What businesses do you PPRAY FAIL??? List them and why.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. Limit to 3 at most. What business or company to you HOPE AND PRAY fails miserably, dies a horrible industrial collapse and goes out of business forever? My 2:

AT&T: They started last football season, and continue. Their F**KING commercials. First it was the "so 10 seconds ago" morons. Then the helpless goofy white dude and the smart ass wife gardening when he buys new minutes. "How are we gonna pay for that STEVE". Now this stupid "Hello" ad with a football players making ONE good play...in practice..and that supposedly is enough to get him an in person visit from OU coach Bob Stoops? RIDICULOUS, REPETITIVE ANNOYING ASS COMMERCIALS. God I hope they go bankrupt.


DISH TV: If I hear one more God damn "Harper" commercial for their fu**ing Dish Hopper, I'm gonna lose it. "You know those things that come on when you watch TV? Commercials? Yeah, thats it commercials", "Ive never shook a gold hand before". They play a fucking "Dish Harper" commercial every single damn break on Sirius XM radio.

AT&T and Dish. I hope they go bankrupt and rot in failed business hell.
Oh, one more: Hardees.

I grew up eating at Hardees. Then, sometime between 1999-2005, they almost went bankrupt. They went from serving pretty good burgers and fries....to offering every food on the planet, fried chicken, hot dogs, etc, etc, etc, and they got shitty..

Then, they renewed themsevels with only 6 basic "Thickburgers", told us thats all they'll do is offer a few and do it good, and actually had an arrogant attitude towards us about their product. Now, a few years later, they're back to offering "Chicken-Grape Jelly-Peanut Butter and Frosted Flakes Thickburger" or the "Double Gravy Taco Shell Bologna and Chocoloate Syrup Thickburger"....then flop the nasty shit on TV and make us hear the sound of it flopping onto a table.

Fuck Hardees. Fail motherfuckers, along with Dish and AT&T.
CVS... I cannot go in there without the idiots pressuring me to sign up for their stupid discount card damn near every single time I've ever gone there. Take your card and shove it up your ass CVS!
7-11... They give a whole new meaning to the words price gouging.
And finally Progressive Insurance... A TV ad telling people how great everything will be if they just agree to allow Progressive to snoop on their driving habits via an Orwellian gizmo that plugs into their car as if that gizmo would only allow nice things to happen like lower insurance rates... People who agree to that cannot possibly be that stupid.
CVS... I cannot go in there without the idiots pressuring me to sign up for their stupid discount card damn near every single time I've ever gone there. Take your card and shove it up your ass CVS!
7-11... They give a whole new meaning to the words price gouging.
And finally Progressive Insurance... A TV ad telling people how great everything will be if they just agree to allow Progressive to snoop on their driving habits via an Orwellian gizmo that plugs into their car as if that gizmo would only allow nice things to happen like lower insurance rates... People who agree to that cannot possibly be that stupid.

Ah..good choices. Yes, Progressive has very annoying commercials. I can tolerate annoyances from a place once Im physically inside them. I can walk out, or just ignore them and not speak back.

But places with hyper-annoying and insanely overplayed, repetitive commercials? I hope they sink into hell.
Sounds like TV is even worse since I quit watching it, not at all familiar with your examples of annoying commercials (they all are as far as I am concerned) but I would like to see an end to the entire market for gigantic sub-woofer car speakers.
Monsanto. Probably the most dangerous corporation that ever came into existence.

Oh lord, ain't that the truth. It would not surprise me to find that they have engineered doomsday genes into all their frankincrops to hold our entire food supply hostage if we ever get uppity enough to screw with them.
I am no thug worshiper, as those who follow the NFL are.

The single institutional ideology/business practice that is most destructive to humanity at this time: USURY!

May it's practitioners burn at their deserved pace in hell.

Usurers contribute absolutely nothing positive to anyone except themselves.
Even then they are only temporarily serving a satanic belief that money = better... they are just hurting themselves at a lesser degree than those they are leaching.

Their sole purpose of the usurer is to siphon money from those who actually work.
They are parasites, who only exist to antagonize honest & hard working people.
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I can't imagine wanting any business to fail and getting giddy when they do. It's sad and revealing when progressives target businesses that don't support their view of the world.

America needs all the businesses it can get. The current regime and their minions not understanding this is why nobody is creating anything anymore.
Why would I pray for any business to fail?

Why would any sane person wish for such a thing?

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