What do you think Romney's biggest problem is getting his message out?

Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

It's media coverage. He's out there talking every day... but we're not hearing what he says because the media won't cover it. They're all giving us more of what the pundits have to say than what the candidate says himself.

Vast Left Wing Conspiracy!

Rush, the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan, Joe Scarborough and more...??????

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my problems with mitt"

the state he was governor of..hates him...why you might ask...high taxes for them

i dont care for the mormon factor...they are a closed religion...simple as that...as i have said before comparing the mormon church to the catholic church is apple to oranges ...as i said you can walk into a catholic church and stay for the services...you can pray at their altars....pray to their saints...talk to a nun or priest...they dont ask for anything but money for the candles....try getting into a mormon temple..and seeing their rituals....

mitt has no comprehension of the reality of the working person....250 k is not middle class in my book...does he understand the average income is around 50k

a car elevator? i did not know you could put in a car elevator...i dont think in all my years i have seen a car elevator....my bad

oddly enough...he thinks i am one of his 53%....i work...i am white...i pay taxes...more than 14%
nc is considered a tax hell.....but that is another thread

i am the mother of one son....people make a big deal of him having 5 sons and none of them being military....i have no problem with that...i am sure each son is precious to their mother....

i think ann romney would be a much better first lady due to her experiences in being a mormon..she can organize i bet...i have not been too fond of michelle as a first lady....
and her fashion is just terrible....

you are gonna see a lot of southern chrirstians say it does not matter ...his religion....but let me tell you...southern baptist believe any religion taking or adding to the kjb is a cult...or at least the ones i know..that is how they define a cult..therefore they see mormonism as a cult....but i just wonder what they will do in the voting booth....many believe that obama is a muslim....so it may all just be a wash....

remember in massachuets he raised taxes and installed a form of mitt care

and ....now listen little ones....esp those of you screaming obama is gonna take our guns

as governor mitt banned assault weapons.....he has already began to take your guns....

Strollingbones, I enjoyed your post, but have a different perpective of many of your thoughts.

1. Romney's religion is one believing in God. That is what matters to me. His charitable donations and works far outnumber this idea of a "cult." Anyone is open to join the Mormon faith. And they can leave it.

2. This idea where Romney is out of touch with middle America has been dis-proven by his working with people in all walks of his life. His compassion for people has been demonstrated again and again when helping the man who lost his daughter after a party involving drugs, families who had lost their children and is always there when needed for a helping hand, a dinner a or emotional support. In my estimation, he is one classy guy.

3. So, the man has an elevator for cars. Lol. I don't really care. Does that break the deal of a presidential candidate? Kerry was richer than Romney. Do I care? Not one iota.

4. I personally don't think banning assault weapons is such a bad idea. Not may hunters use them for hunting, anyway. Just what is their purpose?

In your post, you dismiss the failings of the Obama administration and ignore the successes of the Romney resume. Was that an oversight?
You must spread some Reputation around before blowing smoke up Jackson's ass again

what did that message mean?
Mitt Romney "looks" presidential - until he opens his mouth and starts talking. Then he "looks" like Daffy Duck on crack.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

We got passion elected in 2008 look where that got us.
There is nothing positive about nearly 3 decades of irrisponsible spending, that led to this point.

I'm really wondering what would it take for people to stop repeating seriously sounding nonsense and start using their brains. Did it ever occur to you that all these "irrisponsible spending" stories could just be loads of BS? Have you ever tried to check if something else could have led to "this point"?
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

Romney does not have a message. Or, rather, his message was plain and simple "the economy is bad, so vote for me". So when that didn't work, he could not muster anything else -- he never expected he would have to explain why he would do any better than Obama.

But guess what -- many potential voters actually wanted a detailed answer. Don't ask me how come, I was surprised myself.
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Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

Romney does not have a message. Or, rather, his message was plain and simple "the economy is bad, so vote for me". So when that didn't work, he could not muster anything else -- he never expected he would have to explain why he would do any better than Obama.

