What does the Republican embrace of Russia and North Korea and Arabia mean for the US?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?


Deanie is a one-trick pony. Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia.
It would be an even better trick if he would stop tearing the rubber off his walls. Banging his head on hard surfaces does a lot of brain damage as we see in everyone of his posts.
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?


It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?



The US won't have to nuke 'em soon!!

Deanie is a one-trick pony. Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia.
It would be an even better trick if he would stop tearing the rubber off his walls. Banging his head on hard surfaces does a lot of brain damage as we see in everyone of his posts.

Hey bru: that "whiteface" is racist!!! I'm offended and my feelings are all upset. Where's my safe space and Comfort teddy???

It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?


tRump wants to be just like them and his mindless followers are just doing what they do best. Mindlessly following.
Some like to say it's both parties, but it's not. It's the GOP.

Steve Schmidt: Why I Quit the ‘Vile’ Republican Party

The Republican Party versus democracy

Tom Nichols: Why I'm Leaving the Republican Party

The Republican party has morphed into Trump. Now it's paid the price

Who's more compassionate, Republicans or Democrats?

Trump supporters’ answers were not in line with these findings.

Instead, their average responses to the broad compassion questions were significantly lower. These answers showed that Trump supporters were lower in personal compassion.


Take Trump's list of terrible things he's done or been involved in and replace Trump with Obama could you imagine what the GOP would do?

Do you know the majority of Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya?
Remember the "Reset"?

Remember who Mubarak was, and who Al Sisi is (Egypt)?

Remember Pinochet?

Remember Pahlavi? Saddam Hussein (before he turned into "Hitler")?

Since WWII, the U.S. had a long and storied history of siding with (ultra-) right-wing dictators, autocrats, military regimes, including nun-murdering death squads, on basically every continent (except Australia and Antarctica), and they're too many to remember. Trump is just a bit more open about it - just slightly less picky than his predecessors.

So, what the fuzz?
Democrat icon Harry Truman left the U.S. still in a state of war with North Korea after Truman's possibly senile General managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory and the U.S. settled for an embarrassing truce at the cost of 50,000 Americans in three years. Other than Bill Clinton's insane effort to bring N.K. into the nuclear age by shipping N.K. enough to build a freaking bomb no other administration has had the balls to deal with the rogue nation until President Trump brought them to the negotiation table. The crazy angry left apparently condoned the Clinton effort to bring N.K. into the nuclear age but the crazy angry left condemns Trump for using diplomacy to bring the rogue nation to the modern world. No surprises here.
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?



The US won't have to nuke 'em soon!!

I am pretty sure that derp is upset that Trump has not started WWIII yet and we are not all living in bunkers or dying of radiation so that he can point and go "I was right!"
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?



The US won't have to nuke 'em soon!!

I am pretty sure that derp is upset that Trump has not started WWIII yet and we are not all living in bunkers or dying of radiation so that he can point and go "I was right!"
That would also apply to virtually every left wing nut case out there, including the entire msm and Democratic Party and their followers.
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?



The US won't have to nuke 'em soon!!

I am pretty sure that derp is upset that Trump has not started WWIII yet and we are not all living in bunkers or dying of radiation so that he can point and go "I was right!"
We won't need WWIII with the rate Trump is rescinding EPA regulations.
Republicans can live like this:


But I can't.

When I look at this, I see slop.

Republicans see a "wading" pool. With sparkling water.

The Trumps have done some horrific things. I don't understand the kind of people that would see this behavior as acceptable.
It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin.

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably

The dramatic shift in sentiment — for a party that once defined itself by its staunch opposition to the Soviet Union — comes as President-elect Donald Trump has steadfastly refused to criticize Putin and signaled a different tone with Russia policy.

Rudy Giuliani, who would become one of Trump’s most vocal surrogates, praised Putin for acting like “a leader.”
“[Putin] makes a decision and he executes it, quickly. And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader,” Giuliani said.

State media has been full of praise for Trump, Tillerson and Flynn, noted Angela Stent, director of Georgetown’s Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and a a member of the senior advisory panel for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2010-2016.

Putin has fashioned himself as a defender of traditional values around the world, something that has a particular appeal to the socially conservative elements of the Republican Party. He’s actively pushed anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation in his country.

"President Putin sees himself as the leader of the conservative world, battling decadent liberal values,” former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mike McFaul told POLITICO. “When I was in the government there were overtures between evangelical and conservative religious organizations and Russians, including those associated with the government. … What brought them together was an ideological affinity about issues like LGBT in particular.”

The Two Parties' Divergent Narratives on Trump and Russia

Why do U.S conservatives love Russia's Vladimir Putin?

So far P. Trump has showed President Putin overwhelming support despite all investigations point that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC.


Republicans, even today, are still screaming for "small government".

Is there anyone on earth who thinks Russia has "small government"? What about North Korea? Are they a "small government"? Saudi Arabia? Are Republicans only saying that to get Americans to distrust the American government?

In fact, what is the GOP end game when it comes to their massive support for violent and dangerous dictators? Is that their goal for this country? What should we be doing to protect ourselves and our country?



The US won't have to nuke 'em soon!!

I am pretty sure that derp is upset that Trump has not started WWIII yet and we are not all living in bunkers or dying of radiation so that he can point and go "I was right!"
We won't need WWIII with the rate Trump is rescinding EPA regulations.
Republicans can live like this:


But I can't.

When I look at this, I see slop.

Republicans see a "wading" pool. With sparkling water.



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