What Has Hillary Done For You?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Alright liberal democrats how about you speak up. You take great pride in running your mouth so lets try this shall we? What has Hillary Clinton done for you?
Do you say have a POSITIVE social program?
Did she reduce crime anywhere?
Did she WRITE any bill passed? Not signed but wrote?

Now she has flip flopped on a few things.
She supported NORMAL marriage and she switched.
She bragged she started TPP and now does not like it.
Has she done anything for world peace?
Has she done anything for border security?

Now you cannot compare Trump because he has never held an office. On the religion front she claims to be Christian. Okay let her do so.
What pro Christian act has she ever done?
What is the largest Christian group to support her?
This is the kind of burning question the you have at 2 am on Saturday night?

Hilary was Secretary of State. That's qualification enough to be President.
Hilary care might have been great but the Republicans stomped all over it so we'll never know. She put a lot of time into drafting that up.
Like Obama, her term as Senator was only about becoming President, so don't expect to see much to brag about there.
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This is the kind of burning question the you have at 2 am on Saturday night?

Hilary was Secretary of State. That's qualification enough to be President.
And she did what with that job? Whose at peace because of her?
Is our border more secure because of her? Having the job is on thing, doing something with it is another. What did she get done?
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With me it is what she won't do....I don't think she'll defund and abolish the things that I love. I am really scared of what the tea party is becoming.
Well she won't tell the truth and she won't follow the rule of law.
She MAY not abolish the things you love BUT what has she openly supported that you love not by word but action?
Alright liberal democrats how about you speak up. You take great pride in running your mouth so lets try this shall we? What has Hillary Clinton done for you?
Do you say have a POSITIVE social program?
Did she reduce crime anywhere?
Did she WRITE any bill passed? Not signed but wrote?

Now she has flip flopped on a few things.
She supported NORMAL marriage and she switched.
She bragged she started TPP and now does not like it.
Has she done anything for world peace?
Has she done anything for border security?

Now you cannot compare Trump because he has never held an office. On the religion front she claims to be Christian. Okay let her do so.
What pro Christian act has she ever done?
What is the largest Christian group to support her?

poor wackjob....
Quote from
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?
Hilary care might have been great but the Republicans stomped all over it so we'll never know. She put a lot of time into drafting that up.

and if there's anyone who has the ability to iron out the wrinkles of the ACA, she's the one...
...you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
that is one woman who has had a free ride all her life. She rode into Congress on her President hubbies coattails. she was Given the position of SOS which she wasn't qualified for, as we saw with Benghazi. She's never stood on her own two feet to get anywhere. yet this is what some women look up to as a Strong Independent woman.

she's a horrible person who believes she is Entitled to be President no matter she has done nothing to prove it but, be a woman.
This is the kind of burning question the you have at 2 am on Saturday night?

Hilary was Secretary of State. That's qualification enough to be President.

There have been several Secretaries of State who could not find their own asses with both hands in an empty and well-lit closet lined with mirrors.

In Shrillary's case, it was a Consolation Prize for throwing her support to Obumble in 2008, once it was clear she had to pull out of the race.

She rode into the Senate on the coattails of her husband.

She rode into the State Department on the coattails of her old adversary.

She was relatively ineffective in her role as Secretary and she pulled the plug after one term and she left under a cloud and that cloud still lingers over her head.

She has no experience in governance from an executive (mayor, governor, etc.) perspective - merely several years logged as an observer.

Much of the nation does not trust her.

And 8 years of social-engineering and rule by Imperial Decree have soured much of America on the Magic Negro and his hybrid capitalism-socialism and failed foreign policy.

America doesn't need any more political family dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys, Romneys, et al) for a while, thank you very much.

She's insider-establishment and business-as-usual... the same old shit in a different wrapper... part of the problem, not the solution.

It's time for the Other Guys to take another turn at bat, assuming that they can get their heads out of their own asses, and field a viable candidate with some sense and vision.
Ex-Benghazi Investigator Says U.S. Panel Targeted Clinton

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

...a former staffer is coming out with a scathing indictment of the panel, charging its Republican leaders of carrying out a partisan investigation aimed unfairly at the Democratic presidential candidate.

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan
The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime

It’s Hillary Clinton, and if she runs she may be the most qualified candidate for the presidency in a generation.

Despite ceaseless attacks on her that continue to this day, in 2014 she was named — for the 13th straight year and 19th time overall — by the American people as the most admired woman in the world, according to the Gallup organization.

Forbes magazine ranked her as one of most powerful people in the world nine times. She has been named eight times to Time magazine’s most influential 100 people on the planet.

Commentary: The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime

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