What can Christians learn from the Johannesburg Cult


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
One of the survivors who fled before the last hours fortold of how Jim Jones started as such a good man in their eyes but suddenly turned in front of their eyes.
The survivor said "I thought he was God, but he turned out to be Satan".
Now think at how many people who did not survive and who would recant as well their view of the man that lead them to death instead of paradise in the creators creation of life. ONCE THE FOLLOWERS ARE DEAD THEY CAN'T RECANT HOW THEIR TEACHER FAILED TO LIBERATE, LEAD, AND BRING THEM PARADISE. THEY CAN'T RESEARCH THE MANIPULATION OF TEXT USED TO BRAINWASH THEM, THEY CAN'T THINK OR REASON OR WARN OTHERS OF THEIR MISTAKES.

IN THE Jesus mythology there are warnings of recants that are removed fron the Bible and the apostles who's names are on the books are to dead to recant while people fallaciously write in their name.
Example: removing Thomas because he spoke of Jesus failing to be the one and removing a portion of Luke (found in the oldest copies) which states: about his being handed over for sentencing"even though we were hoping that he would be the oneto LIBERATE ISRAEL." (Luke 24:19-20 -- based on the Greek text)

The only survivors view (followers of John) can be researched under the sect called the Mandeans. They claim Jesus was the false prophet who had John the righteous beheaded in order to steal his followers. They called Jesus the Devil just as the Johannesburg survivor called Jim Jones Satan.
Jim Jones was a twisted megalomaniac. People from his childhood said he was a strange kid who killed animals, then had funerals for them.:cuckoo: He USED racism and of course "feed the hungry" to gain support for his agenda.
He was also a manipulating , drug addicted, wolf in sheep's clothing.
He demanded his followers think for themselves and he threw the Bible away half way through his ..."ministry".
True and yet we can learn so much about what mindset are the ones falling for this stuff, by doing so we can
help deprogram those in emulation of that process of succombing to pide pippers.
If we had learned from this then that José Luis de Jesús Miranda guy and his morons who got 666 tats the Creciendo en Gracia sect wouldn't have existed or grown as big as it did.
reminds me of a story about little johnny.....little johnny was terrible at math no matter what his parents did they coudnt get little johnny to concentrate they sent him to school after school but nothing worked finally in desperation and with no choices left they sent him to a catholic school...to the parents astonishment they noticed an incredible change in little johnny right from the first day as soon as little johnny got home from school he tore up the stairs and ran to his room and started studying... Almost immediately little johnny started a marked improvement in math he went from a failure to getting an a on every assignment..... The parents in shock and amazement finally couldnt control themselves and asked little johnny what had made this remarkable change....little johnny looked both his parents in their eyes and said when i arrived at the catholic school i thought it was like all the other schools but when i saw they had nailed that man to the plus sign i knew then that they meant business....moral of the story when looking for any plusses or minuses to cults is they may all seem like they are helping you but they use fear and intimidation to get you to do things their way if sweetness doesnt work.....little johnny was motivated in the end but only through fear and usually that fear is found in the little johnny imaginations of the world because all cults only usually hold their follwrrs in thrall to them by their followers own minds that are chained to the group....
Agree Avatar, we all need motivation and being handed everything has none, which is how Russia and our welfare system collapsed with it's unmotivated populations who took to vodka/beer to ease the boredom of their uninspired lives. Without the drive there's no inspired excess that creates abundant food and service sources which is why their bread lines were so long and why they had to steal other's resources.

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