What are the 7 best countries in the world ??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I decided 3 Asian and 4 Whites

Not in any order !!

Switzerland , Norway , Denmark , NZ
Singapore,S Korea and Japan

The worst !! Saudi Arabia , Russia , USA, China etc
Depends on what you like. New Zealand is pretty and pastoral, not a lot to do there. If you like technocratic and safe Singapore or South Korea. The rest are pretty boring.
El Salvador has gotten a good handle on their gang problems and corruption. Unfortunately they shipped it to us.

Lot of potential there.

Not quite accurate. President Bukele's tremendous new Cecot Penitentiary is doing a tremendous job of bottling up the gangstas their fabulous nation. None of them are being shipped to America.

The only downside for USA is that gangstas are bypassing the realm of The Savior and many are just coming here because of the US's soft on crime approach in our Urban Hellholes.
You have to define what's "best" in a country, if you can. The U.S. is the only country in the world that has guaranteed written freedoms listed in the1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution aka the "Bill of Rights". Mostly the modern pop educated liberal left considers that to be a minus rather than a plus in the "best" category so the survey is moot.
"Out of the very stones [Arabs] will fabricate such a tower of falsehoods that you can only stand and gape in wonder and admiration at their fruitful invention." --Isabel Burton

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” – Houari Boumedienne, President of Algeria, at the U.N. in 1974

“I have been made victorious through terror.” – (Bukhari 4.52.220 - Mohammad)
Singapore, Switzerland, Iceland, Taiwan, Norway, Finland, Sweden.

ive been to Singapore, worked with Finland. The others just a guess? I would say Germany but it got destroyed since wokeism and globalist got into power during Obiden 1.0
I ignore current temporary conditions and consider what countries have been for centuries, and what they are likely to be centuries ahead.

Japan could be one. It has fascinating folklore. It has some severe challenges ahead. Most of its population will probably emigrate, since it doesn't have enough arable land. Seafood will be much harder to get as ships run out of fuel, climate change acidifies the ocean, and many starving nations overfish everywhere. It might get wrecked in a war with China. If it survives those challenges, then the Japanese future looks fine, eventually.

Russia will eventually shake off the European influence and develop its own Russian culture, based on sobornost.

At least one, maybe several South American countries fit here. Climate change could make more of Argentina habitable. Like Russia, they all need to drop European customs and start doing what works in South America.

The USA nation is temporary, like all nations, but the spirit, character, nature, etc. of the country will remain when the nation is gone. This is several countries temporarily in one nation. Each country has its own spirit.

And maybe a couple more Asian countries.
Interesting to note that all those countries (mostly) liberals seem to favor protect their borders. The U.S. probably has more illegal criminal aliens running around than the entire populations of places like Denmark and Swizerland. If you love the U.S., fight to protect the borders.

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