What Has Hillary Done For You?

that is one woman who has had a free ride all her life. She rode into Congress on her President hubbies coattails. she was Given the position of SOS which she wasn't qualified for, as we saw with Benghazi. She's never stood on her own two feet to get anywhere. yet this is what some women look up to as a Strong Independent woman.

she's a horrible person who believes she is Entitled to be President no matter she has done nothing to prove it but, be a woman.

"I don't think that the Democrats are going to stop her from running because the system is inherently unfair," the developer (Trump) added. "I can tell you this: If that were a Republican that did what she did with the e-mails, they would have been in jail 12 months ago."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Trump: Hillary 'Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run'

:iagree: with Trump.., anyone disagree? if you do you must hate the truth!! :up:
This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the influential Fourth World Conference on Women hosted in Beijing, during which Hillary Clinton famously declared that "women's rights are human rights."

China's chilling message to women

hillary clinton

"If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all."

Those were the inspirational words Hillary Clinton spoke as the first lady of the United States in 1995 at the groundbreaking Beijing World Conference for Women. Twenty years later, Clinton is now amplifying the message with her presidential campaign as women around the world continue to fight for equal rights.

An upcoming full-length feature documentary by MAKERS, the group behind AOL's female leadership documentary series, will take audiences back to the moment Clinton and other world leaders helped turn women's rights into a global issue. The film, Once and For All, uses interviews and archival footage to chronicle the months leading up to the conference, reflects on the conference's impact, and considers what work still needs to be done to achieve true gender equality around the world.

"Women's Rights Are Human Rights": Watch the Trailer For a New Documentary on Gender Equality
Hillary kept us out of war

Republican Secretary of States were incapable of doing that
don't let facts get in the way of your hysterical hillary witch hunt...

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009 | PolitiFact

Embassy Attacks: An Interesting History

once upon a time in America, we had the good sense not to overtly politicize such events... those were the days!

awww, in the Hillary witch hunt. we saw a "witch hunt" with Sarah Palin from you people on the left/dems. who's accomplished way more than Hillary ever will, in running for and being elected a Governor of a State. Hillary's only accomplishment is being a Career and Corrupted Politician
Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks to 'Human Rights Campaign': HRC to HRC


Hillary Clinton delivered a passionate speech to members of the LGBT community at a breakfast hosted by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). HRC is the nation's largest LGBT civil rights organization in the forefront of every fight for the rights of the LGBT community. They have at times been attacked for their lack of diversity and sometimes seem to have had a hard time moving on from the days when they were known as HRCF, nicknamed the Human Rights Champagne Fund. But the reality is running a major organization like HRC takes a lot of money and rich people with money in our society are still too often mostly white and male.

The organization has been making needed strides to become more diverse and we as a community need HRC to be strong and successful. Marriage-equality is now a reality and HRC is leading the fight for a comprehensive civil rights bill. They have undertaken a southern strategy and a global strategy to help members of the LGBT community here and around the world.

Chad Griffin, President of HRC, introduced Hillary reminding everyone he has known her from their days in Arkansas. He shared some slides of him as a teenager with Hillary and quipped Hillary was the "first HRC he worked for." Hillary began her speech saying "Hello, Human Rights Campaign! It's great to be back with the HRC. There's no one I'd rather share my initials with than you."

From there the speech turned serious as she passionately described her commitment to the human rights of all people and reiterated the statement she made as Secretary of State in Geneva on Human Rights Day in 2011 declaring to the world "gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights." She spoke of where we are as a community and pledged to work with us to protect the rights the LGBT community has already won and fight with us until we secure all our rights.

As we in our own community strive to be more inclusive, it was encouraging to hear Clinton speak of the need for inclusiveness in government, the military and society as a whole. Anyone who has followed her career from her days at the Children's Defense Fund knows she has spent her life fighting for civil and human rights for people around the world including African Americans, women, and LGBT people. She received one of her loudest ovations when she said, "I've been fighting alongside you and others for equal rights -- and I'm just getting warmed up."

Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks to 'Human Rights Campaign': HRC to HRC
Hillary kept us out of war

one more lefty lie heaped upon the millions of their other lies.., do you lefty's have a helicopter to get one more lie upon your piles of lies so high it defies gravity. :up: ... :lmao:

Republicans think Diplomacy is for Pussies

Secretary of States don't actually "do" anything unless they start a war
Alright liberal democrats how about you speak up. You take great pride in running your mouth so lets try this shall we? What has Hillary Clinton done for you?
Do you say have a POSITIVE social program?
Did she reduce crime anywhere?
Did she WRITE any bill passed? Not signed but wrote?

