What got me kicked out of the last place


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Maybe I should sic some of the Tigers here on that old place if you don't mind being booted in less than a day ?

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
Yeah you can really rail against whatever minority you're blaming for your personal failures pretty freely here.
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
Yeah you can really rail against whatever minority you're blaming for your personal failures pretty freely here.

In fact just the opposite, life failures trying to blame their lot on the successful
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
Yeah you can really rail against whatever minority you're blaming for your personal failures pretty freely here.

In fact just the opposite, life failures trying to blame their lot on the successful
Whatever floats your boat you stinky cracka
I have to give the mods credit here too. Compared to the Nazi liberals who run Gamefaqs' messageboards, this site feels more like America where we're supposed to have free speech (yes, I know the 1st amendment only applies to the government).

The double standard you described is similar to why I finally left Gamefaqs. For example, even pointing out how racist affirmative action is towards Asians can get you banned.
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Maybe I should sic some of the Tigers here on that old place if you don't mind being booted in less than a day ?

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
I caught a lot of shit for saying negro but it's legal. There are still a few things off like a woman can call you a dick but you can't call her a kunt using a c. But you learn to work with it.
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls
Yeah you can really rail against whatever minority you're blaming for your personal failures pretty freely here.
Not to mention take in the drivel from old school and other lefty dopes to your heart's content.
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
Ok they say they want to come here
I think they want to tell how awful I was. I said bad things about Trayvon and Kanye. I was uncareful.
Hope you guys are OK if they want to throw down. Established fishing site so they may be a hardy seafaring sort!
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.

There should be a wall. Those other boards aren't sending their best. They are sending spammers and trolls and people who can't function in civilized company. And some, I assume, are good people.
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
Ok they say they want to come here
I think they want to tell how awful I was. I said bad things about Trayvon and Kanye. I was uncareful.
Hope you guys are OK if they want to throw down. Established fishing site so they may be a hardy seafaring sort!
Send em! The mods here could use some fresh meat. And we have had a liberal troll shortage since the election!
Trayvon got what he had coming!
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
Ok they say they want to come here
I think they want to tell how awful I was. I said bad things about Trayvon and Kanye. I was uncareful.
Hope you guys are OK if they want to throw down. Established fishing site so they may be a hardy seafaring sort!
Send em! The mods here could use some fresh meat. And we have had a liberal troll shortage since the election!
Trayvon got what he had coming!
^ couple fags
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
Ok they say they want to come here
I think they want to tell how awful I was. I said bad things about Trayvon and Kanye. I was uncareful.
Hope you guys are OK if they want to throw down. Established fishing site so they may be a hardy seafaring sort!
Send em! The mods here could use some fresh meat. And we have had a liberal troll shortage since the election!
Trayvon got what he had coming!
^ couple fags
Whores gold. The game begins!
The old site keeps chatting me up, don't believe I have not been suspended here. Speech control nuts really do not believe free speech should exist
They want to know what this site is so should I give them the address or give you the address of that site and you can check it out on your own
Instead of suggesting we visit some shit hole you just escaped how about you invite them here?
We take refugees from other boards.
Ok they say they want to come here
I think they want to tell how awful I was. I said bad things about Trayvon and Kanye. I was uncareful.
Hope you guys are OK if they want to throw down. Established fishing site so they may be a hardy seafaring sort!
Send em! The mods here could use some fresh meat. And we have had a liberal troll shortage since the election!
Trayvon got what he had coming!
^ couple fags
Whores gold. The game begins!
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Maybe I should sic some of the Tigers here on that old place if you don't mind being booted in less than a day ?

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls

Hey welcome. It sounds like you've got that whole whiny white male professional victim down pat so you'll fit right in with the other inbred, cracker, trailer trash here.

Seriously, whine your poor little fat ass off. [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Maybe I should sic some of the Tigers here on that old place if you don't mind being booted in less than a day ?

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls

Hey welcome. It sounds like you've got that whole whiny white male professional victim down pat so you'll fit right in with the other inbred, cracker, trailer trash here.

Seriously, whine your poor little fat ass off. [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Love to see you in a cage with an inbred cracker trailer trash! He would teach your little nasty faggotry ass self some damn maners!
There ARE rules. There are zones but not sure which is which and what rules pertain to those zones. Might wanna read the rulez before you go hog wild.

With that said..welcome to usmb.
This site really has a handle on how to handle things
I did not want to come here and gripe right from the get go but having been here couple weeks thought I would share.

On thing I detest highly is one way street speech control. An example is permitting whites to be called low life white trash trailer parh scum but not allowing a black to be called a negro deadbeat

Joined that site in October and after the election someone posted a picture of three dead monkeys and in the rough back and forth I asked which one was Trayvon. Two week suspension with a lot of chatter about advertisers and historical reasons blacks can't be called monkeys. I did not call all blacks monkeys, just Trayvon, but of course he needed defending

Earlier this month a fellow from Macedonia posted about how Anerica and Americans were the majority cause of the worlds ills
I responded that was Euro brainwashing and he should try some American liberty before deriding it
Oh heavens, I had to be made an example of as they want more international participation so 3 week suspension for personal attack
Told them bye bye

Being here I really do now see the candy ass nature of many sites and their delusions that one way streets and protected class of insults are legitimate ways of operating

Maybe I should sic some of the Tigers here on that old place if you don't mind being booted in less than a day ?

Whomever are the powers that be here; thank you for having a fundamental sense of balanced fairness and some balls

Hey welcome. It sounds like you've got that whole whiny white male professional victim down pat so you'll fit right in with the other inbred, cracker, trailer trash here.

Seriously, whine your poor little fat ass off. [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Love to see you in a cage with an inbred cracker trailer trash! He would teach your little nasty faggotry ass self some damn maners!

You mean like you and your massive IQ do?

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