What I wrote about Dale Earnhardt


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
This is actually the only thing that I've written that is really and goo and I wrote it not long after Dale's crash.

It was opening day in Daytona.
Dale was running third on the track.
He was helping Michael and Dale Jr. win
by holding the other cars back.

The race was almost over.
Dale was on the final lap.
When suddenly on his bumper
Dale felt a little tap.

Dale thought that it was Rusty Wallace
or Sterling Marlin saying hello.
Then Dale heard the voice of God say,
"Dale, its time for you to go."

Dale asked, "Just one more championship?
One more makes number eight."
God said, "Hold my hand. Your wish is my command.
Its on to Heaven's gate."

Dale said, "I have just one favor
to ask of you before I leave.
Please take care of my friends and family,
especially Dale Jr., Michael, and Steve."

The Lord said, "Don't worry, Dale.
Everyone will be just fine."
Dale said, "I just wanted to know. I am ready to go.
Victory is mine!"

Dale slid in front of Ken Schrader
and both of them made contact.
Dale said goodbye to us all as he hit the wall
and went home in result of the impact.

So good bye, Dale! We love you
and we'll see you again later.
We will always remember this man in black.
Long live that Intimidator!

God bless you and his family always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ Thank you so much!!! :) :) :)

God bless you and Dale's family always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The first thing that I said in that message should say this but I messed up: "This is actually the only thing that I've written that is really any good..."
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