Now she has flip flopped on a few things.
She supported NORMAL marriage and she switched.
She bragged she started TPP and now does not like it.
Has she done anything for world peace?
Has she done anything for border security?

Now you cannot compare Trump because he has never held an office. On the religion front she claims to be Christian. Okay let her do so.
What pro Christian act has she ever done?
What is the largest Christian group to support her?
As senator
Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Clinton sought to obtain funding for the recovery efforts in New York City and security improvements in her state. Working with New York's senior senator, Charles Schumer, she was instrumental in quickly securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment

She subsequently took a leading role[27] in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders, eventually earning the praise and endorsement of New York City's Uniformed Fire Officers Association and the Uniformed Firefighters Association for her 2006 re-election bid

In 2005, Clinton issued two studies that examined the disbursement of federal homeland security funds to local communities and first responders. Clinton voted for the USA Patriot Act in October 2001. In 2005, when the act was up for renewal, she worked to address some of the civil liberties concerns with it,[30] before voting in favor of a compromise renewed act in March 2006 that gained large majority support.

Senator Clinton voted against the two major tax cuts packages introduced by President Bush, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003,[40] saying it was fiscally irresponsible to reopen the budget deficit.

there's tons more but I guess you didn't research it before posting HUH???

as United States Secretary of State
During the transition period, Clinton sought to build a more powerful State Department. She began a push for a larger international affairs budget and an expanded role in global economic issues.She cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq where the U.S. Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates agreed with her, and also advocated larger State Department budgets.

Clinton spent her initial days as Secretary of State telephoning dozens of world leaders.[49] She said the world was eager to see a new American foreign policy and that, "There is a great exhalation of breath going on around the world. We've got a lot of damage to repair."[49] She did indicate that not every past policy would be repudiated, and specifically said it was essential that the six-party talks over the North Korean nuclear weapons program continue. Clinton re-emphasized her views during her first speech to State Department employees when she said, "There are three legs to the stool of American foreign policy: defense, diplomacy, and development. And we are responsible for two of the three legs. And we will make clear, as we go forward, that diplomacy and development are essential tools in achieving the long-term objectives of the United States. And I will do all that I can, working with you, to make it abundantly clear that robust diplomacy and effective development are the best long-term tools for securing America's future."[52] Clinton also soon visited the United States Agency for International Development, where she met employees and said they would be getting extra funds and attention during the new administration. ....

In July 2009, Clinton announced a new State Department initiative, the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, to establish specific objectives for the State Department's diplomatic missions abroad. The most ambitious of Clinton's departmental reforms, it is modeled after the Defense Department's Quadrennial Defense Review, which Clinton was familiar with from her days on the Senate Armed Services Committee. The first such Review came out in December 2010. Entitled Leading Through Civilian Power, its 220 pages centered on the notion of elevating "civilian power" as a cost-effective way of responding to international challenges and defusing crises.[62][63][64] It also sought the elevation of U.S. ambassadors in coordinating work of all abroad-tasked U.S. agencies.[62] Clinton said of the underlying message, "Leading with civilians saves lives and money." She also resolved to get Congress to approve the QDDR as a required part of the State Department planning process, saying, "I am determined that this report will not merely gather dust, like so many others." Another theme of the report was the goal of empowering the female population in developing countries around the world; the QDDR mentioned women and girls some 133 times. In part this reflected incorporation into the QDDR of the Hillary Doctrine, which stipulates that women's rights and violence against women around the world should be considered issues of national security to the United States.In addition, by attempting to institutionalize her goals in this area, Clinton – along with Anne-Marie Slaughter and Melanne Verveer, who also worked heavily in these efforts – were hoping that her initiatives and concerns towards the empowerment of women would persist past Clinton's time in office as well as break a past pattern of chauvinism in the department.

I mean you asked, and theres more again you just did want to do any research we get it

finally benghazi and her Email...
we are starting to find out the only reason these things were pushed in the press was because the republicans needed something to cause her to lose points in the polls ... we will all find out oct 22 how this was nothing more then to bring her down in the polls ... or as the say a unsuccessful witch hunt ... which I believe it will cause the republicans the house and senate
Hilary was Secretary of State. That's qualification enough to be President.

