What if Hillary switched parties and ran for president as a republican?

Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?

First of all, Hillary would never want to become a Republican. Her policies are against Republican beliefs.

Secondly, her debacle as Secretary of State and the Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was a true disgrace! Not only to our Military but to our nation.

Third but not last, if she ever ran as a Republican and head-to-head against Trump; she would lose big time - again! Because, she has been known as a filthy rich, "What does it really matter" bytch! And she doesn't stand against Trump. Especially, she couldn't even get the economy; nevemind trying to get Bill (Slick Willy) to stroke her - in the right direction. She rather watch the stock market crash and burn! Than to even bother corporations to stay in the US. Or even give tax breaks. She rather raise the taxes to the hilt - to her benefit.

She is part of - and always will be - the Global Establishment! Always in it for herself.

Oh before I forget, she doesn't have the midset to even run the country. Nevermind a fitness club!

(...to be continued.)
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.


Hillary is, above all, a political creature. It's not about party for her, it's about power. She would have run as a Anarcho-Syndicalist if it meant getting to sit in the big chair ... a position she clearly believes she deserves

The Democrats offered her the best shot at getting what she wanted and she spent more than a decade building her power in that party.

If she thought she had the ability, and the time, to take another shot with the Republicans ... she'd be wearing a red dress and hunting grizzly bears in Alaska in a nanosecond.

However, with her political baggage, I don't think any Republican (or most Democrats) would trust her.
Hillary is, above all, a political creature. It's not about party for her, it's about power. She would have run as a Anarcho-Syndicalist if it meant getting to sit in the big chair ... a position she clearly believes she deserves

The Democrats offered her the best shot at getting what she wanted and she spent more than a decade building her power in that party.

If she thought she had the ability, and the time, to take another shot with the Republicans ... she'd be wearing a red dress and hunting grizzly bears in Alaska in a nanosecond.

However, with her political baggage, I don't think any Republican (or most Democrats) would trust her.

You do realise that you have obliterated the Republican party with Trump don't you? Something that is going to take the party decades to recover from.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Something that is going to take the party decades to recover from.

I certainly hope so. The old Republican Party was a mirror image of the Democrats. Different rhetoric, same actions.

As for that 'Blue Wave' for which you're praying, I'd not get my hopes up too high.
If Hillary switched back to republican much earlier I don't think it is as far-fetched as it seems at first.

Consider that republicans are very much more party loyal sheep than democrats and will vote for almost anyone that is an R (see roy moore, donald trump, etc).

I mean trump is a corrupt real estate guy from liberal NYC that used to support democrats, is not religious or conservative, married a bunch of immigrants with anchor babies, has appeared in porn films, cheats with porn stars, etc. and republicans love him.
You do realise that you have obliterated the Republican party with Trump don't you?
Do they realize it? that is why they elected him. the party as it was once known is now dead and the never-trumpers are getting on board, it is the left hat he is now blowing up and a good portion of them are jumping ship as socialists, perhaps now we can have the democratic party back.
oreo posting Putin stuff is so sad at this juncture now that even chronic TDS folks know about the Russian collusion hoax perpetrated by the democrats and MSM. But mental illness should not be underestimated since it is real based on the absolute insanity of mindless anti-Trump morons.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.
An insignificant statistic. California was carried by Clinton and whether she carried it by 50 votes or 10 million the electoral college vote remains the same. Maybe she should have spent some time in the flyover country she disdains so much.
Hilary Rodham Clinton is done.


She had one shot at the Presidency.

She blew it.

Time for her to start writing her memoirs and planning for her CNN special following that of the not-really-so-notorious RGB.

Time for her to stop deluding herself and her rapidly shrinking ragtag collection of followers that she's still relevant.

Time for the Democrats to get their heads out of their a$$e$ and begin advancing new leadership and new ideas.

The time of the Baby Boomers is over, as the driving force on the national stage; time for us to move over and give The Kids their chance.

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