What Gall. Administration Talking About Charges Against SEAL After Their Leaks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's pretty funny that the administration is talking about bringing charges against a SEAL that felt compelled to write a book about the Bin Laden raid yet Obama allowed so many details of the classified mission to be released to the press just to make him look like a wartime president or make him look like a bad-ass.

This kind of talk is not only silly but hypocritical. Who has been prosecuted for the leaks so far?


Yet one of the heroes of the mission may face charges for trying to set the record straight.

Yet the left is trying to tell us that Obama is something that he isn't, a man that is more likable than Romney.

After watching Obama pound his chest repeatedly over the Bin Laden raid it seems a bit disingenuous when he talks of bringing charges against one of the guys that stacked on Bin Ladens' door. We know so many details of the mission yet Obama's representatives are talking this morning about going after one of the guys that pulled it off. Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Bet the libs here think it sounds pretty good. How dare somebody that was there tell the truth. We don't like anyone questioning the White House's version of events on the ground. We need to make Obama look like he was a brave and competent leader rather than a coward sitting in the corner like a scared child as is shown in the picture below.

This guy is pissing on our cornflakes and he needs to go down. Hard.


It's pretty funny that the administration is talking about bringing charges against a SEAL that felt compelled to write a book about the Bin Laden raid yet Obama allowed so many details of the classified mission to be released to the press just to make him look like a wartime president or make him look like a bad-ass.

This kind of talk is not only silly but hypocritical. Who has been prosecuted for the leaks so far?


Yet one of the heroes of the mission may face charges for trying to set the record straight.

Yet the left is trying to tell us that Obama is something that he isn't, a man that is more likable than Romney.

After watching Obama pound his chest repeatedly over the Bin Laden raid it seems a bit disingenuous when he talks of bringing charges against one of the guys that stacked on Bin Ladens' door. We know so many details of the mission yet Obama's representatives are talking this morning about going after one of the guys that pulled it off. Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Bet the libs here think it sounds pretty good. How dare somebody that was there tell the truth. We don't like anyone questioning the White House's version of events on the ground. We need to make Obama look like he was a brave and competent leader rather than a coward sitting in the corner like a scared child as is shown in the picture below.

This guy is pissing on our cornflakes and he needs to go down. Hard.


LMAO! The guy wrote a book about a highly classified action that he refused to let the DOD vet.

You, above all posters on here, know that was bad form (if not illegal). If you can't even be straight about that simple fact, well, whatever.

It's pretty funny that the administration is talking about bringing charges against a SEAL that felt compelled to write a book about the Bin Laden raid yet Obama allowed so many details of the classified mission to be released to the press just to make him look like a wartime president or make him look like a bad-ass.

This kind of talk is not only silly but hypocritical. Who has been prosecuted for the leaks so far?


Yet one of the heroes of the mission may face charges for trying to set the record straight.

Yet the left is trying to tell us that Obama is something that he isn't, a man that is more likable than Romney.

After watching Obama pound his chest repeatedly over the Bin Laden raid it seems a bit disingenuous when he talks of bringing charges against one of the guys that stacked on Bin Ladens' door. We know so many details of the mission yet Obama's representatives are talking this morning about going after one of the guys that pulled it off. Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Bet the libs here think it sounds pretty good. How dare somebody that was there tell the truth. We don't like anyone questioning the White House's version of events on the ground. We need to make Obama look like he was a brave and competent leader rather than a coward sitting in the corner like a scared child as is shown in the picture below.

This guy is pissing on our cornflakes and he needs to go down. Hard.


LMAO! The guy wrote a book about a highly classified action that he refused to let the DOD vet.

You, above all posters on here, know that was bad form (if not illegal). If you can't even be straight about that simple fact, well, whatever.

I'm being straight. I know better than anyone what this represents.

Problem is, I don't think Obama should be allowed to skate while this guy goes down.

Obama should face charges just like this SEAL. They are no different except for one detail: This SEAL is right.
It's even worse than that:

Obama Officials Gave Hollywood Filmmaker Access To Team That Killed Bin Laden, Records Show
WASHINGTON -- Obama administration officials made "a planner, operator and commander of SEAL Team Six" who killed Osama bin Laden available to a Hollywood director and screenwriter working on a movie about the successful raid, according to Pentagon and CIA records obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch.

The group released hundreds of pages of documents on Tuesday, secured under a Freedom of Information Act request, that it says show transcripts of meetings and communication between government agencies, Kathryn Bigelow, the Academy Award-winning director of "The Hurt Locker," and screenwriter Mark Boal.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said in a statement Wednesday that the emails tell a "damning story of extremely close, unprecedented, and potentially dangerous collaboration" with top officials at the CIA, Department of Defense and the White House, as well as with a top Democratic lobbying firm, the Glover Park Group.


