What Did Luke Say?


Sep 23, 2010
Yesterday, Canada Free Press ran another brilliant piece. The article by Dr. Robert R. Owens dissects the mechanics of incrementalism. The facts and philosophy are impeccably blended into one condemnation of collectivism. No one can improve on it. The best I can do is offer compatible interpretations on two topics. The first:

If you can convince a generation of teachers that the snake-oil you’re selling will cure everything you will soon have them indoctrinating generations that the sickness is really the cure.

Money is far more effective than is winning over teachers. Pay teachers and professors a lot of money year after year and you end up with an indestructible societal structure that is dedicated to the destruction of young minds.

The second topic affects every level of society:

In George Orwell’s classic 1984 it was the thought police that monitored and directed the thoughts of an entire nation. On a smaller scale the sadistic captain of the chain-gang in Cool Hand Luke phrased it this way when referring to people who tried to break out of the system, “You run one time, you got yourself a set of chains. You run twice you got yourself two sets. You ain’t gonna need no third set, ‘cause you gonna get your mind right.”

Liberals always reminded me of the Captain in Cool Hand Luke who is famous for saying the following after he knocks Luke down with a sap:

What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fuDDqU6n4o]cool hand luke - YouTube[/ame]​

That scene pretty much sums up the frustration progressives are experiencing these days as they try to get their healthcare message across.

The Captain pounding on Luke is the ultimate in punishing dissent, or, to be more precise, punishing politically INCORRECT speech. Unlike forced labor, enforcing politically correct speech loses 99.999 percent of its muscle without the power to punish politically incorrect speech.

Democrats/Socialists turned to the same “comply or else” principle in the healthcare bill. Buy healthcare insurance (political correct), or be punished for not buying it (politically incorrect). You can see variations of “Do as you’re told or be punished.” in everything progressives do. Socialists can only govern when they tell people what to do rather than what not to do. Hillarycare II is the most dictatorial form of Socialism ever legislated because it tells everyone what to do, while it includes punishment for disobeying.

If you check the video you will see that before the Captain attacks Luke he says:

Don’t you ever talk to me that way. Never! Never!

My point: It wasn’t Luke’s escape attempt that unleashed the Captain’s savagery, it was something Luke said.

The events leading to the more famous part of the scene depicted in the video is often overlooked. In truth, the Captain’s line says everything about the totalitarian mindset:

Don’t you ever talk to me that way.

The Captain’s command to Luke is the sole reason for the Left’s insistence on enforcing politically correct speech. Daring to say anything that liberals do not want said in the real world pinpoints their justification for brutality? The Socialist is yet to be born who does not crave the absolute authority needed to club non-Socialists into silence.

Exactly what did Luke say to send the Captain over the edge? I couldn’t find the scene on Youtube, but here it is described in the screenplay:

Behind Luke are Godfrey, Paul, Bosses Six and Seven and the Captain. Kean and Shorty flank the gang. The guns are held levelled at the men. One guard uncuffs Luke's hands; others produce a sledge hammer, ballpeen hammer and a set of leg irons from the Captain's car. Two guards kneel before Luke and begin hammering on the irons. Silence except for the HAMMERING AND CLINKING. Luke is silhouetted, a tall, straight figure on the low horizon. The Captain looks directly ahead.

CAPTAIN (to Luke): You gonna get used to wearing them chains after a while, Luke. But don't you never stop listenin' to them clinkin'. That's gonna remind you of what I been sayin'.

LUKE: Yeah, they sure do make a lot of cold, hard, noise, Captain.

The clinking sounds made by chains is analogous to being forced to listen to Socialist ideology over and over again in every venue liberals control; the academy, the MSM, and the entertainment industry.

Listen to the dialogue in this video and you’ll hear variations of “Don’t you ever talk to me that way.” The scary part is that the character who is angered by the truth is an average liberal —— not a government official.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGwtG8nVpUU]How Liberals Argue - YouTube[/ame]​

Here’s the link to the article I quoted:

Step by Step Inch by Inch
By Dr. Robert R. Owens Friday, November 15, 2013

Step by Step Inch by Inch


I found it. Move the cursor to 45 to hear what Luke said before the Captain knocks him to the ground:

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