What I learned from Bengahzi


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
No matter what any of the facts say, as they don't matter or won't be believed. This issue is settled. Republicans believe Obama and his administration to be culpable, and the extreme right wants him impeached and jailed. There is no changing this belief it will only move to the conspiracy bin and never truly be over, just ask the Al Gore people. Democrats on the other hand will defend him until the end, facts be damned. The media on the left doesn't want to cover it as they believe it wasn't newsworthy as embassies get attacked all the time. FOX believes this to be on par with Watergate.

Here is what we know for sure:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is what matters when we boil it down:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is the sad history:
- Presidents lie all the time
- Presidents bend the law all the time
- Congress spends millions on investigations to look good to their constituents
- No one important ever gets into trouble, Scooter who?

What to do now?
- Pick up and move on

The perspective:
- No consequences for GWB for invading a soveriegn nation unprovoked, No consequences for Clinton in any of his escapades, No consequences for Reagan and his Iran Contra affair, and Obama won't even get scratched by four embassy deaths.
Because presidents lie all the time, because they bend the law all the time and others have done it...that makes this ok? So we should just drop it and go on?

What do you think the parents, wives, children of those 4 Americans think about that? They want answers. And it's not ok that Obama gets away with this JUST because other presidents have gotten away with things. All we want is the truth and answers to what happened....and that's all their families want. This isn't going away.
No matter what any of the facts say, as they don't matter or won't be believed. This issue is settled. Republicans believe Obama and his administration to be culpable, and the extreme right wants him impeached and jailed. There is no changing this belief it will only move to the conspiracy bin and never truly be over, just ask the Al Gore people. Democrats on the other hand will defend him until the end, facts be damned. The media on the left doesn't want to cover it as they believe it wasn't newsworthy as embassies get attacked all the time. FOX believes this to be on par with Watergate.

Here is what we know for sure:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is what matters when we boil it down:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is the sad history:
- Presidents lie all the time
- Presidents bend the law all the time
- Congress spends millions on investigations to look good to their constituents
- No one important ever gets into trouble, Scooter who?

What to do now?
- Pick up and move on

The perspective:
- No consequences for GWB for invading a soveriegn nation unprovoked, No consequences for Clinton in any of his escapades, No consequences for Reagan and his Iran Contra affair, and Obama won't even get scratched by four embassy deaths.

False equivalencies are false.
Because presidents lie all the time, because they bend the law all the time and others have done it...that makes this ok? So we should just drop it and go on?

What do you think the parents, wives, children of those 4 Americans think about that? They want answers. And it's not ok that Obama gets away with this JUST because other presidents have gotten away with things. All we want is the truth and answers to what happened....and that's all their families want. This isn't going away.

Do you really believe all those questions will be answered to your satisfaction?
How many outrages do you have to see before you understand how this works?
Liking or disliking what is happening isn't going to stop the outcome.
These are realities, not just bipartisan talking points.
Unfortunately it will go away, just like all the others before this one.
No matter what any of the facts say, as they don't matter or won't be believed. This issue is settled. Republicans believe Obama and his administration to be culpable, and the extreme right wants him impeached and jailed. There is no changing this belief it will only move to the conspiracy bin and never truly be over, just ask the Al Gore people. Democrats on the other hand will defend him until the end, facts be damned. The media on the left doesn't want to cover it as they believe it wasn't newsworthy as embassies get attacked all the time. FOX believes this to be on par with Watergate.

Here is what we know for sure:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is what matters when we boil it down:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is the sad history:
- Presidents lie all the time
- Presidents bend the law all the time
- Congress spends millions on investigations to look good to their constituents
- No one important ever gets into trouble, Scooter who?

What to do now?
- Pick up and move on

The perspective:
- No consequences for GWB for invading a soveriegn nation unprovoked, No consequences for Clinton in any of his escapades, No consequences for Reagan and his Iran Contra affair, and Obama won't even get scratched by four embassy deaths.

False equivalencies are false.

That may be, but it doesn't change anything.
Sure it does.

It changes your apparently thoughtful post into a steaming pile of crap.

Wether you believe the "Interpetation of the Facts" to be true or not does not change the basic facts at all. To get all worked up over things that will not change is a waste of time and money. Pick your battles and only pick the ones you can win, and no one wins these battles. Arguing over when it was officially called a "Terrorist Attack" is unbelieveable. The Opinion Media has more access to the so-called facts than the FBI has. So what I said in the OP is true, and all the bitching in the world won't change that.
If that is what you meant to say, we can agree. But equating the invasion of Iraq and the real....proven lies that surrounded that......with this embassy attack and the crazed attempts to make it a scandal is an odd way to say it.
No matter what any of the facts say, as they don't matter or won't be believed. This issue is settled. Republicans believe Obama and his administration to be culpable, and the extreme right wants him impeached and jailed. There is no changing this belief it will only move to the conspiracy bin and never truly be over, just ask the Al Gore people. Democrats on the other hand will defend him until the end, facts be damned. The media on the left doesn't want to cover it as they believe it wasn't newsworthy as embassies get attacked all the time. FOX believes this to be on par with Watergate.

Here is what we know for sure:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is what matters when we boil it down:
- 4 Americans got killed in Libya
- Muslim extremists from one of a hundred different factions carried it out
- We will continue to fight Islamic extremists for a long long time
- This will not be the last attack against America

Here is the sad history:
- Presidents lie all the time
- Presidents bend the law all the time
- Congress spends millions on investigations to look good to their constituents
- No one important ever gets into trouble, Scooter who?

What to do now?
- Pick up and move on

The perspective:
- No consequences for GWB for invading a soveriegn nation unprovoked, No consequences for Clinton in any of his escapades, No consequences for Reagan and his Iran Contra affair, and Obama won't even get scratched by four embassy deaths.

The President didn't lie or bend the law.

What the conservatives in this nation are doing is setting a very dangerous precendent that makes it extremely difficult to deal with these sorts of situations in an effective manner.

After 9/11 Bush was given plenty of breathing room to allow him to decide what to do next. An investigation into what went wrong didn't take place until a year after the dust settled.

During the Libya attack, which was much less consequential, the President's opponent was criticizing THE PRESIDENT, without even knowing what exactly was taking place. Calls went up from the opposition to immediately have an investigation take place.

This partisan nonsense bodes badly for the security of this nation.

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