What do black people want?

Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.
People here have it so good they have nothing better to do than complain...no wonder other countries hate us, were a nation of cry baby malcontents
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

White people not only move out of the way they lay a red carpet. We provide 2 significant and highly unfair competitive advantages in affirmative action and preference to minority owned businesses. Blacks student get additional points for the color of their skin when applying for colleges. Heck we even allow them segregated black only colleges (imagine if we had white only colleges)!

We have ECOA that prevent discrimination in lending and I can guarantee you every US financial institution follows this to a T.

Then state and Federal government show extreme bias to hiring minorities to decent pay (esp when you consider these are non-skilled jobs) gov jobs. If you ever work with IL state worker there is a 75% the person is black.

We even provide Blacks the most robust economy in the world. Keep I mind black Africans have never developed a successful prosperous society free of poverty, corruption, crime, brutality, famine and decay. Never.

It is Black people that stand in their own way. They cause their own misery. There is the same about of poverty in the trailer parks as their is in the ghetto, but you don’t see daily shootings and murder in the trailer park.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
So, would you like your race to be equal or superior?
It's not about so much people. It's about systems and any system that can be erected by people, can be dismantled by people.

And white supremacy is the current system on the planet. The fact my skin black and your skin is white is controlled by about six genes out of 30,000 in the overall human genome. So it's pretty silly to claim superiority of something as trivial as skin colour

However history has shown and the white supremacist have shown and even members of the forum have shown that claiming people are superior on the basis of race is a very powerful, powerful, powerful way to think.
Do you feel the same way about Trump as Obama re:him being "allowed" to be President?
Trump is just punishment for Obama.

What pisses me about Trump is that here we have a man who fronts like he’s the bastard child of Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson on roids.

But look at how he reacted when it gets real. When he thought there was an assassination attempt on his life during a rally in Ohio in 2015. To me this say a lot about the man.


His first reaction was to grab his podium and latch onto the breast of the whitest man he could find and allow the rest of his goons to surround him as he watched the 22-year-old child actor get carted off.

It’s easy to talk tough when you are not the one who has to get in the bullring.

But then look at how Hilary reacted to what she thought could also be an assassination attempt on her life at a rally in Vegas also in 2015.


Her eyes became wider. This a normal response for most people when they see a group of people coming towards them that don't look friendly.

She’s woman and she looked like the damsel in distress until the big black guy came to her rescue but she did,

I’m no fan of Hilary one but at least she stood her ground.

She never lost her compsure and immediately starts scrutinizing the protesters to see what they're all about so she can defuse the situation.

She stared down her aggressors with a glare that read, “COME AT ME, BRO!”

When her Secret Service came on stage they instructed her to keep talking, but she said, “I’m fine,” Whereas Trump was fleeing. His facial expression did not look like that of an aggressive person.

.So you got someone who freaks out and shits his pants at the first sign of danger, or someone who stares down an attacker like in some old kung-fu movie?

I guess that's why draft dodger Trump didn't go to Nam to fight for his country. Not because he took a principled stand against the war (like Muhammad Ali) which I would respect, but because, apparently, he thought it was for other men to die for his country.
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Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

No appeal to morals or even reason is going to work is going to affect their racism deep down, so long as they see themselves as White.
You should stick to commenting on things that you know about. In other words, STFU. :biggrin:
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.
Stop whining and get a job.
Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.

I would say that the overwhelming majority of black people want to be white. AND, they are racist on their way to that goal. Some pertinent examples include:

1) Black entertainers and black athletes inter-marry with whites

2) Many female black entertainers try to bleach their hair white, wear wigs, wear blue contacts, and do a myriad of other things to physically hide their true physical appearance to take on white traits

3) Black people mimic white singers and even claim whites songs as their own. A prime example is the song I Will Always Love You. It was a Dolly Parton / country song and then re-released by Whitney Houston. My feeling was, if blacks were not racist, they'd have bought the song when Dolly Parton sang it.

Having said that, it is equally true that these white guys who wear their pants hanging off their ass, wearing the bling, the backward hats, doing that weird crap with their fingers and pretending to be rap artists shows that a lot of whites are equally desperate to become black.

The few people who are content to have their own cultural / racial identity are stigmatized as racists. That is dishonest and the view that white supremacists control anything is laughable. The white supremacists think they have some kind of control and the blacks think that too, but, it's time for a reality check:

Donald Trump turns out to be poster boy for white supremacy. His daughter marries a Jew (and white supremacists don't accept Jews as white.) Trump is also friends with Rupert Murdoch, who sits on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (the arch nemesis of white supremacists - even more so than blacks.)

Faux News, the people who the white supremacists rely on for their news is owned primarily by Rupert Murdoch and the next major stockholder is a Saudi Prince. So, all their news is controlled.

When it comes to battles, the white supremacists lost their bids against reverse discrimination, the Confederate flag, and the attempts to save their monuments, statues, and memorials.

To claim white supremacists have any power is delusional at best.
Blacks will never improve their situation by blaming everyone and everything in the world for their own failures. And people like you who are forever ready to concoct never-ending excuses for black failure are a HUGE part of the problem. You only think you're part of the solution. In a word, you're clueless.
OK. The floors is yours

What should black people do ?

Get a job ? The white supremacist control all the jobs
Start a business ? The white supremacists control the business
Go back to Africa ? The white supremacists control Africa
Get an education ? The white supremacists control education

We live in a system of white supremacy
If you truly believe that, then you've already given up. Like it or not, we create our own reality.

