What Form Of Government Is Better Than A Constitutional Republic?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
So you just don't think America's Constitutional Republic is all that good. You don't think having rights is all that necessary, and you don't like the idea of a small government with limited powers. You're not fond of a system of checks and balances, by which no single human has too much power.

What's a better form of government and how much power should it have?
So you just don't think America's Constitutional Republic is all that good.
Murica hasn't had one of those for over a century, so what model do we have to compare against?
You don't think having rights is all that necessary, and you don't like the idea of a small government with limited powers. You're not fond of a system of checks and balances, by which no single human has too much power.
Begging the question fallacy.
What's a better form of government and how much power should it have?
None and none.

At this point, it's arguable that a relatively benevolent mafioso capo regime would be a better deal than the "republic" we're currently suffering under.
So you just don't think America's Constitutional Republic is all that good. You don't think having rights is all that necessary, and you don't like the idea of a small government with limited powers. You're not fond of a system of checks and balances, by which no single human has too much power.

What's a better form of government and how much power should it have?
Laws and Constitutions are only as good as those willing to abide by them and enforce them.

Put another way, pick a moral people and place them in the worst possible form of government, and they will fix it.

Put an amoral people, i.e. Leftists, in the best possible form of government, and they will destroy it.
Finland is the happiest nation so must have the best form of government, a parliamentary representative democracy.

The politics of Finland take place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democracy.
You won't get any prog replies to a thread like this because the only possible answers they can honestly give would expose them as the Marxist revolutionaries they are.
Whoever knew parliamentary constitutional monarchists were Marxist revolutionaries?

Whoever knew parliamentary constitutional monarchists were Marxist revolutionaries?


I was speaking of members responding HERE, not Denmark and Finland. Those goofy bastards are all stoned on drugs and giving each other blow jobs, while the government pays for most everything, that's why they are happy.

Wait till Putin invades them and the USA is too broke from Biden to back them up then we will see how happy they are.
Never mind. Perhaps, one day, if you're good, you'll be allowed to have a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic.
Laws and Constitutions are only as good as those willing to abide by them and enforce them.

Exactly. Almost all governments do in fact reflect the morals and character of the people they govern, assuming they aren't being ruled by conquerors; can't be any other way, at least not for long.
Followed by Iceland, a Unitary parliamentary republic. Then Switzerland with a Federal assembly-independent directorial republic with elements of a direct democracy.

None of those countries would last two minutes on their own. They all currently exist under the umbrella of a super power and its 'Pax Romana' of the last 75+ years, soon to to be dismantled and leaving all these fat dumb and happy Euros at the mercy of some very bad nasty dictators and police states.

So you just don't think America's Constitutional Republic is all that good. You don't think having rights is all that necessary, and you don't like the idea of a small government with limited powers. You're not fond of a system of checks and balances, by which no single human has too much power.

What's a better form of government and how much power should it have?
Since when is our government small?

We haven't had a small government since before WWII and republicans have increased government at every turn just like democrats.

S0 to answer your question the change we need to make is to actually put power in the hands of the people not in the hands of the few powerful people and corporations that actually have control
None of those countries would last two minutes on their own. They all currently exist under the umbrella of a super power and its 'Pax Romana' of the last 75+ years, soon to to be dismantled and leaving all these fat dumb and happy Euros at the mercy of some very bad nasty dictators and police states.
Perhaps if you had the slightest concept or knowledge of the rest of the world one could maybe take you a tiny bit seriously.

What a pity...
Too bad your idiot opinions are always stupid.
It's quite obvious from your comment you either didn't bother finding out the 10 happiest countries or know nothing about them.

In any event, your ignorance is exceeded only by your smug exceptionalism. I think I repeated myself there...
Since when is our government small?

We haven't had a small government since before WWII and republicans have increased government at every turn just like democrats.

S0 to answer your question the change we need to make is to actually put power in the hands of the people not in the hands of the few powerful people and corporations that actually have control
The original intent of the Founding Fathers was that the Federal Government was to be limited. It's power and scope was to be limited to specific goals and purposes. Never did the Founders intend for the Federal Government to grab so much power from the States and "We The People." So our current form of government is not a reflection of our Founder's vision.

I certainly agree with your last sentence.

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