"We’ve got to abandon this idea that this virus is contained"

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Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2015
Yeah, well no shit. It isn't contained, has never been contained, and likely isn't going to be.

People should have been told this weeks ago and maybe they wouldn't be losing their ever-loving minds.

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

Yahoo FinanceMarch 13, 2020, 1:35 pm
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19, also known as the new coronavirus, to be a pandemic on March 11.

The virus has killed thousands of people worldwide, with over 135,000 confirmed cases and over 5,000 deaths. Public reaction has been mixed — many people have been rushing to grocery stores to stock up for a potential quarantine, while others have called the responses to be an overreaction.

According to Dr. Marty Makary, a medical professor at Johns Hopkins University, the coronavirus is something that “people need to take seriously.”

“I’m concerned when I hear a neighbor or a friend say that they’re planning to go to a kid’s swim meet in three weeks or going on vacation next week,” Makary said on Yahoo Finance’s “On the Move” (video above) on Friday. “No — we’re about to experience the worst public health epidemic since polio"

‘Don’t believe the numbers you see’

In the U.S. there are over 1,600 confirmed cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with 41 deaths. Makary said that the number of cases, though, is likely much higher.

“Don’t believe the numbers when you see, even on our Johns Hopkins website, that 1,600 Americans have the virus,” he said. “No, that means 1,600 got the test, tested positive. There are probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed.”

He added: “I think we have between 50,000 and half a million cases right now walking around in the United States.”

Part of the reason the number of cases might be higher without people realizing it is because of the shortage of coronavirus testing kits from the CDC. Between Jan. 18 and March 12, there were 13,624 tests for COVID-19 conducted in the U.S. Meanwhile, South Korea has conducted over 100,000 tests, and the U.K. has tested nearly 25,000 people.

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”

Despite issues with having enough testing kits for coronavirus, Makary said this didn’t change how he and other health professionals have been treating their patients.

“If we see you with coronavirus, we treat you the same regardless of that test result,” he said. “If it’s influenza or coronavirus, we give you respiratory support when it is needed. We recommend the same precautions. It’s helpful to mitigate the spread but that’s where the testing situation stands now.”

‘We could see 200,000 new patients ... up to 2 million’

There are other ways to slow down the contagion that don’t involve a medical background, like regularly washing your hands, avoiding touching your face, and practicing social distancing. This can help ease the burden on health care workers and try to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed with patients.

“Our American hospitals have had very little room to take on increased capacity,” Makary said. “Most ICUs function at full capacity or near full capacity. We only have 100,000 ICU beds in the United States. We could see 200,000 new patients that need critical care up to 2 million.”

In Italy, some hospitals in the northern region, which has been hit the hardest in the country by coronavirus, are on the verge of running out of beds. According to the Washington Post, the hospitals have been able to manage so far “by delaying surgeries, stopping HIV treatments, converting regular hospital space into COVID-19 units, and depending on exhausted doctors and nurses — some of whom are becoming sick themselves.”

“We’re watching what’s happening in Italy very closely,” Makary said. “China was not transparent. Iran was not transparent. But Italy has been extremely transparent, and what we’re seeing there is a hospital system that’s entirely overrun, even with the quarantine, which we have not done. So I think we need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

That means stopping nonessential activities and travel for as long as needed to contain the spread of the virus, he said, along with working from home.

“Look, we’ve got to abandon this idea that this virus is contained,” Makary said. “It is at large, and assume it’s on every door handle and on every car door and with every handshake.”

Ok. Since we haven't had to deal with anything like this in modern times to the extent that it is, then consider it a trial run. I don't care what plan goes forward in any thing that you do--you aren't going to be able to find the problem areas until you put it into action.
I guess, based on the hysteria, we have to shut the world down. Let's start a petition. Stop the world and let me off.

Ok. Since we haven't had to deal with anything like this in modern times to the extent that it is, then consider it a trial run. I don't care what plan goes forward in any thing that you do--you aren't going to be able to find the problem areas until you put it into action.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.

This situation is fluid and unpredictable.

People have made mistakes and there will be more of them.

I guess I'm just of the opinion that people need to know the truth so we can go about getting our feet back on the ground.

Were fighting the virus and panic. One of those can be ameliorated, imo, by telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
I guess, based on the hysteria, we have to shut the world down. Let's start a petition. Stop the world and let me off.

