What do we do for the children in need

We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

I think the most important thing their own State can do, is provide these children with the best education as possible. Understanding that they probably do not collect much in property taxes to provide the best schools, their States need to spend some, in order to save some in the long term.

Meaning, educating these children well, delivers them from the never ending poverty...and sure, they may leave the area with that education for greener pastures elsewhere, but surprisingly, these successful, educated people tend to come back home...with new business ideas etc....especially if the State is educating the kids well, they have good workers at their disposal.

Just feeding these children does not break the poverty trend, it perpetuates it, and makes these children's children at risk as well.

Education is the key, it will come back to the community ten fold, long term.

And I am not saying that we should let the children starve, or their parents, just that simply feeding them IS NOT helping them...it truly isn't.


However you can't force children to be educated. They drop out, they move around, their parents don't provide them an environment that fosters scholarship, they deal with multiple issues....DD, mental illness, dysfunction. The education is there now, if they are able to reach for it. The thing is, they usually don't.
Ohhhhhh, I get it.... you confuse 'fact' for 'hate'. Moron. You make ridiculously stupid claims about 'conservative' and when I call you on it, that's me being 'hateful' is it? What a baby.

You haven't posted a single FACT in this entire thread. All you have done is personally attack me. So, what would you know about the topic?

CG is just another asshole that thinks opinions=facts

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's actually funny.... not accurate, but funny. I wonder if you know why? I doubt it.
Who doesn't care about Children and the needy in this country. If some people took as much effort that they used to support children in Africa, or India and put it towards the children here in the US things might get a bit better. But here is some more food for thought. While I was watching the Kentucky Family on American Idol last night and the dire conditions that they live in day in and day out, and help is being given to them, I started to wonder. If you have no money, and you have no means to take care of children on your own means, why are you having more children? Now I undertsand "mistakes" can happen but seriously? Maybe education would be something more to focus on rather than just handing them a debit card for food stamps or hand outs from a church organization or however they get their help. I am fairly well off and have 1 child. I am scared to have another one because I don't want my kid to have to without. I have learned from my past experiences and family situations that you have to want to be better in order to get to a better place.
Who doesn't care about Children and the needy in this country. If some people took as much effort that they used to support children in Africa, or India and put it towards the children here in the US things might get a bit better. But here is some more food for thought. While I was watching the Kentucky Family on American Idol last night and the dire conditions that they live in day in and day out, and help is being given to them, I started to wonder. If you have no money, and you have no means to take care of children on your own means, why are you having more children? Now I undertsand "mistakes" can happen but seriously? Maybe education would be something more to focus on rather than just handing them a debit card for food stamps or hand outs from a church organization or however they get their help. I am fairly well off and have 1 child. I am scared to have another one because I don't want my kid to have to without. I have learned from my past experiences and family situations that you have to want to be better in order to get to a better place.

Educating people to not expect hand outs from others would be a good start. Of course, no one wants to see kids suffer but parents have to be made to take responsibility.

And... have you ever thought that your 1 child might be missing more by not having a sibling than by having a bunch of junk that he/she doesn't actually need. Personally, I think having at least one sibling to lean on is far more important than being a spoiled brat. Just saying.
Who doesn't care about Children and the needy in this country. If some people took as much effort that they used to support children in Africa, or India and put it towards the children here in the US things might get a bit better. But here is some more food for thought. While I was watching the Kentucky Family on American Idol last night and the dire conditions that they live in day in and day out, and help is being given to them, I started to wonder. If you have no money, and you have no means to take care of children on your own means, why are you having more children? Now I undertsand "mistakes" can happen but seriously? Maybe education would be something more to focus on rather than just handing them a debit card for food stamps or hand outs from a church organization or however they get their help. I am fairly well off and have 1 child. I am scared to have another one because I don't want my kid to have to without. I have learned from my past experiences and family situations that you have to want to be better in order to get to a better place.

Educating people to not expect hand outs from others would be a good start. Of course, no one wants to see kids suffer but parents have to be made to take responsibility.

And... have you ever thought that your 1 child might be missing more by not having a sibling than by having a bunch of junk that he/she doesn't actually need. Personally, I think having at least one sibling to lean on is far more important than being a spoiled brat. Just saying.

I agree making parents accountable for the multiple children they have when they have no means to take care of them would be important. What steps could be taken to do that? Million dollar question there.

