What Geology Has to Say About Building a 1,000-Mile Border Wall


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2010
If you're tired of reading political, sociological, and financial rhetoric about the Southern Boarder Wall, take a look at this article from the Smithsonian. I won't try to summarize it because it's too long and well written. It explains the process and problems building an 18 inch wide, 20 to 50 foot high rock/concrete wall a 1000 miles long on sand, loose dirt above bedrock 100 to 1000 feet below the surface.

What Geology Has to Say About Building a 1,000-Mile Border Wall | Science | Smithsonian

If you're tired of reading political, sociological, and financial rhetoric about the Southern Boarder Wall, take a look at this article from the Smithsonian. I won't try to summarize it because it's too long and well written. It explains the process and problems building an 18 inch wide, 20 to 50 foot high rock/concrete wall a 1000 miles long on sand, loose dirt above bedrock 100 to 1000 feet below the surface.

What Geology Has to Say About Building a 1,000-Mile Border Wall | Science | Smithsonian

Wow. I wonder how the ancients were able to build this thing then. According to the Smithsonian this is an impossibility. I don't know which is worse, the idiot who wrote the article, or the people who believe it.....

While I'll probably read the article anyway...the Border Patrol has stated they prefer a border barrier that they can see through...so I suspect the border wall will not be a solid concrete barrier.

If the wall is not a solid tall concert/rock barrier with a proper foundation, it will be a fence and will suffer from the same problems as the existing 650 miles of fencing. You can build fence that the president can call a wall, but it will still be fence.
leftist douchebags are so fucking stupid.

They hear "wall" and they insist it has to be a uniform, traditional barrier or else TRUMP IS LYING AND IT CAN'T BE DONE!

What retards.
The Great Wall of China almost bankrupted China and played a part in the downfall of dynasties!
And it took over 2000 years, 500,000 people to build it and it was only partially effective. Unlike Trump's wall, the Great Wall is 15 to 30 feet wide, so the settling foundation, cracks and tilting was not a problem. It was also fortified with tens of thousands of defenders during times war. There was no concern about about small groups breaching the wall each day at various places which was not unusually.

In short the Great Wall of China is in no way similar to Trump's wall. It was primarily designed to stop horses and hoards of tens of thousands of invaders. The foundation was not a major concern because of the width of wall.
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leftist douchebags are so fucking stupid.

They hear "wall" and they insist it has to be a uniform, traditional barrier or else TRUMP IS LYING AND IT CAN'T BE DONE!

What retards.
In his executive order he calls for a "physical wall", not a figurative wall and not a fence. The time lime for planning is 180 days from the date of the EO, which includes the topographical survey and thus a geological survey, which experts have estimated as requiring 5 years.
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The Great Wall of China almost bankrupted China and played a part in the downfall of dynasties!

And yet, it was built. And the geology there is significantly more difficult than along our southern border.
The Great Wall of China almost bankrupted China and played a part in the downfall of dynasties!
And it took over 2000 years, 500,000 people to build it and it was only partially effective. Unlike Trump's wall, the Great Wall is 15 to 30 feet wide, so the settling foundation, cracks and tilting was not a problem. It was also fortified with tens of thousands of defenders during times war. There was no concern about about small groups breaching the wall each day at various places which was not unusually.

In short the Great Wall of China is in no way similar to Trump's wall. It was primarily designed to stop horses and hoards of tens of thousands of invaders. The foundation was not a major concern because of the width of wall.

Wow. Two thousand years in an era when the only machine you had was the bent back of a rather small, malnourished person. Your argument is less than compelling. Just sayin...
The great wall of china was tremendously effective. So was Hadrian's wall (ancient Rome).

As have been walls around every great city...walls kept the muslims out of France when they first tried to invade Europe. The invasion then was ultimately unsuccessful, arguably because of the walls.

The Berlin wall was a monument to effective border protection. It kept people out on one side, and in on the other.

Spain and Morocco have a wall between them....why no caterwauling?

leftist douchebags are so fucking stupid.

They hear "wall" and they insist it has to be a uniform, traditional barrier or else TRUMP IS LYING AND IT CAN'T BE DONE!

What retards.
In his executive order he calls for a "physical wall", not a figurative wall and not a fence. The time lime for planning is 180 days from the date of the EO, which includes the topographical survey and thus a geological survey, which experts have estimated as requiring 5 years.

Shut the fuck up, you moron.

Those of us who have actually built fence because we're not flap handed, lazy dumbasses like you, realize that the terrain dictates the type of structure.

Though if you guys keep whining on this particular point, I could see Trump blasting his way across the landscape, using nukes, if necessary, to facilitate the building of a wall that you can see from the moon. We're a month into his presidency. You think we can't slap a wall up if we decide to? REALLY?

What do you know about how the first railroads cut across our country? Because if that could happen 150 years ago, this can happen now.

Dumbasses. Walls are quite effective.

