What Democrats support vs what Americans support


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Democrats support allowing at least 800k illegals to destroy our country,Americans support giving American Citizens a chance at a future!
Demorats don't care about Americans. They need the votes from the illegals or they will never gain power again.

Democrats support allowing at least 800k illegals to destroy our country,Americans support giving American Citizens a chance at a future!

see, this is what happens when uneducated vile people think it's ok to spew their hate ...;..

here's a little reality, boichick.....

31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican,

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia

why on earth would you think your thirty something percent (of the electorate,notregistered voters) trumptard America is "American" but the rest of us aren't"/

oh right.... ignorant bitter white supremacists are like that.

now be quiet, hack
Americans overwhelmingly support DACA.
No they don't. You can take ANY poll and twist the numbers.

what a sad little liar you are.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program

Poll: Most Americans support DACA
See above response disgusting Anti American.
Americans overwhelmingly support DACA.
No they don't. You can take ANY poll and twist the numbers.

what a sad little liar you are.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program

Poll: Most Americans support DACA
See above response disgusting Anti American.

that would be you, bigot boy. decent Americans understand that we aren't a white supremacist country. but then again, life fails tend to feel threatened by everyone who doesn't look like them because they're economically marginal.......

but please, keep blaming everyone else for your failures.

Democrats support allowing at least 800k illegals to destroy our country,Americans support giving American Citizens a chance at a future!

Trump is too powerful a force for weaklings like Schumer and Pelosi.....the dems are going to cave
Americans overwhelmingly support DACA.
No they don't. You can take ANY poll and twist the numbers.

what a sad little liar you are.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program

Poll: Most Americans support DACA
See above response disgusting Anti American.

that would be you, bigot boy. decent Americans understand that we aren't a white supremacist country. but then again, life fails tend to feel threatened by everyone who doesn't look like them because they're economically marginal.......

but please, keep blaming everyone else for your failures.
Naturalization act of 1790's darling...use google its easier for the mentally impaired such as yourself.

Democrats support allowing at least 800k illegals to destroy our country,Americans support giving American Citizens a chance at a future!

Republicans have a history of failing at this. They will fail this time to.

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a... - The Washington Post

LOL's! Check it out dumb ass...same old lying bullshit rinse and repeat.
Americans overwhelmingly support DACA.
No they don't. You can take ANY poll and twist the numbers.

what a sad little liar you are.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program

Poll: Most Americans support DACA
See above response disgusting Anti American.

that would be you, bigot boy. decent Americans understand that we aren't a white supremacist country. but then again, life fails tend to feel threatened by everyone who doesn't look like them because they're economically marginal.......

but please, keep blaming everyone else for your failures.
Naturalization act of 1790's darling...use google its easier for the mentally impaired such as yourself.

Trump is trying to stop the "mudslide" coming in from third world hellholes.....build the wall and toss them over it

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