And yes my wife and I constantly talk about having another child, we want another one. And by the way, we don't believe in spoiling him either. He has a modest amount of toys but nothing extravagent by any means. We believe in saving for his education so that he can get one. Saving for, hopefully, putting him into a private school so he can receive the best education available. And thanks for assuming that my kid is a spoiled brat.... seems to me you should get to know something before jumping to a conclusion. Did you say that just because I said I am well off?
Who doesn't care about Children and the needy in this country. If some people took as much effort that they used to support children in Africa, or India and put it towards the children here in the US things might get a bit better. But here is some more food for thought. While I was watching the Kentucky Family on American Idol last night and the dire conditions that they live in day in and day out, and help is being given to them, I started to wonder. If you have no money, and you have no means to take care of children on your own means, why are you having more children? Now I undertsand "mistakes" can happen but seriously? Maybe education would be something more to focus on rather than just handing them a debit card for food stamps or hand outs from a church organization or however they get their help. I am fairly well off and have 1 child. I am scared to have another one because I don't want my kid to have to without. I have learned from my past experiences and family situations that you have to want to be better in order to get to a better place.

Educating people to not expect hand outs from others would be a good start. Of course, no one wants to see kids suffer but parents have to be made to take responsibility.

And... have you ever thought that your 1 child might be missing more by not having a sibling than by having a bunch of junk that he/she doesn't actually need. Personally, I think having at least one sibling to lean on is far more important than being a spoiled brat. Just saying.

I agree making parents accountable for the multiple children they have when they have no means to take care of them would be important. What steps could be taken to do that? Million dollar question there.

And yes my wife and I constantly talk about having another child, we want another one. And by the way, we don't believe in spoiling him either. He has a modest amount of toys but nothing extravagent by any means. We believe in saving for his education so that he can get one. Saving for, hopefully, putting him into a private school so he can receive the best education available. And thanks for assuming that my kid is a spoiled brat.... seems to me you should get to know something before jumping to a conclusion. Did you say that just because I said I am well off?

Actually, I haven't read a post saying you are well off. I just know that having brothers is the coolest of cool to me. I would rather have them than anything - because they're a great support. I also have a friend who is an only child and she hates it. Her dearest wish - even when she was a kid was to have a brother or sister. She used to pretend that my brothers and I were her brothers and sister. I find that sad.

I respect you for acting responsibly with ensuring you take care of your child but don't overlook the importance of siblings.
My older boys used to fight like cats and dogs...in their teens I had to send my oldest to stay with my sister because they were fighting at school as well (we lived across town from each other, I still saw him every single day, weekends, etc.) I told my oldest boy (who was the one who had the most issues with his sibling) that he needed to foster the relationship because someday, his brother would be his very best friend. It's just what happens.

They're 24 & 23 now. They are both married, one lives in Tennessee, one here in Oregon. And they MISS each other and talk almost every day on the phone, and both admit they never thought it would happen, but they consider each other best friends.
Obama and his deficits have put our children into slavery. these poor little bastards don't have a chance any more. they are screwed before they even had a chance. we should give them loaded guns for them to use to end their misery and slavery or get even with the people who screwed them!!!! Revolution is coming!!!!
Obama and his deficits have put our children into slavery. these poor little bastards don't have a chance any more. they are screwed before they even had a chance. we should give them loaded guns for them to use to end their misery and slavery or get even with the people who screwed them!!!! Revolution is coming!!!!

Slavery how?

There was a debt and deficit well before I was born, and my taxes are lower than they would have been at my time of birth.
Obama and his deficits have put our children into slavery. these poor little bastards don't have a chance any more. they are screwed before they even had a chance. we should give them loaded guns for them to use to end their misery and slavery or get even with the people who screwed them!!!! Revolution is coming!!!!


But bush's deficit on destruction is OK?

Revolt, and you'll be squashed like the scum you are
I give to childrens charities and sponsor rec and school programs.

Nonetheless, the majority of my students are from single parent households and get free lunch. 100 percent of them have cell phones. Many of them smoke cigarettes and weed. None of them wear ragged clothes and many of the girls have hair weaves and acrylic nails.

I've never been to Appalachia, but I have been to poor parts of the world where children go hungry and parents spend every penny they can to send them to school. Why are their values so different?
We have children through out the US whose parents cannot provide proper housing, enough food, schoold supplies and proper medical care,

Many times the parents are at fault. If the parents lived their lives different they could provide for their children's need but they don't.

It may be the parents fault but it definitely is not the chidren's fault.

What do we do for those children in need?

Why do we need to do anything?
And who do you mean by "we"? Do you mean the Federal gov't? Do you mean non-profit groups? Do you mean church groups?

"Why do we need to do anything". I can't believe you said that. You are truly a very sick SOB.

