What DOES the Law Say? (spoof on Fox lyrics by Ylvis)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
"What Does the Law Say?"
Spoof on "What Does the Fox Say?" by Ylvis

(lyrics will be updated and mp3 posted here:

Roe V Wade - Free Choice claimed
Government - Could not invade.
Freedom of - Reli- gion,
We recite by Amendment One.

Equal Protec - tion of the Laws,
That's the Fourteenth Amendment Clause.
But there's one law - nobody knows:
What DOES that law say?

[Nancy Pelosi]: Ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[Harry Reid]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[John Boehner/Ted Cruz]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding

What does FOX say?

[NRA headliner and rifles shooting stacks of ACA full of holes]:
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!
Pow-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!!
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!

What's the "Czar" say?
[Obama frowning, shaking head]:
That Tea Party's gotta go!
Racis' Haters hafta go!
Rightwing Crazies gotta go!

What does Rush say?
[Rush preaching]:
States have rights! That man's delusional!
Health care choices should be optional!
That whole bill's Unconstitutional!

(That's what I say!)

High Court ruled - it's a tax
That's not how that bill got passed!
Congress stalled - on the Hill
Government is standing still:

The Feds shut down - the benefits
And the protests of our Vets,
while Aliens - have equal voice...
Whatever happened to free
Choi-o-o-o-oice ... Choi-o-o-o-oice ...
Choi-o-oice ... and a Government that
Repre-se-e-ents ... Citize-e-ens ...
by Conse-e-e-e-ent...

What does the Law say?

[First Amendment]:
Gov'rnment can't mandate religion
Or abridge your right-to petition
Your free speech, or free - press
(Whispers: "Or due pro-cess")
[Fifth Amendment]

[Origination Clause]
Congress can't impose taxation
Without representation
States can't enforce discrimination
By race, class or creed
[Fourteenth Amendment]

[Thirteenth Amendment]
No unwilling servitude
Unless punishment is due
Rich or poor, there's no excuse
For abuses
[Code of Ethics for Government Service]

[Second Amendment]
Right to arms can't be infringed
For law-abiding Citizens
or Rights of People or the States
That make our country great...
[Tenth Amendment]

Lord of all our laws - Guiding humanity
Remind us of the truth - Come out of hiding
Shine from the clouds - Show your heav'nly face
Shower us with Grace - What would you say

Through our Founding Fathers - rising from their graves
Make us one with God - as equal children:
Equal Justice - Equal rights and Freedom under Law


May I propose a challenge to USMB:
to develop and produce this for a national contest to make
a Viral Video and protest campaign for Constitutional health care reform

ANYONE HAVE LINKS TO FOOTAGE OF PELOSI or the ACA bill that can be spliced in?
What about Veterans storming blockades (or headlines of aliens given permits to protest instead).
Can you imagine Rush Limbaugh with an Elephant Mask, in a duet with a Democrat in Donkey Ears?
Who would you cast? Can we make this a collaborative team project for USMB members?

What do you think, about trying to make a Viral Video on Constitutional laws?
What do YOU say?
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"What Does the Law Say?"
Spoof on "What Does the Fox Say?" by Ylvis

(lyrics will be updated and mp3 posted here:
What Does the Law Say?)

Roe V Wade - Free Choice claimed
Government - Could not invade.
Freedom of - Reli- gion,
We recite by Amendment One.

Equal Protec - tion of the Laws,
That's the Fourteenth Amendment Clause.
But there's one law - nobody knows:
What DOES that law say?

[Nancy Pelosi]: Ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[Harry Reid]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[John Boehner/Ted Cruz]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding

What does FOX say?

[NRA headliner and rifles shooting stacks of ACA full of holes]:
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!
Pow-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!!
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!

What's the "Czar" say?
[Obama frowning, shaking head]:
Racis' Haters hafta go!
That Tea Party's gotta go!
Rightwing Crazies gotta go!

What does Rush say?
[Rush preaching]:
States have rights! That man's delusional!
Health care choices should be optional!
That whole bill's Unconstitutional!

(That's what I say!)

High Court ruled - it's a tax
That's not how that bill got passed!
Congress stalled - on the Hill
Government is standing still:

The Feds shut down - the benefits
And the protests of our Vets,
while Aliens - have equal voice...
Whatever happened to free
Choi-o-o-o-oice ... Choi-o-o-o-oice ...
Choi-o-oice ... and a Government that
Repre-se-e-ents ... Citize-e-ens ...
by Conse-e-e-e-ent...

What does the Law say?

[First Amendment]:
Gov'rnment can't mandate religion
Or abridge your right-to petition
Your free speech, or free - press
Or due pro-cess
[Fifth Amendment]

[Origination Clause]
Congress can't impose taxation
Without representation
States can't enforce discrimination
By race, class or creed
[Fourteenth Amendment]

[Thirteenth Amendment]
No unwilling servitude
Unless punishment is due
Rich or poor, it's no excuse
For abuses
[Code of Ethics for Government Service]

[Second Amendment]
Right to arms can't be infringed
For law-abiding Citizens
or Rights reserved to the States
That make our country great...
[Tenth Amendment]

Lord of all our laws - Guiding humanity
Remind us of the truth - Come out of hiding
Shine from the clouds - Show your heav'nly face
Shower us with Grace - What would you say

Through our Founding Fathers - rising from their graves
Make us one with God - as equal children:
Equal Justice - Equal rights and Freedom under Law


May I propose a challenge to USMB:
to develop and produce this for a national contest to make
a Viral Video and protest campaign for Constitutional health care reform

ANYONE HAVE LINKS TO FOOTAGE OF PELOSI or the ACA bill that can be spliced in?
What about Veterans storming blockades (or headlines of aliens given permits to protest instead).
Can you imagine Rush Limbaugh with an Elephant Mask, in a duet with a Democrat in Donkey Ears?
Who would you cast? Can we make this a collaborative team project for USMB members?

