983 deaths per day for 365 days, that would equal 358,795 deaths, which would be 0.109322% of our population of 328.2 million, or 9.2 times lower than 1% of our population.

Furthermore, and most important, it appears likely that Sweden’s COVID-19 death toll for this year will not exceed 7,000. A death toll of 7,000 would be 0.07% of Sweden’s population. 0.07% of the U.S. population would be 230,000. That would be 20,000 fewer people than the number of Americans who die from medical errors each year.

Does it make sense to cause massive damage to our economy, to put tens of millions of Americans out work, to cause over 12 million Americans to lose their health insurance, and to destroy thousands of businesses—to save 230,000 people? This might seem like a cold, heartless question, but it is a question that must be asked. Some studies are finding that the lockdown is costing us many more years of human life than the lockdown is saving:

“Based on a broad array of scientific data, Just Facts has computed that the anxiety created by reactions to Covid-19—such as stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, media exaggerations, and legitimate concerns about the virus—will destroy at least seven times more years of human life than can possibly be saved by lockdowns to control the spread of the disease. This figure is a bare minimum, and the actual one is likely more than 90 times greater.”

We need to open the country ASAP.... Bad models and bad advice from Fauci caused the US economy to crash . We need to find out of this was deliberate or just bad judgement.

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