What do you think of Obama's foreign policy?

What do you think of Obama's handling of foreign policy?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • Great

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Okay

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 23 47.9%

  • Total voters
Foreign affairs was supposed to be Obama's "weak suit," but if it had been a Republican president who sent in the troops to eliminate Bin Ladin, conservatives would still be dancing in the streets, singing his praises.

America's allies see Obama as bringing signs of "intelligent life" back to the White House - in marked contrast to the Neanderthals who roamed its halls from 2001 to 2009.
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Foreign affairs was supposed to be Obama's "weak suit," but if it had been a Republican president who sent in the troops to eliminate Bin Ladin, conservatives would still be dancing in the streets, singing his praises.

America's allies see Obama as bringing signs of "intelligent life" back to the White House - in marked contrast to the Neanderthals who roamed its halls from 2001 to 2009.

No, really, you should never inhale...
The only foreign policy achievement Ive really approved is getting Bin Laden. That was a no brainer.

His diplomacy with the UK has been quite horrendous.

He has insulted a number of other allies.

He has put us in wars in both Libya and Uganda for questionable reasons.

His actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have been less than honorable.

His support for the terrorist's Arab Spring has been short sighted

I was generous and gave him an okay. But thats mostly because i do approve of getting Bin Laden.
The second Carter administration pretty much sums up this debacle. Including..

Iran: U.K. Embassy Stormed

as opposed to treason by making a deal to hold the hostages(prolonging their suffering) until after the election in trade for weapons to Iran?

Democrats spent years trying to prove that balderdash to no avail. If there had been any evidence, then you can be certain the ferrets in the Democrat party would have found it. Furthermore, the fact that Carter allowed those "students" to hold our embassy hostage for long enough for Ronald Reagan to even factor into the equation was appalling. We can thank Carter's insipid response for the rise of Islamic terrorism.
The only foreign policy achievement Ive really approved is getting Bin Laden. That was a no brainer.

His diplomacy with the UK has been quite horrendous.

He has insulted a number of other allies.

He has put us in wars in both Libya and Uganda for questionable reasons.

His actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have been less than honorable.

His support for the terrorist's Arab Spring has been short sighted

I was generous and gave him an okay. But thats mostly because i do approve of getting Bin Laden.

You're too generous. It was a political decision, not out of principle, and it was largely nothing to do with him except for giving the ok.
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Bin Laden dead.

Most of the al Qaeda leadership taken out.

No US soldiers died in Libya.

The US belonging to a real coalition.

Republicans can't really be complaining about Obama after they let Bin Laden go. They can't.
Please only answer if you actually have an informed opinion on the subject.

Take into consideration the hot button issues surrounding Isreal, Iran, and Libya.

Barack Obama doesn't have a foreign policy--He just adopted G.W. Bush's policies after campaigning against them.
He hasn't been great. But he could have done worse. When he got into office he realized he couldn't do everything the people who voted for him wanted. Glad he recognized that.

We deserve worse for electing such an unknown quantity. But we caught a little luck.
Please only answer if you actually have an informed opinion on the subject.

Take into consideration the hot button issues surrounding Isreal, Iran, and Libya.

Barack Obama doesn't have a foreign policy--He just adopted G.W. Bush's policies after campaigning against them.

More or less.

Sort of 3/4 of the way to Bush. Half-strength surge in Afghanistan and saying he's going to pull the troops out in the middle of the fighting season next year ... these are bad.

But more or less what Oreo said.
As far as Iraq and Afghanistan, it's simply an extension of Bush's policy.

I'm sorry, sir, but you are a mountain ignorance. You obviously do not know anything about these wars. It may be true that Obama retained some of the Iraq war tactics created under the Bush adminstration, but as far as Afghanistan goes, the difference in strategy is like night and day.

FACT: Obama's central focus has been on the use of drone attacks. In the last three years, this strategy has crippled Al-Queda far more effectively than it did in the first 8 years with Bush.

You sir are an idiot.

The reason Obama stepped up the drone attacks is due to the fact that Iraq troops were drawn down and more were directed to Afghanistan. All part of Bush' foreign policy.

I think you are confusing yourself. Why would Obama step up drone attacks if more troops arrived in Afghanistan? That doesn't make any sense. Not only was Obama's strategy more effective, but it also signficantly miminized US casualties.
As far as Iraq and Afghanistan, it's simply an extension of Bush's policy.

I'm sorry, sir, but you are a mountain ignorance. You obviously do not know anything about these wars. It may be true that Obama retained some of the Iraq war tactics created under the Bush adminstration, but as far as Afghanistan goes, the difference in strategy is like night and day.

FACT: Obama's central focus has been on the use of drone attacks. In the last three years, this strategy has crippled Al-Queda far more effectively than it did in the first 8 years with Bush.

His drone attacks have killed a lot of people as collateral damage, and his main reason to use drones, far in excess of what Bush saw as advisable, is to avoid taking enemy combatants into custody by our military. He has no place to send them since he refuses to send them to GTMO, so he kills them with drones from the sky instead. How does that make ordinary tribal people feel do you suppose?
Look what it's gotten us right now on the border with Pakistan:

Pakistan, Russia and the Threat to the Afghan War | STRATFOR

Days after the Pakistanis closed their borders to the passage of fuel and supplies for the NATO-led war effort in Afghanistan, for very different reasons the Russians threatened to close the alternative Russia-controlled Northern Distribution Network (NDN). The dual threats are significant even if they don’t materialize. If both routes are cut, supplying Western forces operating in Afghanistan becomes impossible. Simply raising the possibility of cutting supply lines forces NATO and the United States to recalculate their position in Afghanistan. [ . . . ]

The proximate reason for the reaction is obvious; the ultimate reason for the suspension also is relatively simple. The Pakistani government believes NATO, and the United States in particular, will fail to bring the war in Afghanistan to a successful conclusion. It follows that the United States and other NATO countries at some point will withdraw.

Every war strategy has consequences. Obama's strategy signficantly miminized US troop loss. Bush's did not.

Also, don't pretend that Bush was not responsible for collateral damage of his own, because that would be a ridiculous lie.
The Arab Spring was a popular uprising-not a US led invasion sold to the American public with single-sourced intelligence and fear mongering.

I guess that's the GOP objection. :cuckoo:

Our relationship with the UK is fine. Our relationship with the UK was not destroyed because Michelle Obama wore a sweater when she met the Queen. :cuckoo:

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