What do Communist, Socialist mean?

Why is that libertarians talk jack and don't know anything about libertarianism. I had one person trying to tell me that George Washington was a libertarian. Wow! Wacks, all of them.

Time to put up or shut up Jake. You're good at making single sentence posts railing against conservatives. Let's see a well thought out, comprehensive post of coherent thought. I'm guessing that you only have time to post between the fryers dinging and have to keep it short and simple. Prove me wrong.

I have done that before, sister, and you ran away. Go look it up and read it again.

Are you dating truthdoesntmatter JakeFakey? She lies too.
Time to put up or shut up Jake. You're good at making single sentence posts railing against conservatives. Let's see a well thought out, comprehensive post of coherent thought. I'm guessing that you only have time to post between the fryers dinging and have to keep it short and simple. Prove me wrong.

I have done that before, sister, and you ran away. Go look it up and read it again.

Are you dating truthdoesntmatter JakeFakey? She lies too.

Your response is characteristic of a libertarian comment: nothingness.
Sure, go for it. Wacks and libers will stand with you. No one of worth cares, though.
Nope, because the Republicans are going to elect someone you don't like, Romney, which weakens your influence in the party. You would be best in getting out.
Libertarians, Classical Liberals, and Neocons are ALL BS for the dupes. Unregulated big business in this day and age of HUGE money does result in a fascist government/mega rich/corporate domination of the country, a disaster for the nonrich AND the country as we saw, and see, under VOODOO and Reaganism. The GOP humors the ignorant with empty slogans, talking points, and bumper sticker politics, then in power ignores them. AGAIN AND AGAIN. Pub dupes!!
Breaking News for Dupes- The founding Fathers were the "big gov't" Liberals of their day. Check all the rules and regs of Kings and Emperors (NOT) vs the constitution. Your insanity is known as presentism, rife under MORONS.
Socialist? Communist? I often notice some of you extreme righties throw the invective, “communist” or “socialist” around. It looks like these invectives mean to you anyone to your left. If they mean something else, would one of you please explain to us what you mean by these?

You should sue your School District for failing to educate you about Communism and Socialism. Or were you just absent the day they explained?

If you went to college and they didn't explain Communism and Socialism to you, sue them too.
Why is that libertarians talk jack and don't know anything about libertarianism. I had one person trying to tell me that George Washington was a libertarian. Wow! Wacks, all of them.

If George Washington wasn't a classical liberal (libertarian) he would have never been a General and he never would have fought in the Revolutionary War against Great Britain (or the French).

Washington would have just tolerated the authoritarian Bits in his front yard...

Nick, that sounds like birfer logic. Are you a birfer? No, libertarians are not classic liberals. You certainly aren't. GW was for some big government ideas in his day (including public works for a national capitol, supervised by himself), so, no, you continue to flounder.


Yeah, like an individual like me would label himself a libertarian, Classical Liberal or Democratic-Republican without understanding the ideology...

You're an outlandish retard...

You're an oxymoronic drunkard - with little - if any - historical knowledge..

You just make shit up as you go along........
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Breaking News for Dupes- The founding Fathers were the "big gov't" Liberals of their day. Check all the rules and regs of Kings and Emperors (NOT) vs the constitution. Your insanity is known as presentism, rife under MORONS.

News to the fool - go read the circumstances behind the Bill of Rights..

Go read about the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists...

Go read about history in general..

You know Thomas Jefferson, James Madison -n- shit... Alexander Hamilton as Darth Vader......
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Yeah, like an individual like me would label himself a libertarian, Classical Liberal or Democratic-Republican without understanding the ideology...

George Clooney in 'Oh, Brother' described your type perfectly: barely sentient. If you believe that you are a classic liberal, then George Washington was a Martian. He would have turned your butt over to the British as one of theirs.
Hell, Burr only challenged Hamilton to a duel because Hamilton was a notorious Federalist (progressive/authoritarian) dickhead...

To put it into context; it would be like Ron Paul challenging Obamafuck to a duel today...
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