But guess what -- many potential voters actually wanted a detailed answer. Don't ask me how come, I was surprised myself.

I'll give you a chance at this

Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

He allowed himself to be drawn off message. His main message started out as people are worse off now than they were four years ago because Obama was like a deer caught in the headlights when dealing with the economy, He needed to hammer away at that until it put Obama on the defensive, but instead he allowed Obama to hammer away at his wealth and tax returns and other gossipy stuff until it put him on the defensive. He needs to find some deep pockets quick and hammer away at a topic to put Obama on the defensive in order to get control of the debate.
The best explanation so far:

"What, after all, does Romney have to run on? True, he hasn’t offered specifics on his economic policies — but that’s because he can’t. The party base demands tax cuts, but also demands that he pose as a deficit hawk; he can’t do both in any coherent fashion without savaging Medicare and Social Security, yet he’s actually trying to run on the claim that Obama is the threat to Medicare. On fiscal matters, doubletalk and obfuscation are his only options. "
What do you think Romney's biggest problem is getting his message out?

He's a snotty two faced flip flopping disengenuous piece of crap?

Oh ya...and his laugh is creepy. He is very difficult to like.
Two issues:

1) He isnt as articulate as I'd like.
2) He has the media lying about what his message is and who he is.
Romney has made the McCain mistake. He was a moderate who moved to the far right to gain the GOP nomination. He now is stuck with it and is losing the independent voter, of which most are the 47% that he ignores...cause he doesn't need them.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

Honestly Gramps, I've talked to a lot of people and while there are the usual ones who support cutting taxes no matter what, there are a lot of normal people, including business owners, who aren't buying into the "we need to cut taxes more" agenda. While there are a lot of people who voted for Obama last time who will not vote for him this time, there are just about as many who did not vote for him last time who are voting for him this time. I may be an oddball in this forum for being one of those, but out in the everyday world, there are a lot of people who voted Republican in 2008 who are not doing so this time around, because they have seen how the Republicans have been obstructionists in everything they have done.

I'm not just trying to bad rap Republicans, because I also believe we need to find way to cut government spending and get the economy moving in the right direction again. Republicans have driven off all those who truly believe in fiscal responsibility and has been completely taken over by those supporting tax cuts no matter the cost. The Republican Party needs to get its act together and once again become more concerned about fiscal responsibility rather than following the likes of Grover Norquist and his bid to see taxes cut to ridiculously low levels, when we can see how much damage it is doing.

My favorite Republican and one I agree with most of the time is Alan Simpson, yet he has become a pariah to the party. What you should be asking is why has this happened, and what can Republicans do to strengthen the party rather than isolating itself and making itself so one dimensional. The path Republicans are on is going to tear the party apart and make it insignificant within the next twenty years as demographics continue to change.
The best explanation so far:

"What, after all, does Romney have to run on? True, he hasn’t offered specifics on his economic policies — but that’s because he can’t. The party base demands tax cuts, but also demands that he pose as a deficit hawk; he can’t do both in any coherent fashion without savaging Medicare and Social Security, yet he’s actually trying to run on the claim that Obama is the threat to Medicare. On fiscal matters, doubletalk and obfuscation are his only options. "
This is what obama has to run on
Romney does not have a message. Or, rather, his message was plain and simple "the economy is bad, so vote for me". So when that didn't work, he could not muster anything else -- he never expected he would have to explain why he would do any better than Obama.

But guess what -- many potential voters actually wanted a detailed answer. Don't ask me how come, I was surprised myself.

I'll give you a chance at this

The message and the messenger.

The message is fruit loops and the messenger is a schmuck.

Outside of the far right, Americans just aren't buying his argument of more tax cuts. This really is pretty simple. It's a funny thing too, because tax cuts are usually such an easy sell. Of course, that is, in great part, how we got where we are today.

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