What do normal people - think of Israel?

Yup, that's the list of what the Nazi's did to the Jews. But how's that relate to the Palestinians?
Are you saying the Palestinian's aren't trashed 24/7?
Are you saying the Palestinian's are not treated as though they are sub-human?
Are you saying they're not being blamed for all the problems?

Name one incidence of violence against them that crossed the line?

They are not trashed 24/7. But they trash the Israelis 24/7
They are not blamed for everything. But they do blame Israel for everything.
They are not treated as sub human.
That's clearly BS but I do agree that 60+ years of their greedy, corrupt leadership and UNRWA mothering have left them broke, unable to wipe their own butts, desperate and pointed like a knife at Israel's throat.
Cut the crap, if you lived under the occupation of a foreign force, you'd have a knife at their throat to.

They were attacking Israel bedire 1967. I'm not saying they enjoy Israel being in the West Bank, but the 'occupation' is just an excuse to attack Israel.
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.
That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.
President Rivlin: Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment.

Rivlin was speaking at the opening session of a conference entitled "From Hatred of the Stranger to Acceptance of the Other," on the escalation of tensions between Jews and Arabs.

"The time has come to admit that Israel is a sick society, with an illness that demands treatment", President Reuven Rivlin said at the opening session on Sunday of a conference on From Hatred of the Stranger to Acceptance of the Other.

Both Rivlin and Prof. Ruth Arnon, president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, which organized the conference at its premises on the capital’s Jabotinsky Street, spoke of the painful and bloody summer, and the resultant resurgence of animosity between Arabs and Jews that had escalated to new heights.

Referring to the mutual expressions of hatred and incitement, Arnon said that Jews, who in the Diaspora had been exposed to anti-Semitism and persecution, should be more sensitive to the dangers of incitement. “But are we?” she asked.

Rivlin wondered aloud whether Jews and Arabs had abandoned the secret of dialogue.

With regard to Jews he said: “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?” In Rivlin’s eyes, the academy has a vital task to reduce violence in Israeli society by encouraging dialogue and the study of different cultures and languages with the aim of promoting mutual understanding, so that there can be civilized meetings between the sectors of society.

He urged the academy to take on this challenge and to eradicate the violence that threatens to scar Israel’s image.

President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment

I have to say, he has expressed things very clearly.
And it is refreshing to hear voices from Israel that do not advocate increased violence to "solve" issues that past levels of violence have been unable to solve.
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment

Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment


Ya know, I was so impressed by your sig line and your obvious desire to have it read by others I thought I would post it for all to see (so that all will know what a sick, ignorant fuck you are):

For Jews Only: I will advise to jews that jews are not special race and since 3000 years has passed but masaya is not coming. Please get your self free from jew's elders, you are not their slaves. jew's elders using jew slave as a spy on other nations. This is the reason Jews population is not growing in last 5000 years instead jew mixing in other nation as a spy, and dividing others in smaller tribes than jew's tribe so jews can establish their monopoly on others nation or tribes means jew's policy is divide and rule. Please, Please jewish give up this nonsense and complete the line of prophets after Moses PBUH by following prophets Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH and please, please jews let the other nations enter into the religion of Abraham PBUH and help the world become peaceful under one Allah(God) instead. - Rehmani
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Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.

Sorry ... your vote (and opinion) doesn't count.
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Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I can't believe you even believe that crock of bullshit, Beezle.
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I'm all for cancelling it and then how about starting a state based PRIMARILY on laws and not religion?
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I'm all for cancelling it and then how about starting a state based PRIMARILY on laws and not religion?
That's a capital idea! Capital! Think it would suit the Ayrabs?
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment


Ya know, I was so impressed by your sig line and your obvious desire to have it read by others I thought I would post it for all to see (so that all will know what a sick, ignorant fuck you are):

For Jews Only: I will advise to jews that jews are not special race and since 3000 years has passed but masaya is not coming. Please get your self free from jew's elders, you are not their slaves. jew's elders using jew slave as a spy on other nations. This is the reason Jews population is not growing in last 5000 years instead jew mixing in other nation as a spy, and dividing others in smaller tribes than jew's tribe so jews can establish their monopoly on others nation or tribes means jew's policy is divide and rule. Please, Please jewish give up this nonsense and complete the line of prophets after Moses PBUH by following prophets Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH and please, please jews let the other nations enter into the religion of Abraham PBUH and help the world become peaceful under one Allah(God) instead. - Rehmani
All jew thinks like you too but not President Rivilin "jews are sick society". Thanks God.
Yes the Mooslems should
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.

Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I'm all for cancelling it and then how about starting a state based PRIMARILY on laws and not religion?
That's a capital idea! Capital! Think it would suit the Ayrabs?
Hey thanks, probably not. They should stop their silly Muslim-based countries also. It leaves too much wiggle room for different interpretations of the Quaran or Torah or Bible whatever the particular religion happens to be. Failure after failure.
President Rivlin: Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment.

Rivlin was speaking at the opening session of a conference entitled "From Hatred of the Stranger to Acceptance of the Other," on the escalation of tensions between Jews and Arabs.

"The time has come to admit that Israel is a sick society, with an illness that demands treatment", President Reuven Rivlin said at the opening session on Sunday of a conference on From Hatred of the Stranger to Acceptance of the Other.

Both Rivlin and Prof. Ruth Arnon, president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, which organized the conference at its premises on the capital’s Jabotinsky Street, spoke of the painful and bloody summer, and the resultant resurgence of animosity between Arabs and Jews that had escalated to new heights.

Referring to the mutual expressions of hatred and incitement, Arnon said that Jews, who in the Diaspora had been exposed to anti-Semitism and persecution, should be more sensitive to the dangers of incitement. “But are we?” she asked.

Rivlin wondered aloud whether Jews and Arabs had abandoned the secret of dialogue.

With regard to Jews he said: “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?” In Rivlin’s eyes, the academy has a vital task to reduce violence in Israeli society by encouraging dialogue and the study of different cultures and languages with the aim of promoting mutual understanding, so that there can be civilized meetings between the sectors of society.

He urged the academy to take on this challenge and to eradicate the violence that threatens to scar Israel’s image.

President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment

I have to say, he has expressed things very clearly.
And it is refreshing to hear voices from Israel that do not advocate increased violence to "solve" issues that past levels of violence have been unable to solve.
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment

I don't think you understood the context and meaning of President Rivlin's comments, Mohammed..
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment


Ya know, I was so impressed by your sig line and your obvious desire to have it read by others I thought I would post it for all to see (so that all will know what a sick, ignorant fuck you are):

For Jews Only: I will advise to jews that jews are not special race and since 3000 years has passed but masaya is not coming. Please get your self free from jew's elders, you are not their slaves. jew's elders using jew slave as a spy on other nations. This is the reason Jews population is not growing in last 5000 years instead jew mixing in other nation as a spy, and dividing others in smaller tribes than jew's tribe so jews can establish their monopoly on others nation or tribes means jew's policy is divide and rule. Please, Please jewish give up this nonsense and complete the line of prophets after Moses PBUH by following prophets Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH and please, please jews let the other nations enter into the religion of Abraham PBUH and help the world become peaceful under one Allah(God) instead. - Rehmani
President Rivlin Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment
You don't have answer get lost from the forum, you sick sayit I am not saying it President Rivlin saying it.
Yes the Mooslems should
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I'm all for cancelling it and then how about starting a state based PRIMARILY on laws and not religion?
That's a capital idea! Capital! Think it would suit the Ayrabs?
Hey thanks, probably not. They should stop their silly Muslim-based countries also. It leaves too much wiggle room for different interpretations of the Quaran or Torah or Bible whatever the particular religion happens to be. Failure after failure.
Yes, you are not wrong. But you should know by now that why its happening. You already have my signature comments.
Yes the Mooslems should
Israel has the same right any nation does to root out those who fire rockets and mortars into Israel. The fact that you don't like it - and we both know why you don't - - doesn't make it illegal.

That's the same as an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense after breaking into his home and finding a little more resistance than anticipated.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.

Israel is a sovereign state with the right and responsibility to protect her citizens.

Israel is a pirate state which was expected to live up to the highest standards after being gifted the support of the international community to be a haven for persecuted people.

It was NOT licensed to become one of the most savage and persecuting nations of the world. Yet this is what it is,
Time to cancel it, and start again with a state based on justice for all.
I'm all for cancelling it and then how about starting a state based PRIMARILY on laws and not religion?
That's a capital idea! Capital! Think it would suit the Ayrabs?
Hey thanks, probably not. They should stop their silly Muslim-based countries also. It leaves too much wiggle room for different interpretations of the Quaran or Torah or Bible whatever the particular religion happens to be. Failure after failure.
Yes, you are not wrong. But you should know by now that why its happening. You already have my signature comments.
Your signature comments are a hodgepodge of gobbletygook and balderdash.

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