Among the revelations posted on the Judicial Watch website:
A transcript of a July 14, 2011, meeting between DOD officials, including Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, Bigelow and Boal indicates that Boal met directly with White House officials on at least two occasions regarding the film: “I took your guidance and spoke to the WH and had a good meeting with Brennan and McDonough and I plan to follow up with them; and they were forward leaning and interested in sharing their point of view; command and control; so that was great, thank you,” Boal said according to the transcript. Vickers asks if the meeting was a follow-up, to which Boal responds, “Yes correct; this was a follow-up.” The documents seemingly reference John O. Brennan, Chief Counterterrorism Advisor to President Obama and Denis McDonough, who serves as President Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor.

The July 14, 2011, meeting transcript also reveals that the DOD provided the filmmakers with the identity of a “planner, SEAL Team 6 Operator and Commander.” (The name is blacked out in the document.) In proposing the arrangement, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers said: “The only thing we ask is that you not reveal his name in any way as a consultant because . . . he shouldn’t be talking out of school.” Vickers went on to say during the meeting at the Pentagon: “This at least, this gives him one step removed and he knows what he can and can’t say, but this way at least he can be as open as he can with you and it ought to meet your needs.” Boal later responds, “You delivered.”​

As usual, this Administration thinks it's above the law.
I am sure the SEAL isn't writing about anything classified. He's not that dumb. I'd also venture to say, the SEAL obtained legal advice before proceeding.

I say let the Pentagon attorney's go after him. If they're as incompetent as Obama (my bet, they are), the SEAL's got nothing to worry about.
I am sure the SEAL isn't writing about anything classified. He's not that dumb. I'd also venture to say, the SEAL obtained legal advice before proceeding.

I say let the Pentagon attorney's go after him. If they're as incompetent as Obama (my bet, they are), the SEAL's got nothing to worry about.
:clap2: SEALs don't get to be SEALs by being dumb.
I am sure the SEAL isn't writing about anything classified. He's not that dumb. I'd also venture to say, the SEAL obtained legal advice before proceeding.

I say let the Pentagon attorney's go after him. If they're as incompetent as Obama (my bet, they are), the SEAL's got nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately Obama can classify anything or declassify anything so legally he can blab all he wants to the press and he can also legally prosecute anyone for blabbing.

But is this right?


Just because you have the power does that mean you should use it?

A real leader wouldn't.
Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The rightwing transparency group, Judicial Watch, released Tuesday a new batch of documents showing how eagerly the Obama administration shoveled information to Hollywood film-makers about the Bin Laden raid. Obama officials did so to enable the production of a politically beneficial pre-election film about that "heroic" killing, even as administration lawyers insisted to federal courts and media outlets that no disclosure was permissible because the raid was classified.

Thanks to prior disclosures from Judicial Watch of documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, this is old news. That's what the Obama administration chronically does: it manipulates secrecy powers to prevent accountability in a court of law, while leaking at will about the same programs in order to glorify the president.

But what is news in this disclosure are the newly released emails between Mark Mazzetti, the New York Times's national security and intelligence reporter, and CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf. The CIA had evidently heard that Maureen Dowd was planning to write a column on the CIA's role in pumping the film-makers with information about the Bin Laden raid in order to boost Obama's re-election chances, and was apparently worried about how Dowd's column would reflect on them.
Remember it is the pentagon going after the ex seal not Obama directly.
I was waiting for some dumb-ass to say that.

One of Obama's powers according to the Constitution is Commander In Chief of the military. That means he sets policy for the Pentagon. They are under orders only to him and the Sec. of Defense.
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It is the law that he is breaking, both republicans and democrats make the law. So don't try to make some political point with this, because you won't

The court, not Obama will judge if he is guilty. So if he is innocent he has nothing to worry about.

Obama gave the order and took a risk by invading a foreign country (Pakistan) to kill Bin Laden, the pussies here typing that he s not the one that should credit for it are just plain ignorant or just hiding behind their own lies.

Imagine that China or Russia send in the military on the US mainland to kill someone there (Which is what Obama ordered in Pakistan). You re prob a just frustrated because you can't handle the facts that
1) not even the Republican party fully stands behind the presidential candidate Mitt Romney (even though they are united against Obama) and the tea baggers like you re not even allowed in the convention
2) the democrat Obama killed the man in just 1 term that the republican Bush failed to do in 2 terms of presidency
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The government will be sure to take the profits from the book so that the intended charity is deprived of those profits. Then democrats will talk about how the author wanted to make money off his fallen comrades and they stopped him.
The government will be sure to take the profits from the book so that the intended charity is deprived of those profits. Then democrats will talk about how the author wanted to make money off his fallen comrades and they stopped him.

