What Happens If 20,000 Migrants Enter Your City ?

BTW, I am anti immigration. Both legal and illegal. And I don't care if you are brown or white, Polish or Ethiopian.

Because I see no need for more people. LA and New York are stuffed with people, and they have not created an Eden on Earth. Denser populations seem to require more rules and regulations. I don't see an upside.

Add to that the fact that technology keeps replacing our workforce, and I can see a future where there aren't enough jobs for the people here already.

Diversity? Multiculturalism? Unless people stay the way they are when they immigrate, they are sucked up by the melting pot of America. I am of Polish ancestry, and I cannot cook a Polish meal, or know the Polish language. In 3 generations, my family became 100% American.

Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
BTW, I am anti immigration. Both legal and illegal. And I don't care if you are brown or white, Polish or Ethiopian.

Because I see no need for more people. LA and New York are stuffed with people, and they have not created an Eden on Earth. Denser populations seem to require more rules and regulations. I don't see an upside.

Add to that the fact that technology keeps replacing our workforce, and I can see a future where there aren't enough jobs for the people here already.

Diversity? Multiculturalism? Unless people stay the way they are when they immigrate, they are sucked up by the melting pot of America. I am of Polish ancestry, and I cannot cook a Polish meal, or know the Polish language. In 3 generations, my family became 100% American.

don't worry; there is no immigration clause our Constitution.
But I was talking about caravan invaders.

You said, 'migrants'. That includes legal, illegal, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and Lithuanian. It includes, xtians, Jews, Muslims, Druids, and Agnostics.

If you're going to hate folks, be specific in your hates. Otherwise, you might offend those to whom you meant no offense.

Obviously, you are sympathetic to the type of Jew who let the Nazis walk all over him. Influenced by anti-manliness Freud and dreary, whining Postmodern weaklings, that generation of Jews is never held accountable for not engaging in all-hands-aboard violent resistance. Cowardice is the crime that enables all others.
The opening post is so deceitful it is obvious it came from a racist republican. First they won't send all 20,000 to one city. Anyone that has any information on this knows you are lying. First off our city has been very good at receiving refugees from many nations. The only ones we have ever had a problem with are the white Russians that came here. But in rebuttal to the lies of the first post is that most people did not even know we had taken in those refugees. I did as I drove city bus and got to know a lot of them. They were great people except for the Russians. So the real answer to your lies is to just state that you are full of waste products and it comes out your mouth or fingers in this case. You are nothing but a racist.
"diversity" (aka less white people) gotten us?

That would be 'fewer', not 'less'.

If you're going to live in this country, learn the language.

Well excuse me professor for screwing up my grammar. I might not be the most eloquent fucker around here but I think I do pretty well for someone without much in the way of a formal education. Go ahead and look down your hooked nose at me from your ivory tower, that's fine. Just know it's lowly people like me and my family that have to bear the brunt of the failure of your multiculturalism experiment.
Until Students Are Highly Paid, Graduates Won't Be Worth Anything Either

Formal education doesn't teach grammar; a diploma is a phony achievement for students incapable of learning except for temporary knowledge gotten through cramming for exams. That's one of the proofs that college graduates have no right to their jobs: No-talent class-climbing brownnoses, they are nothing but ambitious imbeciles who have never been held accountable for their devastating effect on our economy, media, and government.
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The opening post is so deceitful it is obvious it came from a racist republican. First they won't send all 20,000 to one city. Anyone that has any information on this knows you are lying. First off our city has been very good at receiving refugees from many nations. The only ones we have ever had a problem with are the white Russians that came here. But in rebuttal to the lies of the first post is that most people did not even know we had taken in those refugees. I did as I drove city bus and got to know a lot of them. They were great people except for the Russians. So the real answer to your lies is to just state that you are full of waste products and it comes out your mouth or fingers in this case. You are nothing but a racist.

I have known plenty of immigrants. None of them treated like mexican illegal so called imigrants are NOW. Why are they so special? They dislpace poor American workers of all races, over the last thirty years. Mexican workers are the new cheap disposable neoslaves. So this is what lib NPCs call humanitarian? Oh, goody.
Kennedys = Bushes, No Matter What Their United Birth-Class Tells You to Think

Cognitive dissonance by opposing "cheap disposable neoslaves," but blaming that on "Liberals." By the mental block of accepting things at face value, you have been rendered incapable of recognizing this contradiction as proof that modern "Liberals" are agents of the economic Right and always have been. Amputate both wings of this vulture, whose looming shadow we've lived under long enough.
I have known plenty of immigrants. None of them treated like mexican illegal so called imigrants are NOW. Why are they so special? They dispace poor American workers of all races, over the last thirty years. Mexican workers are the new cheap disposable neoslaves. So this is what lib NPCs call humanitarian? Oh, goody.

"They hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."

Benjamin Disraeli, concerning the Irish
Ireland, the Green Desert

The type of Irish who gutlessly submitted to British rule for 800 years, notwithstanding the few incompetent bullyboys who fought futilely, are not the type of Irish who emigrated to America. It is a logical assumption that most immigrants have rejected their own people for such cowardice and wild thrill-killing stupidity.

Their rah-rah song, "The Rising of the Moon" celebrates a pathetic and cowardly unsupported rebellion led by morons who lost 10 Irish "soldiers" to every 1 the Redcoats lost.
Happened to NYC when millions of immigrants entered the city in the early 1900s

The city thrived
But I was talking about caravan invaders.

You said, 'migrants'. That includes legal, illegal, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and Lithuanian. It includes, xtians, Jews, Muslims, Druids, and Agnostics.

If you're going to hate folks, be specific in your hates. Otherwise, you might offend those to whom you meant no offense.

Obviously, you are sympathetic to the type of Jew who let the Nazis walk all over him. Influenced by anti-manliness Freud and dreary, whining Postmodern weaklings, that generation of Jews is never held accountable for not engaging in all-hands-aboard violent resistance. Cowardice is the crime that enables all others.

Thanks for the psychoanalysis. You can bill my insurance.
It's a very legitimate concern.
At this moment we at the highest immigration rate in the history of our country.
If we don't control our border crossings and immigration we will eventually become a third world country.
Americans have worked very hard to create a prosperous country, and some even died defending our freedoms.
This new generation of Democrats are dangerous far left radicals and racist.
If they get their way we will be the next Venezuelian disaster.
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things.
Hmmmm. I'm near Raleigh. The lefties love this issue. I'm dead sure all those fancy lefties will feed and house them, personally. I won't lift a finger to help. No way.
It's a very legitimate concern.
At this moment we at the highest immigration rate in the history of our country.
If we don't control our border crossings and immigration we will eventually become a third world country.
Americans have worked very hard to create a prosperous country, and some even died defending our freedoms.
This new generation of Democrats are dangerous far left radicals and racist.
If they get their way we will be the next Venezuelian disaster.
where are you getting your information from?

only the right wing appeals to that much ignorance of economics and capitalism.
Go ask a western European who lives in a town overrun with Africans

the stage monkey George clooney who was pro open borders sold his house in northern Italy ...why ?
cause the town was overrun with third worlders
Italy ? Third worlders from WHERE ? Vatican city ?Itly was a shithole 40 years back. Nobody with a brain would even consider the dump
BTW, I am anti immigration. Both legal and illegal. And I don't care if you are brown or white, Polish or Ethiopian.
This is what happens to people who watch CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal OMISSION media. The information-deprived of America. Here is your remedy.

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter

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