There are plenty of black people who are successful in America. I know blacks who have done well in their careers, and others who have successful businesses. They've earned nice homes in decent neighborhoods and some have great families (I don't know all of their families). How do they do it?

The same way white people do it. Hard work, education, respect for themselves and others, and belief in themselves. Oh, yeah, did I mention really hard work? There is NO substitute for that.

It's not rocket science. But feel free to carry on with the blame game if it makes you feel better.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

I know full well that no reason is going to work and is not going to affect your racism. So long as you see yourself as White.

OMG. What a stretch. Since a lot of black chicks are attracted to white guys, so either the size of your penis is not that important OR it ain't as big as you been letting on.

There is an old saying: God created man, but Sam Colt made them equal. You are living in a country that came about as a result of resistance to tyranny. The reason firearms are so important is that the posterity of the founding fathers have a legal and moral Right to resist tyranny. Our country was founded as no other before it - or since.
Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?

How many billions are made off whites buying tanning products and using tanning salons?
Blacks will never improve their situation by blaming everyone and everything in the world for their own failures. And people like you who are forever ready to concoct never-ending excuses for black failure are a HUGE part of the problem. You only think you're part of the solution. In a word, you're clueless.
OK. The floors is yours

What should black people do ?

Get a job ? The white supremacist control all the jobs
Start a business ? The white supremacists control the business
Go back to Africa ? The white supremacists control Africa
Get an education ? The white supremacists control education

We live in a system of white supremacy
If you truly believe that, then you've already given up. Like it or not, we create our own reality.

There are plenty of black people who are successful in America. I know blacks who have done well in their careers, and others who have successful businesses. They've earned nice homes in decent neighborhoods and some have great families (I don't know all of their families). How do they do it?

The same way white people do it. Hard work, education, respect for themselves and others, and belief in themselves. Oh, yeah, did I mention really hard work? There is NO substitute for that.

It's not rocket science. But feel free to carry on with the blame game if it makes you feel better.

Blame is when you accuse someone of something they may not gave done. Fact is when there is documented evidence that supports an accusation. Learn the difference. We aren't blaming, we are stating fact.
Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.

I would say that the overwhelming majority of black people want to be white. AND, they are racist on their way to that goal. Some pertinent examples include:

1) Black entertainers and black athletes inter-marry with whites

2) Many female black entertainers try to bleach their hair white, wear wigs, wear blue contacts, and do a myriad of other things to physically hide their true physical appearance to take on white traits

3) Black people mimic white singers and even claim whites songs as their own. A prime example is the song I Will Always Love You. It was a Dolly Parton / country song and then re-released by Whitney Houston. My feeling was, if blacks were not racist, they'd have bought the song when Dolly Parton sang it.

Having said that, it is equally true that these white guys who wear their pants hanging off their ass, wearing the bling, the backward hats, doing that weird crap with their fingers and pretending to be rap artists shows that a lot of whites are equally desperate to become black.

The few people who are content to have their own cultural / racial identity are stigmatized as racists. That is dishonest and the view that white supremacists control anything is laughable. The white supremacists think they have some kind of control and the blacks think that too, but, it's time for a reality check:

Donald Trump turns out to be poster boy for white supremacy. His daughter marries a Jew (and white supremacists don't accept Jews as white.) Trump is also friends with Rupert Murdoch, who sits on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (the arch nemesis of white supremacists - even more so than blacks.)

Faux News, the people who the white supremacists rely on for their news is owned primarily by Rupert Murdoch and the next major stockholder is a Saudi Prince. So, all their news is controlled.

When it comes to battles, the white supremacists lost their bids against reverse discrimination, the Confederate flag, and the attempts to save their monuments, statues, and memorials.

To claim white supremacists have any power is delusional at best.

Well you are wrong. And there is a 5 billion dollar Industry called the tanning industry here whites spend all kinds of dollars to turn brown. You don't turn white because you marry a white woman or man. Elvis stole back music, so did Jerry Lee Lewis and ,many other whites. I've been black for 56 years and can't recall ever wanting to be white.
Basically they wanna be white..... unless they're a pro sports player.

The majority of pro sports players are white. And I don't know anyone black who wants to be white.
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?

How many billions are made off whites buying tanning products and using tanning salons?
You think whites are tanning because they want to be black? :lmao:
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

No appeal to morals or even reason is going to work is going to affect their racism deep down, so long as they see themselves as White.
You should stick to commenting on things that you know about. In other words, STFU. :biggrin:

Translation: "WTF can I say to that?"
Michael Jackson for one. And how about all the blacks who pass?
White people base their idea of who they are on something they lack. In this case it is melanin.

So that means anyone who has that something they lack – melanin – is a threat. Those who have more of it are more of a threat (Black people)

This is why Whites:
  • Have hang-up about Black men’s penises.
  • Have such an overblown fear of Black men and, to a lesser degree, of Jews and Muslims. This can be seen in various posts by the likes of harmonica, bgrouse, Meathead, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope
  • Love guns. Subconsciously they see the gun as an equalizer against the Black penis. What do guns look like?
  • Department_Page-Department_-_Guns-1224.4.jpg

  • Have to put so many roadblocks in the way of Blacks.
  • Have to put down Blacks to feel good about themselves.
  • Look down on darker-skinned people and yet lie in the sun to get darker!
Deep down Whites envy Blacks.

No appeal to morals or even reason is going to work is going to affect their racism deep down, so long as they see themselves as White.
You should stick to commenting on things that you know about. In other words, STFU. :biggrin:

Translation: "WTF can I say to that?"
Ya, because it's just more of his usual stupid comments. :lol:

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