I mean you as an individual must help any way you can; by yourself, through your church, through a charity, whatever.
money should be given into well done orphanages and the children transferred there. the parents should be made sterile after the children leave so that their irrespsonsible ways won't effect society again

I really hope you're joking.

He's joking. What we have here, is a parody on what we hear so many times from conservatives.

All conservatives think like this.

(Just KIDDING, CalGal ;))
This thanksgiving I was at a dinner where this teen pregnant with twins on Welfare & Medicaid had a few contractions after traveling to get there, drinking Coffee, stuffing her face with deserts & going outside to smoke some Cigarettes. She had already been to several Medicaid doctors who put her on bed rest & band her from smoking to prevent a premature birth. Now her friend calls the teen’s doctor & 20 minutes later here comes a helicopter & takes her to a university hospital 100 miles away. They C-section the babies both under 2-lbs & have had them hospitalized every since. So far the bill is over a $1,000,000.00 which would deliver & care for 32 for regular babies in the real world & the twins are still there today costing us $250 every hour. Since the government is paying all prevention caution has been thrown to the wind & no price is too high.

The twins will now be on SSI Disability for a minimum of 2 years after they get home from the hospital. The mother a 19 year old deadbeat has been set up with Housing, Food Stamps, WICK, all Utilities, $400 a month, misc expenses & other stuff. The baby daddy that she statutory raped is only 15 years old & also a looser. My friends & I now refer to them as the Million Dollar Babies.

I agree that the parents of these twins are horribly irresponsible and represent a major problem of our society.

But the babies did not choose to be brought in the world by irresponsible parents.

What do we do to take care of the babies. We should not put all of the burden on the government.

These are friends or aquaintances of yours. Are you helping in any way or are you expecting the government to take the entire responsibility?

Don't expect the government to do everything. Get off you ass and do something.
I cannot believe how cold hearted sevral people have shown to be.

We are talking children with irresponsible parents. Do we punish the children because of their parents. The children are not capable of providing a solution themselves.

Many small government advocates seemed to put all solutions on the government. As individuals we must all help and not put the entire burden on the government.

No matter what your politics, if you have a heart you want to help the children.

Three people in particular shocked me with their responses. Truly disgusting individuals; Rabbi, Willow Tree and Bill Olbermann.

Helping the children of irresponsible parents is something we all should be able to come together on. More liberal than many on this site, I feel this is a job we do not want to put entirely on the government. For fiscal reasons and efficency reasons the private sector and individuals need to take the lead.
Good point, but if one can't afford to raise a child, then one should not get pregnant.

How dare you ask people to be responsible for their actions!!!

By punishing the children?

Seriously? So you think that folks taking responsibility for themselves is punishing children? :cuckoo: Bottom line, IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO CARE FOR A CHILD, THEN STOP HAVING SEX!!!! Because, birth control is not 100% effective.
I used to be one of them.
We did have enough to eat though as we raised and preserved well over half of what we eat.
Now even in Applachia the vast majority depend fully on the grocery store for food.

those that talk of eliminating food stamps and welfare, CHIPS, WIC, Medicaid will just be ending the lives of many children if they succeed.
Without medicaid many women would not have any prenatal care at all.

Good point, but if one can't afford to raise a child, then one should not get pregnant.

What should happen, and what happens in reality, are totally different things.

That's because there are too many morons out there.
What should happen, and what happens in reality, are totally different things.

Maybe if we stopped making it so damned easy and acceptable, they would behave more responsibility.

First off, its not that easy. Secondly, its not encouraged because even people getting help from the government are living in shitty, violent neighborhoods, cockroach infected apartments, and are not living a lush and wonderful life. YOu think people on welfare, getting food stamps are living the high life? NO, they are punished even while getting government help, which frankly just keeps them alive. What happens when people are starving and are desperate? They are going to rob and steal and do anything they can to survive. Don't believe me, go watch some documentaries or starving African nations to see the type of shit humans are capable of in order to survive. That most definitely will impact your life when crime is up and they are robbing from everybody else in order to survive, or doing worse

Then, why would any of those folks have sex and take a chance of bringing a baby in that situation?
We agree that iresponsible, stupid people who cannot or will not take care of a child should not have kids.

BUT IN THE REAL WORLD THEY DO. IT IS A FACT. It has happened for ever and will continue to happen.

The question is what do you do with the poor children that are brought into the world under these circumstances.

They need to be taken care of. Or maybe you are saying they should not be taken care of.

You may be responsible but you sound stupid by the fact you cannot get you arms around this real world situation.

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