What Book Are You Reading Now?

Darwin's Radio and then I'll read the sequel Darwin's Children
I read mostly for entertainment
I read about a book a week...4 a month
I read mysteries, science fiction, some fantasy, some non-fiction and once in awhile some real deep stuff like Stephen Hawking, not much history and no romance novels
A very good friend reads a book every day or so, but most hardly read at all
The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy by T. R. Reid - should be must reading for every policy maker working in our government in Washington, D.C., as well as ordinary American citizens.

Also recently read America's Secret War: Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle between America and Its Enemies by George Friedman. Provides a good understanding of why we are in Iraq.
Just finished "Destuctive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties", by Peter Collier and David Horowitz. These two were in on the ground floor of sixties radicalism (Horowitz was actually the prototype "red diaper baby"), yet were disillusioned enough with the lies of the left that they came out in public support of Ronald Reagan in 1984. Imagine the merry mishaps!
The 60s did give birth to a destructive generation. I, and many other people, feel that many of today's problems can be traced right back to that period. I will have to pick up a copy of Horowitz's and Collier's book and get their perspective.
Adam's Apple said:
The 60s did give birth to a destructive generation. I, and many other people, feel that many of today's problems can be traced right back to that period. I will have to pick up a copy of Horowitz's and Collier's book and get their perspective.

It's a heck of a read, AA. I think you'll enjoy it.

These two are NOT loved by the left.
musicman said:
Just finished "Destuctive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties", by Peter Collier and David Horowitz. These two were in on the ground floor of sixties radicalism (Horowitz was actually the prototype "red diaper baby"), yet were disillusioned enough with the lies of the left that they came out in public support of Ronald Reagan in 1984. Imagine the merry mishaps!
I'm reading David Horowitz's "Left Illusions" --- he definitely has a unique perspective on things! Being a former member of the Left and the Communist party, he has a lot of inside knowledge. And yes, he's now a pariah in the eyes of the Left.

The one chapter I found interesting was about universities and his experiences as a speaker at them. It exposed the ugly underside of the Left that they try so hard to conceal.
alias said:
Some questions:
What book are you reading now?
The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter

alias said:
Do you read for education or entertainment? Both? Mostly one or the other?
mostly entertainment, however most books i read have some sort of educational merit

alias said:
How many books do you read per month?
depends on the season--winter=2-4, summer=0-1

alias said:
How do you decide what to read? Does your reading concentrate on a particular subject?

may favorite authors, or even re-reading my favorite books. i have all the john grisham novels and i have all the harry potter books. i have read all the HP, but i have yet to get through all JG's novels. I like mysteries and courtroom dramas, as well as stories that take place during the American Revolution all the way up to the early 30's and 40's

alias said:
Do your friends read very much?
my best friend does when she has time, as well as my husband, but the rest don't.
no1tovote4 said:
Robert A. Heinlein - The Number of the Beast; an excellent sci-fi classic.

"I didn't mean to shake your aplomb".......

Have you ever read The Martian Chronicles" ?
Bonnie said:
"I didn't mean to shake your aplomb".......

Have you ever read The Martian Chronicles" ?
I did. I also remember the mini series that starred Rock Hudson back in the late 1970s. It was loosely based on the decline of the American Indian. Except instead of dying from smallpox, the Martians are wiped out by chicken pox, instead.

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