What Are The Republicans CURRENTLY Doing To Imrprove The Economy?

The economy has ALWAYS grown under Democratic Presidents and policies and have ALWAYS gone down under Republican Presidents and policies, most recently with Reagan and Bush II.
Since I have the data in front of me and find some amusement in exposing partisan bigots for what they are....

1-20-1953 $378.4B
1-20-1961 $528.0B
Ike: Increase

1-20-1969 $960.9B
1-20-1977 $1884.9B
Nixon/Ford: Increase

Table 1.1.5
None of that occurred under Bush I, II nor under Reagan, which were the ones I listed purporsefully.


The interesting thing is how you skipped right over the post that showed the increase under all three of those presidents.
You're starting from the false premise that Obama's policies make the economy weaker.

How is the economy stronger. I'd really like to know.

The economy has ALWAYS grown under Democratic Presidents and policies and have ALWAYS gone down under Republican Presidents and policies, most recently with Reagan and Bush II.

You would do well not to use absolute terms such as always. You would be surprised as to what you might actually learn.
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Since I have the data in front of me and find some amusement in exposing partisan bigots for what they are....

1-20-1953 $378.4B
1-20-1961 $528.0B
Ike: Increase

1-20-1969 $960.9B
1-20-1977 $1884.9B
Nixon/Ford: Increase

Table 1.1.5
None of that occurred under Bush I, II nor under Reagan, which were the ones I listed purporsefully.
Nowhere near as interesting as the fact that you ignored the post where I listed the GDP growth under Reagan/Bush/Bush...

1-20-1980 $2915.3B
1-20-1989 $5581.7B
Answer: Up

1-20-1989 $5581.7B
1-20-1993 $6493.6B
Answer: Up

Under Bush II, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?
1-20-2001 $10129.8B
1-20-2009 $14081.7B
Answer: Up

-You- said:
The economy has ALWAYS...gone down under Republican Presidents and policies
-I- have proven otherwise.

So, you either lied, or spoke from abject ignorance.
Either way, you're proven wrong.
All that remains now is for you to be honest enough to admit it.

I'm, just curious as to why marc left the building after you reposted this info. :confused:
Under Reagan, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Bush I, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Bush II, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Clinton, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Obama, has the economy gone up or down from the beginning of his term to date?

Starting to see a pattern here?

Economic growth is irrelevant. What matters more is genuine prosperity, which is economic prosperity which is not fueled by an asset bubble.

Not a single President you have listed governed in a time of genuine prosperity.
None of that occurred under Bush I, II nor under Reagan, which were the ones I listed purporsefully.
Nowhere near as interesting as the fact that you ignored the post where I listed the GDP growth under Reagan/Bush/Bush...

1-20-1980 $2915.3B
1-20-1989 $5581.7B
Answer: Up

1-20-1989 $5581.7B
1-20-1993 $6493.6B
Answer: Up

1-20-2001 $10129.8B
1-20-2009 $14081.7B
Answer: Up

-You- said:
The economy has ALWAYS...gone down under Republican Presidents and policies
-I- have proven otherwise.

So, you either lied, or spoke from abject ignorance.
Either way, you're proven wrong.
All that remains now is for you to be honest enough to admit it.

I'm, just curious as to why marc left the building after you reposted this info. :confused:
He's trying to figure out why his house of cards fell through when he thought he had the perfect plan to do in Republicans. :thup:
What Are The Republicans CURRENTLY Doing To Imrprove The Economy?
I'll take a wild guess & say- zilch :)

Which of course is why many bills passed by the House, sit on the Senate desk controlled by (D) Harry Reid, gathering dust.

Y'all want to play the partisan game.
Nothing sweeter than sour grapes when M-14 Shooter's Light of Truth shot down the little fibbie and took out the big lie. :lmao:
Since I have the data in front of me and find some amusement in exposing partisan bigots for what they are....

1-20-1953 $378.4B
1-20-1961 $528.0B
Ike: Increase

1-20-1969 $960.9B
1-20-1977 $1884.9B
Nixon/Ford: Increase

Table 1.1.5
None of that occurred under Bush I, II nor under Reagan, which were the ones I listed purporsefully.
Nowhere near as interesting as the fact that you ignored the post where I listed the GDP growth under Reagan/Bush/Bush...

1-20-1980 $2915.3B
1-20-1989 $5581.7B
Answer: Up

1-20-1989 $5581.7B
1-20-1993 $6493.6B
Answer: Up

Under Bush II, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?
1-20-2001 $10129.8B
1-20-2009 $14081.7B
Answer: Up

-You- said:
The economy has ALWAYS...gone down under Republican Presidents and policies
-I- have proven otherwise.

So, you either lied, or spoke from abject ignorance.
Either way, you're proven wrong.
All that remains now is for you to be honest enough to admit it.


And here I am repless

Marc, probably, won't be back.
Or, if he is, he'll conveniently scroll right past this reply
OK, so you're going to ignore Meister and MeBelle60's posts. An interesting debating tactic to be sure. I would still like to know why the economic onus doesn't fall to the party that runs most of the government but so be it. Your question should really be," Ok guys, how do we go around the biggest spending president of all time so we can extinguish Obamacare which has kept businesses and investors from spending money and hiring"? Yea, I know, you don't consider this a "legitimate" response and so be it. If you did consider my views "legitimate" I suspect you would just ignore this post anyway....sigh... where's the love?
Neat trick.

You're starting from the false premise that Obama's policies make the economy weaker.

The economy has ALWAYS grown under Democratic Presidents and policies and have ALWAYS gone down under Republican Presidents and policies, most recently with Reagan and Bush II.

But yet, everyone must start off with the false premise that you're pushing.

I mean....c'mon.


FALSE?....Hmm. In what way has the economy strengthened other than by normal economic forces. Because in spite of waht YOU believe, the only way government can help the economy is by leaving it alone. Case and point, during the Clinton years that President paid heed to his economic advisers and let the economy flourish on it's own.
Obama has tried to 'fix' the economy and as always, the opposite occurs.
In actuality, Obama's policies have the sole purpose of using the federal reserve to print dollars as a means to prevent the economy from doing what it should. That is go over the cliff so it can rebound. QE I, II and III are prime examples. There is NO WAY the federal government should be buying up securities with 'fake' money.
The economy has ALWAYS grown under Democratic Presidents and policies and have ALWAYS gone down under Republican Presidents and policies, most recently with Reagan and Bush II.
Funny how you say this, and then talk about someone else posting a false premise.
Under Reagan, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Bush I, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Bush II, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Clinton, did the economy go up or down from the beginning to the end of his term?

Under Obama, has the economy gone up or down from the beginning of his term to date?

Starting to see a pattern here?

Pattern? These are statements disguised as questions with the purpose of eliciting a pre-determined response.
You are in such a froth that you are using improper context....Economies do not 'go up' or 'go down'. An economy expands or contracts.
any of them for that matter.

working and paying taxes.

How does paying taxes help the economy?

Paying taxes keeps federal government workers employed to where they get a pay-check and distribute that money through out our economy--thereby stimulating it. And of course paying taxes keeps all you dead beats from starving.


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