What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sex is awesome, but life is so much more than sex or sexual preference. "Straight" humans, "homo" humans... They are both equally confused about their sexuality because they both believe that they aren't capable of enjoying sexual encounters with humans outside of their preferred gender.

But just cause' they're confused about their inherant bisexuality doesn't mean they are confused about life, or possess some sort of "disorder."

Nobody is "normal". There is no such thing. The ones who believe themselves to be just tend to be more indoctrinated.

You can enjoy sex with a lamp post too, doesn't mean society has to issue you the stamp of approval or a marriage license for doing so.

Just because someone binge eats doesn't mean they have a disorder [from their perspective at least]. The point is these are all behaviors, not race, and thereby subject to majority rule..
What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

I just wish they would shut the fuck up. Suck dick and eat pussy all you want, just quit making everything everyday about homos.
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Actually, it is those who think as you do who are driven from society

Then we will build a new society as you secularists slaughter each other and have such low birth rates that you put yourselves into extinction. You guys cant function without honest people around you, though you would like to think otherwise.

This is why, though h atheist communists took 100%of all power in he Soviet Union, with no opponent left in any even remotest corner, within 90 years they were overturned and the church triumphant over them. And it want the limpristic phony Christians that regained control. It was the old hoarey version Russian Orthodox church that stayed true to its beliefs tat returned to power.

So even if you were right, which you wont be, but even if you were, it wouldnt last long, and the church will return triumphant once again and truly dance on you grave.

It happened with the racists in the 50s and 60s and it is happening to the fag haters now.

Back to equating black to queers, lol, and he bros just love that shit, lol. /s

So it is your contention that racism has been defeated and no longer exists? Lo, you liars on the left never seem to be able to get your story straight; was racism driven into extinction or does it still thrive? I guess that depends on the point you are trying to make.

I don't hate, dumbass, I just have nothing but contempt for PC Nazis like you. I have no hat for you than have for the cockroach that crawls from under my stove. I crush it and move on.

Haters are haters JimCrowie and our society no longer tolerates them

It is YOU who is the outcast....not the Gays

I am not an outcast by anyone I give a fuck about, dumbass.

But within 90 years you and your fellow queer cock suckers will be forgotten and no one will even bother to discuss you and your anti-Christian hatred.

You will join the other Nazis and communists in the trash pile of human history and the church will triumph.
Sex is awesome, but life is so much more than sex or sexual preference. "Straight" humans, "homo" humans... They are both equally confused about their sexuality because they both believe that they aren't capable of enjoying sexual encounters with humans outside of their preferred gender.

But just cause' they're confused about their inherant bisexuality doesn't mean they are confused about life, or possess some sort of "disorder."

Nobody is "normal". There is no such thing. The ones who believe themselves to be just tend to be more indoctrinated.

Lol, so it is normal that there is no normal, lolol.

I get it, stupid bitch, you want no moral standards, but no society can endure that way.
Actually, it is those who think as you do who are driven from society

Then we will build a new society as you secularists slaughter each other and have such low birth rates that you put yourselves into extinction. You guys cant function without honest people around you, though you would like to think otherwise.

This is why, though h atheist communists took 100%of all power in he Soviet Union, with no opponent left in any even remotest corner, within 90 years they were overturned and the church triumphant over them. And it want the limpristic phony Christians that regained control. It was the old hoarey version Russian Orthodox church that stayed true to its beliefs tat returned to power.

So even if you were right, which you wont be, but even if you were, it wouldnt last long, and the church will return triumphant once again and truly dance on you grave.

It happened with the racists in the 50s and 60s and it is happening to the fag haters now.

Back to equating black to queers, lol, and he bros just love that shit, lol. /s

So it is your contention that racism has been defeated and no longer exists? Lo, you liars on the left never seem to be able to get your story straight; was racism driven into extinction or does it still thrive? I guess that depends on the point you are trying to make.

I don't hate, dumbass, I just have nothing but contempt for PC Nazis like you. I have no hat for you than have for the cockroach that crawls from under my stove. I crush it and move on.

Oh? When will you be leaving? Maybe you can all migrate to Texas and finally get them to secede and have your own lovely little country with all the lovely little laws YOU want. That would be just fine.

Lol, no, we will remain in the USA and rebuild it when libtards like you have decimated your own numbers and your minority allies have finally abandoned you in disgust.
My attitude towards them is the same as my attitude towards bulimics or other eating disorders. They are reproductive dysfunctionals. No reason to hate or support what they do, either one. Plenty of reason though to stop their subculture from taking over what we describe as normal reproductive behaviors.

Bulimics' "eating orientation" means throwing up after they eat in an addictive quest to stay thin. Doesn't mean we have to force restaurant owners to provide vomit urns because of their learned behavioral dysfunction. Likewise, we don't have to retool our society's description of the reproductive pair we want to elevate as "only legitimately married", to include those people incapable of reproducing 100% of the time.

You don't throw up your food habitually after you eat and get society's stamp of "normal". Likewise, you don't try to reproduce with another man's lower digestive tract and call that "sex" and get society's stamp of "normal" via marriage.

I totally agree and find the comparison to the digestive system very illuminating.