Yeah, the panic factor is utterly goofy.
Yeah. I'm watching everything getting shut down in my area and who is being sent home and who is not.

On the one hand, I'm not giving in to paranoia. On the other hand:

:dunno: Really? You ran out of fucks to give already? Did you attach them all to the testing kits?
Ok. Since we haven't had to deal with anything like this in modern times to the extent that it is, then consider it a trial run. I don't care what plan goes forward in any thing that you do--you aren't going to be able to find the problem areas until you put it into action.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.

This situation is fluid and unpredictable.

People have made mistakes and there will be more of them.

I guess I'm just of the opinion that people need to know the truth so we can go about getting our feet back on the ground.

Were fighting the virus and panic. One of those can be ameliorated, imo, by telling people what the real score is, so to speak.

I agree. I also think that you have a large group of people that lack medical care to begin with and healthy people can become carriers. That's huge.
This will run its course throughout the world despite any efforts by any government.
Best we can do is protect the immune suppressed until a vaccine is developed. A nationwide shutdown will do nothing to stop it.

The current panic of a possible quarantine has folks crowding the stores hoarding supplies. So much for avoiding crowds. This panic will do more to spread it. Thank the hyperventilating media for that.
telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.
I guess, based on the hysteria, we have to shut the world down. Let's start a petition. Stop the world and let me off.

Yeah, the panic factor is utterly goofy.

There isn't go to be a bailout big enough for the wreckage being caused. How many restaurants alone will be forced out of business? You just cancelled 8% of the dairy market.
telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.

I don't know what the 'real score' is, but to me it looks like this is far more widespread here in the US than people think, based on the numbers we've been given and assurances that this is under control.

I think part of what is causing people to be panicking is that they're starting to realize it isn't under control, so they see this as a breakdown and potential collapse of basic systems.

We see people hoarding water. I saw it first hand in a store yesterday. People rolling out with carts just loaded with water. Will the taps stop working or something. People just don't know what to expect, as their expectations based on what they're being told, have been that this will be stopped, so they are acting irrationally.

So, when I say they need to know the 'real score' it is about resetting those expectations. They should realize this is more widespread than they think and likely to spread further.

That will take some digesting I imagine, but if their expectations are more realistic I think the panic factor going forward will be reduced at least for some people, as then when the numbers start to rise, which is almost certain as testing numbers climb, these won't be surprises for them and they won't view them as utter failures of the system, but something that was actually expected.

We can't do much about the virus in the near term except try to slow it and protect the most at risk. We can do something about the panic factor I think by looping people into the fact that there are likely already far more people infected than we currently know, and that this is likely to spread. Knowledge is power and all that jazz...
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telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.

I don't know what the 'real score' is, but to me it looks like this is far more widespread here in the US than people think, based on the numbers we've been given and assurances that this is under control.

I think part of what is causing people to be panicking is that they're starting to realize it isn't under control, so they see this as a breakdown and potential collapse of basic systems.

We see people hoarding water. I saw it first hand in a store yesterday. People rolling out with carts just loaded with water. Will the taps stop working or something. People just don't know what to expect, as their expectations based on what they're being told, have been that this will be stopped.

So, when I say they need to know the 'real score' it is about resetting those expectations. They should realize this is more widespread than they think and likely to spread further.

That will take some digesting I imagine, but if their expectations are more realistic I think the panic factor going forward will be reduced at least for some people, as then when the numbers start to rise, which is almost certain as testing numbers climb, these won't be surprises for them and they won't view them as utter failures of the system, but something that was actually expected.

We can't do much about the virus in the near term except try to slow it and protect the most at risk. We can do something about the panic factor I think by looping people into the fact that this is likely to spread. Knowledge is power and all that jazz...
I really don't get the water thing.
If there was a nationwide quarantine, there would still be power of course. Meaning wells could still fill storage towers and those like me with a private well would have endless water.

These idiots expect a complete lack of services? Loss of power?
Complete civil breakdown?

If that's the case, ammo would be more prudent to have on hand. I got plenty of that.
telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.

I don't know what the 'real score' is, but to me it looks like this is far more widespread here in the US than people think, based on the numbers we've been given and assurances that this is under control.

I think part of what is causing people to be panicking is that they're starting to realize it isn't under control, so they see this as a breakdown and potential collapse of basic systems.

