What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

I'll gladly step up and organize a fundraiser to provide you with airfare to the Muslim country of your choice.

That's the spirit! Let's concentrate on finishing up my boat instead. We could put some snappy title on the fund drive and GO FOR IT! I promise to invest all funds on getting my boat done and getting the hell out of here! The down turn in the economy really put the brakes on my exodus. A few thou would be greatly appreciated.!

I think you'd be happier in Yemen. No Mormons, Catholics, Methodists or Jews at all there. Mexico has a shit load of Catholics and abortion is illegal in most Mexican states.

I'll be OK.. I kinda doubt I'll be needing an abortion.
Can't be any worse than waking up with a muslim in there. ANd by the way, since when did you start violating peoples freedom of religion? I thought liberals where a tolerant people.
The LDS has "scriptures"????.. You make me laugh longtime. Don't you mean more like "recent memos". Don't "scriptures" need to be ancient or something?

What would I do if Mittens is elected? Seriously consider moving to Mexico. I was going to anyway..I would finish restoring my 1958 32ft Chris Craft Commander .. and trailer it down to Zihuatanejo and spend the rest of my days chartering it out Marlin fishing. I would give no more thought to or faith in America.

Yes. We have scriptures. Id recommend reading them. They can teach you more.

Enjoy your trip when Governor Romney is elected. It sounds like it would be fun. Though Id be careful is Mexico.
And btw. The article is total nonsense. The basis of the article is that there is some mormon Prophecy that says there will be a mormon President who will overthrow the "gentile" system.

That's nonsense. There is no such prophecy. It's a complete lie.

The only prophecy concerning the Constitution is that when it's hanging by a thread, that the Elders of Israel will save it by upholding it. Says nothing about a Mormon President. Nothing about overthrowing the Republic, quite the opposite.

As for Joseph Smith's campaign for President, had we followed his policies, we could have avoided the mass slaughter of the Civil War, and we wouldnt be dealing with illegal immigration now.

But considering that campaign was mostly a protest of the other candidates because they refused to address the Extermination order Missouri issued allow Mormon's to be killed on sight or address any attempt to restore the Mormon's to their property that was stolen because of the extermination order, there really wasnt much expectation that he was going to win anything.

Needless to say. I think the author of the article probably should have gotten off his butt and research his articles before writing stupid crap.
CaféAuLait;5503543 said:
Scripture simply means "religious text", no where does it say they must be ancient. BTW there are a few million Mormon's in Mexico, maybe you will run into a few. :eusa_whistle:

One could hope. Much better than running into the drug lords. But then he might feel more at home with them. who knows?
Everyone would likely be required by law to put in community service being an annoying person that knocks on doors, spreading the word of Mormonism.

You need to have qualified for high standards for the privilege of being a missionary. The First amendment would prevent your suggestion from ever being law and the Church would never allow it if it was.

You see, we want people who actually have accurate information, a personal testimony, and the Holy Spirit teaching people. That can only happen if the call is voluntarily accepted.
If there had been an internet in 1962, I am sure, there would have been blogs/articles/assorted worries of "What Are We Going To Do With A Catholic In The White House?"

By then JFK would have had two years to prove himself.

Besides, there has always been talk of shadiness in the 1960 election. Nixon just had more class than to ruin the nation over it.
Can't be any worse than waking up with a muslim in there. ANd by the way, since when did you start violating peoples freedom of religion? I thought liberals where a tolerant people.

Indeed. And ALL office holders PROMISE by Oath to uphold the Constitution, thier particuliar Religion notwithstanding.

So the WORRY of so many of a theocracy is moot...unless they VIOLATE the Constitution. :eusa_shhh:
What church is worse, one that teaches you to hate white people or the church of Mormon? Who would you want to be living next door to you, the religious guy that hates you because you're white or the religious guy.

I guess that would depend on whether you are black or white. If I were black, I would probably not pick the church that taught that black people were the cursed descendants of one of the sons of Noah, and were not even allowed to be members until recently.

I might choose to be a member of the church that recognized the past and present injustices this country perpetrated against the black people and fought for equal rights. (which doesn't mean that they are taught to hate white people)
Punch! / By Mark Ames

What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney.

The truth about the man with 33 wives -- and what that tells us about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Much More: What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House? What Joseph Smith's Run for President Suggests About Mitt Romney | Belief | AlterNet

NOTE: It's a long, but interesting, read. Wingnuts should also enjoy it.

I predict that the sun will still rise in the East and set in the West (and Romney will try to claim credit for it). I predict the rich will continue to get richer and the poor will continue to get poorer. The middle class will continue to shrink. The policies of George Bush that have continued under the Obama administration will also continue under a Romney administration. The debt will continue to rise, although the Republicans will no longer complain about it. Life will go on much as it has for the past decade or longer. The religious beliefs, no matter how strange, won't make much difference to anyone except for zealots who agree or disagree with them.
CaféAuLait;5503543 said:
Scripture simply means "religious text", no where does it say they must be ancient. BTW there are a few million Mormon's in Mexico, maybe you will run into a few. :eusa_whistle:

One could hope. Much better than running into the drug lords. But then he might feel more at home with them. who knows?

Ya... I would.... a better class of people...not so much lying.
What church is worse, one that teaches you to hate white people or the church of Mormon? Who would you want to be living next door to you, the religious guy that hates you because you're white or the religious guy.

I guess that would depend on whether you are black or white. If I were black, I would probably not pick the church that taught that black people were the cursed descendants of one of the sons of Noah, and were not even allowed to be members until recently.

I might choose to be a member of the church that recognized the past and present injustices this country perpetrated against the black people and fought for equal rights. (which doesn't mean that they are taught to hate white people)

Since neither church ever banned black members from joining, your post is quite nonsensical.
CaféAuLait;5503543 said:
Scripture simply means "religious text", no where does it say they must be ancient. BTW there are a few million Mormon's in Mexico, maybe you will run into a few. :eusa_whistle:

One could hope. Much better than running into the drug lords. But then he might feel more at home with them. who knows?

Ya... I would.... a better class of people...not so much lying.

So in your mind liars and robbers lie less than those who tell the truth?
What Happens If We Wake Up With a Mormon in the White House?

It's a moot point - I just don't see Obama converting to Mormonism.

It would require him to be humble and seek God with through study and prayer. So you are probably right. God works mysteriously though.

Of course, Obama wont be President in 7 months. So your post is moot too.

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