AND...... :fu:
it points out how conniving republicans are ... it show us how afraid of hillary republicans are, and of course you your middle school responce here points out your ability to grasp reality when found to be wrong ... how about one of your snappy "I know your but what am I" come backs ... thats usually a good one for you republican as a responmce ...
Despite progress over the last several decades, girls and women remain the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unfed, and unpaid.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is a Clinton Foundation initiative to inspire and advance the full participation of girls and women around the world. Even today, persistent stereotypes and barriers keep women from equal access, representation, and compensation in our communities and around the world. No Ceilings is convening global partners to build a data-driven evaluation of the progress girls and women have made and the challenges that remain to help chart the path forward to full participation in the 21st century.

We're all in this together – all committed to helping people realize their full potential.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project
Despite progress over the last several decades, girls and women remain the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unfed, and unpaid.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is a Clinton Foundation initiative to inspire and advance the full participation of girls and women around the world. Even today, persistent stereotypes and barriers keep women from equal access, representation, and compensation in our communities and around the world. No Ceilings is convening global partners to build a data-driven evaluation of the progress girls and women have made and the challenges that remain to help chart the path forward to full participation in the 21st century.

We're all in this together – all committed to helping people realize their full potential.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

President Bush did more for Africa and the women there and around the world than Hillary or Obama put together. but if you must make up things. It's understandable why. sheesh
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Oct. 6, 2007: "The children’s health program wouldn’t be in existence today if we didn’t have Hillary pushing for it from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue."

Years later, when Clinton was first running for the Senate, Kennedy’s aide Littlefield was still giving her credit. The New York Times quoted him as saying, ”She was a one-woman army inside the White House to get this done.”

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP
don't let facts get in the way of your hysterical hillary witch hunt...

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009 | PolitiFact

Embassy Attacks: An Interesting History

once upon a time in America, we had the good sense not to overtly politicize such events... those were the days!

awww, in the Hillary witch hunt. we saw a "witch hunt" with Sarah Palin from you people on the left/dems. who's accomplished way more than Hillary ever will, in running for and being elected a Governor of a State. Hillary's only accomplishment is being a Career and Corrupted Politician
Stephoney your so full of shit its makes me laugh when I read your post... the country is finding out what conniving bastards you republicans are ... we just found out why the congressmen Kevin McCarthy decided not to replace Boehner .... he had been fucking some congress woman on the side, he didn't want it out in the press ... so when the tea party released it he got them back Kevin McCarthy out the tea partiers on what they were doing with the bengazi bull shit lies ... lie sthat you slurped up like the little shit sucker upper you are ...:lmao:
Quote from
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

She is a supporter of unlimited abortions. Hardly a friend of children and decent women.
She should take minimum profit from the sale of her books and donate to charity. Will she?
She should fly commercial instead of on her personal airplanes in order to to prove she is NOT a hypocrite on climate change.
Hillary kept us out of war

one more lefty lie heaped upon the millions of their other lies.., do you lefty's have a helicopter to get one more lie upon your piles of lies so high it defies gravity. :up: ... :lmao:

Hillary VOTED for the war in Iraq. that was their reason for DUMPING her for that nobody Obama when she ran against him the LAST time she ran for President. you can't keep up with all the BS these lefties dish out anymore
Ex-Benghazi Investigator Says U.S. Panel Targeted Clinton

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

...a former staffer is coming out with a scathing indictment of the panel, charging its Republican leaders of carrying out a partisan investigation aimed unfairly at the Democratic presidential candidate.

Fired Benghazi investigator says House probe is partisan

now you're getting desperate. digging out he EX's. good grief
Despite progress over the last several decades, girls and women remain the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unfed, and unpaid.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is a Clinton Foundation initiative to inspire and advance the full participation of girls and women around the world. Even today, persistent stereotypes and barriers keep women from equal access, representation, and compensation in our communities and around the world. No Ceilings is convening global partners to build a data-driven evaluation of the progress girls and women have made and the challenges that remain to help chart the path forward to full participation in the 21st century.

We're all in this together – all committed to helping people realize their full potential.

No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

President Bush did more for Africa and the women there and around the world than Hillary or Obama put together. but if you must make up things. It's understandable why. sheesh
it was the clinton's that pushed bush to Africa you Idiot ... with the Aids problem and water problems ... this is one of the Clinton foundations projects that bush jump on board with ... like I said stephoney your soooooooooo full of shit its a wonder you can stand up
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