Particularly if you patrol them. And we can do that, too.
Hungary -- A wall in progress
As Europe grapples with a wave of migration of historic proportions, various countries are building walls and fences to try to hold back the flood, notably Hungary.
The country -- where officials say that an average of 1,000 people per day are crossing its borders illegally -- has begun building a fence on its southern border with Serbia. The fence will be 13 feet high, officials say.
Approximately 80,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year, most of them from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, where a brutal civil war continues unabated after more than four years.
Most of the migrants want to move to wealthier EU countries such as Germany.
In addition, Bulgarian authorities are defending the country's border with Turkey by building a fence topped with coils of razor wire.
And Britain has said it will build a fence more than two miles long in Calais, France, at the entrance to the tunnel under the English Channel. Migrants have gathered in large numbers in Calais, hoping to stow away in trucks and make the crossing into Britain.

Nations have built walls on borders for thousands of years - CNN.com
The Great Wall of China almost bankrupted China and played a part in the downfall of dynasties!
Dang! You were around back then? Too bad you clowns don't value honesty and ethics as much as you do pulling lies out at the drop of a hat.
There will be no uniform wall. Terrain, accessibility, geology and several other factors will dictate the type of barrier. There will be gaps where other security apparatus can be used or where it would be physically unlikely that humans or vehicles could tread.
Hungary -- A wall in progress
As Europe grapples with a wave of migration of historic proportions, various countries are building walls and fences to try to hold back the flood, notably Hungary.
The country -- where officials say that an average of 1,000 people per day are crossing its borders illegally -- has begun building a fence on its southern border with Serbia. The fence will be 13 feet high, officials say.
Approximately 80,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year, most of them from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, where a brutal civil war continues unabated after more than four years.
Most of the migrants want to move to wealthier EU countries such as Germany.
In addition, Bulgarian authorities are defending the country's border with Turkey by building a fence topped with coils of razor wire.
And Britain has said it will build a fence more than two miles long in Calais, France, at the entrance to the tunnel under the English Channel. Migrants have gathered in large numbers in Calais, hoping to stow away in trucks and make the crossing into Britain.

Nations have built walls on borders for thousands of years - CNN.com
So, we're headed toward feudal kingdoms, were nations hide behind walls for protection from enemies, real and imagined?
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Hungary -- A wall in progress
As Europe grapples with a wave of migration of historic proportions, various countries are building walls and fences to try to hold back the flood, notably Hungary.
The country -- where officials say that an average of 1,000 people per day are crossing its borders illegally -- has begun building a fence on its southern border with Serbia. The fence will be 13 feet high, officials say.
Approximately 80,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year, most of them from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, where a brutal civil war continues unabated after more than four years.
Most of the migrants want to move to wealthier EU countries such as Germany.
In addition, Bulgarian authorities are defending the country's border with Turkey by building a fence topped with coils of razor wire.
And Britain has said it will build a fence more than two miles long in Calais, France, at the entrance to the tunnel under the English Channel. Migrants have gathered in large numbers in Calais, hoping to stow away in trucks and make the crossing into Britain.

Nations have built walls on borders for thousands of years - CNN.com
So, we're headed toward feudal kingdoms, were nations hide behind walls for protection from enemies, real and imagined.
"[SIC] enemies, real and imagined."
Why don't you provide us with a list of each?
Hungary -- A wall in progress
As Europe grapples with a wave of migration of historic proportions, various countries are building walls and fences to try to hold back the flood, notably Hungary.
The country -- where officials say that an average of 1,000 people per day are crossing its borders illegally -- has begun building a fence on its southern border with Serbia. The fence will be 13 feet high, officials say.
Approximately 80,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year, most of them from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, where a brutal civil war continues unabated after more than four years.
Most of the migrants want to move to wealthier EU countries such as Germany.
In addition, Bulgarian authorities are defending the country's border with Turkey by building a fence topped with coils of razor wire.
And Britain has said it will build a fence more than two miles long in Calais, France, at the entrance to the tunnel under the English Channel. Migrants have gathered in large numbers in Calais, hoping to stow away in trucks and make the crossing into Britain.

Nations have built walls on borders for thousands of years - CNN.com
So, we're headed toward feudal kingdoms, were nations hide behind walls for protection from enemies, real and imagined.
Yes and it's about time. Naysayers like you rarely if EVER know what they are talking about. Perhaps you can post a graph that proves it?
Hungary -- A wall in progress
As Europe grapples with a wave of migration of historic proportions, various countries are building walls and fences to try to hold back the flood, notably Hungary.
The country -- where officials say that an average of 1,000 people per day are crossing its borders illegally -- has begun building a fence on its southern border with Serbia. The fence will be 13 feet high, officials say.
Approximately 80,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year, most of them from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, where a brutal civil war continues unabated after more than four years.
Most of the migrants want to move to wealthier EU countries such as Germany.
In addition, Bulgarian authorities are defending the country's border with Turkey by building a fence topped with coils of razor wire.
And Britain has said it will build a fence more than two miles long in Calais, France, at the entrance to the tunnel under the English Channel. Migrants have gathered in large numbers in Calais, hoping to stow away in trucks and make the crossing into Britain.

Nations have built walls on borders for thousands of years - CNN.com
So, we're headed toward feudal kingdoms, were nations hide behind walls for protection from enemies, real and imagined.

Better a feudal "kingdom" than a failed Republic, buried under mountains of debt foisted off by the globalists to bring this country to heel.

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