About his comrades:

Fellow SEALs aren’t too happy with him either. In an anonymous Op-Ed for The Blaze, a fellow SEAL writes, “Mark, the men who stood next to you should have been everything you needed. Now we weep from your betrayal and we pray for your soul.”

The writer makes the OP also look like a moron:

The book, he said, is not about politics.
'My worry from the beginning is that it’s a political season. This book is not political whatsoever. It doesn’t badmouth either party and we specifically chose September 11 to keep it out of the politics.'
He added: 'If these crazies on either side of the aisle want to make it political, shame on them.


"Shame on you mr mudwhistle Tea Bagger " is what he is saying
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You have yourself figured out, finally.

You don't think when you are mad.


It's pretty funny that the administration is talking about bringing charges against a SEAL that felt compelled to write a book about the Bin Laden raid yet Obama allowed so many details of the classified mission to be released to the press just to make him look like a wartime president or make him look like a bad-ass.

This kind of talk is not only silly but hypocritical. Who has been prosecuted for the leaks so far?


Yet one of the heroes of the mission may face charges for trying to set the record straight.

Yet the left is trying to tell us that Obama is something that he isn't, a man that is more likable than Romney.

After watching Obama pound his chest repeatedly over the Bin Laden raid it seems a bit disingenuous when he talks of bringing charges against one of the guys that stacked on Bin Ladens' door. We know so many details of the mission yet Obama's representatives are talking this morning about going after one of the guys that pulled it off. Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Bet the libs here think it sounds pretty good. How dare somebody that was there tell the truth. We don't like anyone questioning the White House's version of events on the ground. We need to make Obama look like he was a brave and competent leader rather than a coward sitting in the corner like a scared child as is shown in the picture below.

This guy is pissing on our cornflakes and he needs to go down. Hard.


LMAO! The guy wrote a book about a highly classified action that he refused to let the DOD vet.

You, above all posters on here, know that was bad form (if not illegal). If you can't even be straight about that simple fact, well, whatever.

I'm being straight. I know better than anyone what this represents.

Problem is, I don't think Obama should be allowed to skate while this guy goes down.

Obama should face charges just like this SEAL. They are no different except for one detail: This SEAL is right.
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The government will be sure to take the profits from the book so that the intended charity is deprived of those profits. Then democrats will talk about how the author wanted to make money off his fallen comrades and they stopped him.

About his comrades:

Fellow SEALs aren’t too happy with him either. In an anonymous Op-Ed for The Blaze, a fellow SEAL writes, “Mark, the men who stood next to you should have been everything you needed. Now we weep from your betrayal and we pray for your soul.”

The writer makes the OP also look like a moron:

The book, he said, is not about politics.
'My worry from the beginning is that it’s a political season. This book is not political whatsoever. It doesn’t badmouth either party and we specifically chose September 11 to keep it out of the politics.'
He added: 'If these crazies on either side of the aisle want to make it political, shame on them.

No Easy Day: Ex-Navy SEAL says his book on Osama bin Laden's death is not political | Mail Online

"Shame on you mr mudwhistle Tea Bagger " is what he is saying

Fuck you.

If I thought you knew what my beef was I'd be pissed at your ridiculous response.

I have been in the author's shoes. I know why he wrote the book. Obama is a snake, a lying POS. He already has released key details of the mission to members of the media and even imbellished his limited role in it.

Who would know this better than a guy who sweated out the operation in that compound in the dark, risking his tail. Fuck that whimp Obama.

And take your shame on you and shove it up your you know what. Dickhead.
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As someone already said in the comments below the article I posted in a previous post:

Very sad when a hero sells out....... - Secret Squirrel, Exposing those Nuts
You have the right to your mistaken opinion, and Obama is the CiC, who makes the rules.

You are going to have to get over it.

The government will be sure to take the profits from the book so that the intended charity is deprived of those profits. Then democrats will talk about how the author wanted to make money off his fallen comrades and they stopped him.

About his comrades:

The writer makes the OP also look like a moron:

The book, he said, is not about politics.
'My worry from the beginning is that it’s a political season. This book is not political whatsoever. It doesn’t badmouth either party and we specifically chose September 11 to keep it out of the politics.'
He added: 'If these crazies on either side of the aisle want to make it political, shame on them.

No Easy Day: Ex-Navy SEAL says his book on Osama bin Laden's death is not political | Mail Online

"Shame on you mr mudwhistle Tea Bagger " is what he is saying

Fuck you.

If I thought you knew what my beef was I'd be pissed at your ridiculous response.

I have been in the author's shoes. I know why he wrote the book. Obama is a snake, a lying POS. He already has released key details of the mission to members of the media and even imbellished his limited role in it.

Who would know this better than a guy who sweated out the operation in that compound in the dark, risking his tail. Fuck that whimp Obama.

And take your shame on you and shove up your you know what. Dickhead.

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