We see people hoarding water. I saw it first hand in a store yesterday. People rolling out with carts just loaded with water. Will the taps stop working or something. People just don't know what to expect, as their expectations based on what they're being told, have been that this will be stopped, so they are acting irrationally.

So, when I say they need to know the 'real score' it is about resetting those expectations. They should realize this is more widespread than they think and likely to spread further.

That will take some digesting I imagine, but if their expectations are more realistic I think the panic factor going forward will be reduced at least for some people, as then when the numbers start to rise, which is almost certain as testing numbers climb, these won't be surprises for them and they won't view them as utter failures of the system, but something that was actually expected.

We can't do much about the virus in the near term except try to slow it and protect the most at risk. We can do something about the panic factor I think by looping people into the fact that there are likely already far more people infected than we currently know, and that this is likely to spread. Knowledge is power and all that jazz...
If it is more widespread and deaths remain low perhaps that's reason not to panic
telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.

I don't know what the 'real score' is, but to me it looks like this is far more widespread here in the US than people think, based on the numbers we've been given and assurances that this is under control.

I think part of what is causing people to be panicking is that they're starting to realize it isn't under control, so they see this as a breakdown and potential collapse of basic systems.

We see people hoarding water. I saw it first hand in a store yesterday. People rolling out with carts just loaded with water. Will the taps stop working or something. People just don't know what to expect, as their expectations based on what they're being told, have been that this will be stopped, so they are acting irrationally.

So, when I say they need to know the 'real score' it is about resetting those expectations. They should realize this is more widespread than they think and likely to spread further.

That will take some digesting I imagine, but if their expectations are more realistic I think the panic factor going forward will be reduced at least for some people, as then when the numbers start to rise, which is almost certain as testing numbers climb, these won't be surprises for them and they won't view them as utter failures of the system, but something that was actually expected.

We can't do much about the virus in the near term except try to slow it and protect the most at risk. We can do something about the panic factor I think by looping people into the fact that there are likely already far more people infected than we currently know, and that this is likely to spread. Knowledge is power and all that jazz...
If it is more widespread and deaths remain low perhaps that's reason not to panic
telling people what the real score is, so to speak.
What do you think the real score is? Personally, I'll have to go into conspiracy theory mode to even attempt to assign a score.
But, it's a strain of flu. Period. Some will get sick, some will die and even more won't be affected in the least bit.

I said when this shit first started it was bad for China and could possibly shut down their economy. I never dreamed that idiots in this part of the world would succumb to the mass hysteria by shutting down everything that makes money.

Since the idiots (msn) has taken control it's not surprising the only entity allowed to "fix" anything is the fed gov't and since Pelosi ites are in control of the purse strings guess who gets shafted? This "new bill" (has to be passed to be read type shit, as usual) will only expand the fed gov't's authority to waaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond anything ever envisioned. We know that once the fed gov't starts something it never ends- think about that when you use the word "contain" to describe a strain of the flu.

I don't know what the 'real score' is, but to me it looks like this is far more widespread here in the US than people think, based on the numbers we've been given and assurances that this is under control.

I think part of what is causing people to be panicking is that they're starting to realize it isn't under control, so they see this as a breakdown and potential collapse of basic systems.

We see people hoarding water. I saw it first hand in a store yesterday. People rolling out with carts just loaded with water. Will the taps stop working or something. People just don't know what to expect, as their expectations based on what they're being told, have been that this will be stopped.

So, when I say they need to know the 'real score' it is about resetting those expectations. They should realize this is more widespread than they think and likely to spread further.

That will take some digesting I imagine, but if their expectations are more realistic I think the panic factor going forward will be reduced at least for some people, as then when the numbers start to rise, which is almost certain as testing numbers climb, these won't be surprises for them and they won't view them as utter failures of the system, but something that was actually expected.

We can't do much about the virus in the near term except try to slow it and protect the most at risk. We can do something about the panic factor I think by looping people into the fact that this is likely to spread. Knowledge is power and all that jazz...
I really don't get the water thing.
If there was a nationwide quarantine, there would still be power of course. Meaning wells could still fill storage towers and those like me with a private well would have endless water.

These idiots expect a complete lack of services? Loss of power?
Complete civil breakdown?

If that's the case, ammo would be more prudent to have on hand. I got plenty of that.

Exactly. This is not armageddon.
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