What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

Not only does every American have a right to a cake from any establishment he chooses, he also needs the government to protect him from eating too much sugar. Sugar is a freedom-robbing substance. So there needs to be a cap placed on sugar content, and large cakes need to be banned altogether. /sarcasm
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.

He could sue the Christians for daring to suggest he ever bake such a cake, possibly even bringing criminal charges against them for suggesting that he bake something that promoted our supported Christianity in any way.
One has to wonder.

Why would anyone start a new business to deal with such total bullshit?

I mean, when it would simply be so much easier to steal now that police are standing down in fear of reckless racial accusations?
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
Should a Jew be forced to make a cake celebrating Hitler's birthday?

Does the Jew offer Hitler cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a Hitler cake for anyone.

Should a black be forced to bake a KKK cake?

Does the black offer KKK cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a KKK cake for anyone.

Should a Mexican be forced to bake a cake honouring Cortez?

Does the Mexican offer Cortez cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a Cortez cake for anyone.

Are there any other false analogies you care to make?

If they offer to make cakes to order to celebrate events and birthdays......then you are wrong.....
Not only does every American have a right to a cake from any establishment he chooses, he also needs the government to protect him from eating too much sugar. Sugar is a freedom-robbing substance. So there needs to be a cap placed on sugar content, and large cakes need to be banned altogether. /sarcasm

Also, if a gay baker is making less money than a straight baker, he should be able to sue under the Equal Pay for Gays Act, because when anything in society is unequal it robs our freedom.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
Should a Jew be forced to make a cake celebrating Hitler's birthday?

Should a black be forced to bake a KKK cake?

Should a Mexican be forced to bake a cake honouring Cortez?
If they bake cakes for a living, yes. They will get over it. Apparently it's only the christians who will faint dead away.

That only proves that you're a fucking Nazi:

Here's what you endorse:

do liberals and fake Indians ever grow up and stop being victims all their lives...

for crying out loud all over some stupid cake. You gave me shit about it, I'd bake it and shove it in your face. If they're going to sue me anyway might as well...lol

damn that's sounds like fun fun fun. I'm off to bake a cake


The cake is the tool, the goal is submission to the left in thought and action.......

I'd still like to know why someone would want to force someone else to make a cake or take photos for them.

Oh, just kidding, I know why. Some folks just like controlling, intimidating and punishing others.


The wider agenda of punishing people they hate, and then making everyone else fall in line........
If an atheist refuses to bake your cake, quit your whining and go to the baker across the street. Not everyone has to share your belief system to operate a business. If there are businesses that accommodate you, go there. Stop trying to make everyone accommodate you. You don't have the liberty to remove someone else's liberty.
If an animal clinic only accepts small dogs, you can either feel offended for your cat and sue the dog clinic for discrimination, or you can use your head and make an appointment at the cat clinic.
No one in this country should be forced to embrace anybody else's convictions in order to make a living. This garbage is widening the gap, not closing it. Accept that not everyone conforms to your way of thinking and go find someone who does.
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Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,

No one has a right to be served by any business, just as you don't have a right to go in other people's homes. They decide who they serve and who the invite in. That's called "freedom of association," a concept turds like you don't understand.
No one has a right to be served by any business, just as you don't have a right to go in other people's homes. They decide who they serve and who the invite in. That's called "freedom of association," a concept turds like you don't understand.
Apparently, you have a right to not be offended by people not wanting to associate with you, and are so entitled to the government's power in forcing that association.
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,
Men... not sexual deviants and perverts.

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