One day we will wake up and realize how precious human life really is again, and abortion and homosexual militancy will voluntarily vanish over night from shame, believe it or not.

Actually, it is those like you that will disappear

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

My attitude is they are what they are. It's not about what they should be allowed to do. It's a free country so they can and should do whatever they want.

But I don't for one second buy into the "equality" argument. Gays are not equal to heteros. The two sets of unions are completely different. There was never any reason to change the generally accepted definition of marriage as a man and woman to include something else. A civil union with the same rights would have been just fine because it is in fact something different. The only reason to change marriage to include gays is to try and pretend it's the same thing. It's not. That's a fact.

However, it is what it is and marriage is in fact changing to include unions other than one man/one woman. But that will not change the fact that coming out of the closet will always be met with disappointment for one's family members - mainly parents. It will always take one man and one woman to propagate and normal hetero guys will always find two men kissing disgusting. That is human nature and it won't change with the definition of marriage.

My answer always seems to piss people off. But it is the truth.
The only ones that really bother me are the flashy ones. The ones who love the attention.
All homos need be locked up so they can receive treatment for their mental illness.

Those who are cured of their affection can be released back into society.

The incurable homos should stay incarcerated for reasons of public safety.

It's the most humane thing to do. .. :cool:

I don't see how locking up gay men and women in confinement with each other will cure them on their 'illness"

In fact there's plenty of gay sex going on in prison and that's what straight men...

good job, you pretty much gave them their fantasy.
Then we will build a new society as you secularists slaughter each other and have such low birth rates that you put yourselves into extinction. You guys cant function without honest people around you, though you would like to think otherwise.

This is why, though h atheist communists took 100%of all power in he Soviet Union, with no opponent left in any even remotest corner, within 90 years they were overturned and the church triumphant over them. And it want the limpristic phony Christians that regained control. It was the old hoarey version Russian Orthodox church that stayed true to its beliefs tat returned to power.

So even if you were right, which you wont be, but even if you were, it wouldnt last long, and the church will return triumphant once again and truly dance on you grave.

Back to equating black to queers, lol, and he bros just love that shit, lol. /s

So it is your contention that racism has been defeated and no longer exists? Lo, you liars on the left never seem to be able to get your story straight; was racism driven into extinction or does it still thrive? I guess that depends on the point you are trying to make.

I don't hate, dumbass, I just have nothing but contempt for PC Nazis like you. I have no hat for you than have for the cockroach that crawls from under my stove. I crush it and move on.

Oh? When will you be leaving? Maybe you can all migrate to Texas and finally get them to secede and have your own lovely little country with all the lovely little laws YOU want. That would be just fine.

Lol, no, we will remain in the USA and rebuild it when libtards like you have decimated your own numbers and your minority allies have finally abandoned you in disgust.

You will have a long wait....sure you'll still be mobile by then? :D
Sex is awesome, but life is so much more than sex or sexual preference. "Straight" humans, "homo" humans... They are both equally confused about their sexuality because they both believe that they aren't capable of enjoying sexual encounters with humans outside of their preferred gender.

But just cause' they're confused about their inherant bisexuality doesn't mean they are confused about life, or possess some sort of "disorder."

Nobody is "normal". There is no such thing. The ones who believe themselves to be just tend to be more indoctrinated.

Lol, so it is normal that there is no normal, lolol.

I get it, stupid bitch, you want no moral standards, but no society can endure that way.

My morality has nothing to do with society and everything to do with me. I understand morality better than you think... and I am far beyond Good and Evil.

So embrace your "moral standards" for all I care, TinyJim. It gives people like me something to exploit and take advantage of.

Its probably for the best that society does not fully adopt my mindset :) A select few humans would evolve to become like Gods while the rest of the humans would be obliterated or enslaved.
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Sex is awesome, but life is so much more than sex or sexual preference. "Straight" humans, "homo" humans... They are both equally confused about their sexuality because they both believe that they aren't capable of enjoying sexual encounters with humans outside of their preferred gender.

But just cause' they're confused about their inherant bisexuality doesn't mean they are confused about life, or possess some sort of "disorder."

Nobody is "normal". There is no such thing. The ones who believe themselves to be just tend to be more indoctrinated.

Lol, so it is normal that there is no normal, lolol.

I get it, stupid bitch, you want no moral standards, but no society can endure that way.

My morality has nothing to do with society and everything to do with me. I understand morality better than you think... and I am far beyond Good and Evil.

So embrace your "moral standards" for all I care, TinyJim. It gives people like me something to exploit and take advantage of.

Its probably for the best that society does not fully adopt my mindset :) A select few humans would evolve to become like Gods while the rest of the humans would be obliterated or enslaved.

Making yourself your own standard for morality is the core and essence of evil andalways as been. Thus Alister Crowley said, 'Go and do what thou will.' was the core of his evil religion.

You admit to what you don't realize is evil, how typical.
Oh? When will you be leaving? Maybe you can all migrate to Texas and finally get them to secede and have your own lovely little country with all the lovely little laws YOU want. That would be just fine.

Lol, no, we will remain in the USA and rebuild it when libtards like you have decimated your own numbers and your minority allies have finally abandoned you in disgust.

You will have a long wait....sure you'll still be mobile by then? :D

Mobile enough, bitch.

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