What do you think, about trying to make a Viral Video on Constitutional laws?
What do YOU say?

"What Does the Law Say?"
Spoof on "What Does the Fox Say?" by Ylvis

(lyrics will be updated and mp3 posted here:
What Does the Law Say?)

Roe V Wade - Free Choice claimed
Government - Could not invade.
Freedom of - Reli- gion,
We recite by Amendment One.

Equal Protec - tion of the Laws,
That's the Fourteenth Amendment Clause.
But there's one law - nobody knows:
What DOES that law say?

[Nancy Pelosi]: Ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[Harry Reid]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding
[John Boehner/Ted Cruz]: Ge-ring, ding ding ding, Ding ge-ring ge-ding

What does FOX say?

[NRA headliner and rifles shooting stacks of ACA full of holes]:
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!
Pow-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!!
Wa-pow pow-pow! Pow, pow-pow!!

What's the "Czar" say?
[Obama frowning, shaking head]:
Racis' Haters hafta go!
That Tea Party's gotta go!
Rightwing Crazies gotta go!

What does Rush say?
[Rush preaching]:
States have rights! That man's delusional!
Health care choices should be optional!
That whole bill's Unconstitutional!

(That's what I say!)

High Court ruled - it's a tax
That's not how that bill got passed!
Congress stalled - on the Hill
Government is standing still:

The Feds shut down - the benefits
And the protests of our Vets,
while Aliens - have equal voice...
Whatever happened to free
Choi-o-o-o-oice ... Choi-o-o-o-oice ...
Choi-o-oice ... and a Government that
Repre-se-e-ents ... Citize-e-ens ...
by Conse-e-e-e-ent...

What does the Law say?

[First Amendment]:
Gov'rnment can't mandate religion
Or abridge your right-to petition
Your free speech, or free - press
Or due pro-cess
[Fifth Amendment]

[Origination Clause]
Congress can't impose taxation
Without representation
States can't enforce discrimination
By race, class or creed
[Fourteenth Amendment]

[Thirteenth Amendment]
No unwilling servitude
Unless punishment is due
Rich or poor, it's no excuse
For abuses
[Code of Ethics for Government Service]

[Second Amendment]
Right to arms can't be infringed
For law-abiding Citizens
or Rights reserved to the States
That make our country great...
[Tenth Amendment]

Lord of all our laws - Guiding humanity
Remind us of the truth - Come out of hiding
Shine from the clouds - Show your heav'nly face
Shower us with Grace - What would you say

Through our Founding Fathers - rising from their graves
Make us one with God - as equal children:
Equal Justice - Equal rights and Freedom under Law


May I propose a challenge to USMB:
to develop and produce this for a national contest to make
a Viral Video and protest campaign for Constitutional health care reform

ANYONE HAVE LINKS TO FOOTAGE OF PELOSI or the ACA bill that can be spliced in?
What about Veterans storming blockades (or headlines of aliens given permits to protest instead).
Can you imagine Rush Limbaugh with an Elephant Mask, in a duet with a Democrat in Donkey Ears?
Who would you cast? Can we make this a collaborative team project for USMB members?

What do you think, about trying to make a Viral Video on Constitutional laws?
What do YOU say?
Here's mine - for Halloween !

What Does the FOX Say?

WaPost covers the beltway
Examiner says there's another way
CNBC says how to get more dough
Forbes says tax the poor
NRA says "boom"
RolStone says "choom"
ESPN says be like Mike
NatReview still likes Ike
CNN Says show me the blood
WeatherChan says show me the flood
BRAVO says show me the stud

But there's one sound
That a growing number know
What does the FOX say?

[Chorus 1]
What the FOX say?

What the FOX say?

The Ministry of Public Enlightenment brings you this show
What does the FOX say?

Achtung achtung achtung baby
Achtung: Streng geheim!
Achtung: Streng geheim!
Start the propaganda
Says the memoranda
Out with the old speak
In with the newspeak
No more unconstitutional thought!
What the FOX say?

[Verse 2]
A desirable immigrant
From Australia
Hates dissidents
And has negrophobia
The old fringe
Is the new middle
Let 'em cringe
'Til they get the riddle

Morse code

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Your fur is red
So conservative
Like an angel in disguise
But if you meet
A friendly con
In mixed company
Will you communicate by


A friendly con
Will you communicate by
How will you speak to that
What does the fox say?

[Chorus 2]
What the FOX say?

What the FOX say?

What the FOX say?

"Bla-aa-aa-aaa- ck!
What does the FOX say?

The secret of the FOX
Enhancing history
Subliminally across the stratosphere
I know you're broadcasting
What is your sound?
Will we ever hear it clearly?
Will always be a mystery
What do you say?

You're my guardian angel
Inside the TV
What is your sound?
(Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do)
Will we ever know?
(Bay-budabud-dumbo -bama)
I want to
I want to
I want to know!
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