What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

Prog women are supposed to be so intelligent and strong. Unwanted pregnancies should not exist.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted pregancy."

Any women who gets pregnant intended to do so.

Between 10,000 forms of birth control, to the morning after pill, to plan B, there is NO reason any women would have an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

The ghouls love abortion, but is has NOTHING to do with unwanted pregnancy.
The extreme unpopularity of Trump's conservative Court grew in intensity today.

Following the shooting massacres in Buffalo and Uvalde as well as others, the Court expanded gun rights. One can now carry a loaded gun in plain view down Fifth Avenue in New York. What kind of person would want to do such a thing?

Following that fateful decision, the Court made an extremely unpopular decision today.

CNN explains, "The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion.

"The opinion is the most consequential Supreme Court decision in decades and will transform the landscape of women’s reproductive health in America.

"Going forward, abortion rights will be determined by states, unless Congress acts.  Already, nearly half of the states have or will pass laws that ban abortion while others have enacted strict measures regulating the procedure."

There are hundreds of reasons why this decision was a poor one, and many of them will become clear in the coming months as chaos reigns. Here are a few.

The Court argued that the right to an abortion is not in the Constitution. The enormous duplicity of this statement by the Supreme Court is egregious. The American people have hundreds of rights that are not enumerated in the Constitution. The statement is downright ludicrous, damaging the reputation of the Court.

This is the first time in its history that the Supreme Court has removed a fundamental right, the right of a woman to make her own decisions regarding her health and well-being.

The Court is imposing its religious view on the American people.

The Court determined that the government is in control of a woman's health when it involves a pregnancy. The woman and her doctor do not decide her fate. The state does.

Oklahoma has made abortion a criminal act, punishable by a prison term. If a woman from Oklahoma goes to New York where abortion is legal, can Oklahoma charge the person who performed the abortion?

The Court's obsession with its religious view on abortion overrode all other considerations.

This is Trump's legacy and the Republican Party is solely responsible. It will take a federal law to restore a woman's right to make health decisions. Keep that in mind when you vote in November. It will require 60 votes in the Senate to override Republican opposition to the legislation.
Have you read Thomas's opinion? He is crazier than a shithouse rat.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted pregancy."

Any women who gets pregnant intended to do so.

Between 10,000 forms of birth control, to the morning after pill, to plan B, there is NO reason any women would have an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

The ghouls love abortion, but is has NOTHING to do with unwanted pregnancy.
Don't kid yourself, plan B is now illegal in several states, IUD's are borderline, and Thomas himself is willing to reexamine the decision in the 60's that legalized birth control for married couples. Prepare to return to the Dark Ages.
Don't kid yourself, plan B is now illegal in several states,

That's a fucking lie - but you Nazis do nothing but lie.

IUD's are borderline, and Thomas himself is willing to reexamine the decision in the 60's that legalized birth control for married couples. Prepare to return to the Dark Ages.

Fucking liars - you can't deal with reality because it doesn't support your agenda.

Nothing you posted has any basis in truth.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted" pregnancy.

Any woman - and wait - you Nazi fucks hate women and claim men get pregnant - but no woman gets pregnant unless she chooses to.
That doesn’t actually address the point. If you caused this sort of pregnancy- whatever you want to call it - you would be begging for an abortion. Just admit it. We all know you would. You’re all hypocritical douche bags lol
We may lose Hispanic votes over this. Many of them are very religious and oppose abortion

1 in 4 women has an abortion before age 40. Every woman knows someone who had an abortion that save their lives, either on account of rape, abuse, or other factors.

WOMEN ARE PISSED AS HELL, AND YOU'VE LOST ALL OF THEIR VOTES. This will be like 2018 all over again.
bullshit. the effects will be devastating.

simply? that's even more bullshit. what if one has no car? what if one has no extra funds for gas, food, lodging - on top of the ability to take even more time off, on top of paying for the procedure?

thats a lot of what ifs! What if people now had a chance to vote on what they want where they live? Then Americans can have abortions or not, if thats what they choose. maybe people whoo feel everyone should have th eright for an abortion, no matter what, can band together, start a movement, create a fund so that you can pay the airfare for that person who cant leave state to get an abortion... you can pay for their food and lodging as well. thats democracy at work. Intimidating and threatening SC judges is NOT. If you cant agree with that, then youll have to shut up when right wing mobs go after Liberal Judges when they someday pass some legislation, the right wingers find abhorent to their rights. Cant have it both ways, so leaving it up to the democratic process is the right way.
with the left protesting the SC decision on Roe V Wade bringing abortion into the spotlight of the political spectrum... democrats outrage about the weakening of abortion on demand may cost them votes in the upcoming elections ! what many of us know is that many people are uninformed politically and they vote the way they vote because .... well its a tradition .. mom, dad,and grandparents vote a certain way and their children vote the way they do .. like it or not many voters are uninformed .. and what many of these voters dont realize is that abortion is pushed encouraged and promoted by one party ... the democratic party ... there are many religious demographics blacks , hispanics , and whites that vote democrat that didnt realize that abortion is supported by one major political party and one party only ! many said voters believed that abortion was the law of the land and no party had an opinion opposing or supporting said practice .. but that has changed now with the lefts outrage at the abortion decision . many of said voters will be shocked that the party they have been supporting upholds abortion on demand ! and many of these people will feel obligated through religious beliefs to no longer support the democratic party at the voting booth ! there are many [millions] of religious people that did not realize they were voting for a party that supports killing the unborn on demand . the more democrats scream and shine the spotlight on their support of abortion the more of those previously uninformed voters they will lose ... dont believe it ? if and when the lefts hits the streets in protests and violence they vast majority of said protesters will be white !


That's a fucking lie - but you Nazis do nothing but lie.

Fucking liars - you can't deal with reality because it doesn't support your agenda.

Nothing you posted has any basis in truth.
Louisiana has banned even ordering Plan B by mail. Planned parenthood of Wisconsin claims Plan B is illegal there now, same for Texas. Merrick Garland issued an advisory telling states not to ban Plan B but he has no real jurisdiction. And unlike you, I have read Thomas's opinion. Yes, everything from legal birth control to gay marriage is now on the block, at least according to him. Some of us knew he had no place on the court decades ago.
1 in 4 women has an abortion before age 40. Every woman knows someone who had an abortion that save their lives, either on account of rape, abuse, or other factors.

WOMEN ARE PISSED AS HELL, AND YOU'VE LOST ALL OF THEIR VOTES. This will be like 2018 all over again.

Hey foreign freakazoid, pregnancy is not a terminal condition.


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